NAMESof each personwho abode thereinthe previous night.






NAMESof each personwho abode thereinthe previous night.




Uninhabitedor Building


Whether Bornin same County

Whether Born inScotland, Ireland,or Foreign Parts.

Uninhabitedor Building


Whether Bornin same County

Whether Born in
Scotland, Ireland,or Foreign Parts.





Water St 1 Benjamin Moorey 40 Stocking Weaver No Raſsbottom Street 1 Henry Heap 40 Publican No
Maria Moorey 30 Yes Mary Heap 30 No
John Moorey 12 Yes Robert Heap 10 No
Joseph Moorey 10 Yes John Heap 9 No
Thomas Moorey 9 Yes \ Edward Heap months     6 Yes
Ann Moorey 6 Yes Edward Heap 30 M S No
\\ William Moorey months   10 Yes Betty Waterhouse 22 F S No
1 Esther Ousey 85 Ind No Selina Bowers 10 F S No
\\ James Ousey 46 Coachman Yes \\ Cephus Hadfield 30 M S No
Ousey's Yard 1 Mary Green 65 Lodging House Keeper I Raſsbottom Street 1 James Penny 35 Tailor Yes
Bridget Green 20 F S I Mary Penny 35 No
3 U Margaret Green 24 I Ann Penny 15 Yes
James Green 20 Cotton Worker I Moses Penny 14 Yes
Thomas Green 14 I William Penny 10 Yes
William Green 3 Yes \\ Joseph Penny 5 Yes
\\ Walter Green 2 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 Judson Ousey 24 Coachman Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 William Wright 25 Shopkeeper Yes Ellen Ousey 25 Yes
Nanny Wright 25 Yes Jane Ousey 2 Yes
Joseph Wright 5 Yes \\ Elizabeth Ousey weeks    8 Yes
John Wright 3 Yes 1 Isaac Walton 50 Butcher Yes
\\ Sarah Ann Wright months    3 Yes James Walton 50 Butcher Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 U 1 Saml Marsland 25 Butcher Yes Eliz ath Hills 30 F S No
Sarah Marsland 25 No \\ Mally Hills 60 Ind No
\ Sarah Marsland months    2 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 John Cheetham 40 Draper Yes
1 U \\ Hannah Marsland 15 Elizabeth Cheetham 40 Yes
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George Cheetham 15 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 Margaret Shaw 65 Ind Yes
Sarah Cheetham 15 Yes \\ Sarah Shaw 35 Bonnet Maker Yes
William Cheetham 12 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 1 Henry Johnson 50 Sh Yes
Ann Cheetham 10 Yes \ Betty Johnson 50 No
\\ Charles Cheetham 9 Yes Robert Kinder 25 I No
Raſsbottom Street 1 \\ Dakin Cheetham 40 Druggist & Apothecary No Henry Charlesworth 15 Ap No
Raſsbottom Street 1 John Woodhall 24 Chemist Yes \\ Phebe Hurst 20 F S No
Elizabeth Woodhall 24 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 Mary Mather 50 Bonnet Maker No
\ William Woodhall m15 Yes Harriet Mather 20 Yes
Abraham Lee 51 Shopman No \ Ann Mather 15 Yes
Elizabeth Depvale 21 F S No \\ John Hibbert 2 No
\\ Mary Buckley 13 F S Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 Saml Stansfield 83 Shopkeeper No
Raſsbottom Street 1 John Holland 30 M S & Shopman No Jane Stansfield 48 Yes
\ Mary Holland 31 Yes \\ Sarah Stansfield 46 Yes
\\ Caroline Holland 10 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 John Lees 45 Chemist & Druggist Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 George Waterhouse 34 Butcher No Hannah Lees 42 Yes
Betty Waterhouse 30 Yes Maria Lees 25 Yes
William Waterhouse 4 Yes James Lees 22 Yes
\ Edward Waterhouse 2 Yes Letitia Lees 18 Yes
\\ Harriet Hurst 15 F S No Henry Lees 14 Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 William Whitehead 50 S H No Alfred Lees 11 Yes
Hannah Whitehead 50 Yes Charles Lees 6 Yes
Ralph Whitehead 25 Yes \\ Reuben Lees months   12 Yes
Frank Whitehead 15 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 Edward Nuttall 35 Pawnbroker Yes
\\ Jane Whitehead 13 Yes Jane Nuttall 35 Yes
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Raſsbottom Street Elizabeth Nuttall 8 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 Benjamin Buckley 35 Corn Dealer Yes
Patty Nuttall 6 Yes Charlotte Buckley 25 No
\ Richard Nuttall 3 Yes Ann Buckley 55 Yes
\\ Levi Pennington 19 Sh Yes Joseph Buckley 6 Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 Saml Timperley 25 Draper No Jane Buckley 4 Yes
Amelia Timperley 20 Yes \\ Hannah Buckley 1 Yes
James Timperley 2 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 Ralph Wood 25 Draper Yes
\ Edward Timperley m8 Yes \ Hannah Wood 20 Yes
Ralph Bowers 16 Ap No \\ Ann Wood 20 F S
\\ Susanah Brierly 12 F S No Raſsbottom Street 1 John Shaw 40 Draper No
Raſsbottom Street 1 William Southall 30 Shoe M No Alice Shaw 40 No
Mary Southall 14 Yes Ann Shaw 12 Yes
Charles Southall 12 Yes Charles Shaw 10 Yes
\ Mary Southall 9 Yes \ Mary Shaw 4 Yes
William Whitlegg 25 Sh No \\ Mary Taylor 23 F S No
\\ Jane Curley 22 F S I Shaw's Yard 1 Martha Wimpenny 44 Ind Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 Thomas Naylor 40 Shopkeeper Yes \ Edward Wimpenny 15 Cotton Weaver Yes
Hannah Naylor 35 Yes \\ Esekiah Wimpenny 19 Cotton Weaver Yes
Mary Naylor 8 Yes Shaw's Yard 1 Thomas Addy 25 Coal Miner No
Elizabeth Naylor 3 Yes 1 U Sarah Addy 20 Yes
\ Samuel Naylor months   9 Yes Martha Addy 2 Yes
Henry Bardsley 25 J Yes \\ William Addy 9 months Yes
William Whitworth 20 Ap No Shaw's Yard 1 Elizabeth Roberts 40 Cotton Reeler Yes
Richard Bardsley 15 Ap Yes James Roberts 17 Tailor Ap Yes
\\ Jane Mitchell 25 F S No \\ Martha Roberts 19 Cotton Reeler Yes
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Raſsbottom Street 1 Thornton Ousey 29 Artist Yes Raſsbottom Street Samuel Bevan 13 Yes
Annis Ousey 29 No \ Hannah Bevan 11 Yes
\ Mary Ousey 4 Yes Joseph Buckley 35 Butcher Yes
\\ Sarah Schofield 13 F S Yes William Scott 50 Labourer Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 James Hall 45 Grocer Yes \\ George Wild 35 Labourer Yes
\ Elizabeth Hall 45 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 William Waters 40 Labourer I
\\ Sarah Ainsworth 13 F S No Ellen Waters 35 I
Raſsbottom Street 1 \\ John Batty 55 Shopkeeper No Mary Waters 10 Yes
Betty Ousey's Yard 1 Rebekah Ousey 50 Carrier Yes Thomas Waters 8 Yes
Ann Ousey 20 Yes Andrew Waters 6 Yes
Thomas Ousey 17 M S Yes Ellen Waters 4 Yes
George Ousey 15 M S Yes William Waters 2 Yes
\\ Betty Ousey 9 Yes \\ Ann Waters months    3 Yes
Betty Ousey's Yard 1 \\ Henry Gregg 70 Woollen Cloth Dreſser I Raſsbottom Street 1 James Bromly 36 Hatter Yes
Betty Ousey's Yard 1 Martha Bennett 35 Cotton Winder Yes Mary Bromly 34 Yes
\\ James Bennett 25 M S Yes Aaron Bromly 15 Yes
Betty Ousey's Yard 1 Mary Platt 40 Ind Yes Samuel Bromly 10 No
Henry Platt 15 Warp Twiner Yes Elizabeth Bromly 6 Yes
Leah Platt 17 Weaver Yes \\ Mary Ann Bromly months   11 Yes
\ Joseph Platt 10 Yes 1 William Turner 30 Butcher No
Levi Harrop 15 Cotton Weaver Yes Sarah Turner 30 No
Maria Harrop 15 Cotton Weaver Yes \ John Turner 2 Yes
\\ Frances Harrop 15 Cotton Weaver Yes \\ Joseph Turner 35 M S No
Raſsbottom Street 1 James Bevan 45 Blacksmith Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 \ William Middleton 20 Leather Cutter No
Jane Bevan 40 Yes \\ Susana Gee 35 Ind No
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Raſsbottom Street 1 Morris Yacoby 35 Auctioneer F Raſsbottom Street 1 Edwin Ousey 30 Publican Yes
Sarah Yacoby 30 F Rachael Ousey 25 No
Louisa Yacoby 5 No Catharine Ousey 2 Yes
Hannah Yacoby 3 No \ Sarah Ousey months    8 Yes
\ Jenette Yacoby months   18 No William Ousey 15 Yes
\\ Hannah Platt 20 F S No John Ousey 14 Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 \ Moses Thompson 25 Surgeon No George Ousey 60 Cabinet Maker Yes
Susanah Sherriffa 25 F S No William Ousey 15 Yes
\\ Hannah Firth 11 F S No Mary Parkin 40 F S No
Raſsbottom Street 1 Edwin Buckley 30 Publican Yes Eliza Chatterton 15 F S No
Ann Buckley 25 Yes \\ Isaac Ward 30 Coachman No
Charles Buckley 6 Yes Ousey's Court 1 Martha Hallam 50 Ind No
\ Melling Buckley 2 Yes Thomas Hallam 15 Printer's Ap Yes
Hannah Hurst 20 F S No \ Charlotte Hallam 20 Cotton Reeler Yes
\\ Caroline Hurst 20 F S No George Chadwick 19 Cotton Weaver Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 John Kenworthy 65 Grocer No William Whitby 20 Hatter No
Peggy Kenworthy 55 Yes Bridget Shannon 11 I
John Kenworthy 30 Yes Catharine Shannon 7 I
Jane Kenworthy 20 Yes Catharine Ruſsell 20 F S I
William Kenworthy 15 Yes \\ N K weeks   4 Yes
\ Margaret Kenworthy 8 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 John Waterhouse 40 Smallware Dealer Yes
George Banon 20 Ap No \\ Harriet Waterhouse 35 Yes
James Banon 15 Ap No Raſsbottom Street 1 Thomas Marsden 30 Tea Dealer Yes
Francis Bradly 15 M S No Martha Marsden 30 No
\\ Ann Brittons 15 F S No Charles Marsden 5 Yes
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Raſsbottom Street \ Martha Marsden 2 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 John Lawton 48 Corn Dealer Yes
\\ Mary Finns 13 F S Yes Mary Lawton 42 Yes
Pearson's Court 1 Betty Bramhall 60 Cloth Mangler Yes Hugh Lawton 10 Yes
\\ Hannah Bramhall 20 Cotton Weaver Yes George Lawton 8 Yes
Pearson's Court 1 Thomas Griffis 30 Cotton Carder I \\ John Lawton 3 Yes
Mary Griffis 30 I Half Street 1 Mary Tinker 30 Publican No
\ Thomas Griffis 2 Sarah Tinker 12 Yes
\\ Ann Redfern 60 F S I \ Henry Tinker 5 Cotton Weaver Yes
Pearson's Court 1 John Marsh 45 Chain Maker Yes Ann Moorhouse 20 Cotton Weaver No
Harriet Marsh 45 Yes \\ Mary Newbold 20 Cotton Weaver No
Ann Marsh 25 Washer Woman Yes Half Street 1 John Walsh 35 Shoe M I
Mary Marsh 15 Cotton Weaver Yes Elizabeth Walsh 35 I
\\ Harriet Marsh 2 Yes Julia Walsh 6 Yes
Raſsbottom Street 1 Daniel Cunningham 30 Letterpreſs Printer Yes Margaret Walsh 4 Yes
Ann Cunningham 25 No Mary Walsh 2 Yes
Francis Cunningham 5 Yes \ Betty Walsh months    6 Yes
\ Mary Cunningham 2 Yes David McKnold 43 J Shoe M I
\\ Mary Hurst 15 F S No William Smith 39 J Shoe M I
Raſsbottom Street 1 Ralph Ashton 25 Publican Yes \\ Robert Daley 22 J Shoe M I
\ Ann Ashton 20 Yes Half Street 1 Hannah Bramwell 80 Widow Yes
John Brierly 50 Ind No \\ Sarah Bramwell 15 Yes
Margaret Warhurst 65 Ind Yes Half Street 1 William Boohnan 20 Cotton Carder Yes
Ann Littlewood 20 F S No \\ Mary Boohnan 20 Yes
Thomas Schofield 23 M S Yes Half Street 1 Elizabeth Cato 40 Shopkeeper Yes
\\ N K 25 Tailor I James Kitchen 26 Surveyor Yes
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Half Street 1 John Booth 60 Shoe M No Waterloo Buildings 1 Joseph Jones 40 Cotton Rover Yes
Sarah Booth 60 No Dam Street Mary Jones 40 No
Mary Booth 35 Cotton Doubler Yes Jane Jones 15 Cotton Piecer No
\ Uriah Booth 12 Cotton Piecer Yes Thomas Jones 15 Piecer Cotton Yes
\\ Elizabeth Thomas 20 Cotton Weaver Yes John Jones 10 Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 Juliet Pickles 30 Housekeeper I Edward Jones 8 No
Dam Street Thomas Pickles 5 No \\ James Jones 4 Yes
\ Christopher Pickles 2 No Waterloo Buildings 1 Catharine Owen 46 Yes
Blucher Ingham 20 Cotton Spinner No Dam Street William Owen 20 Cotton Weaver Yes
Bridget Ingham 20 Cotton Weaver I Jane Owen 18 Cotton Piecer Yes
William Ingham 3 No \\ Thomas Owen 15 Cotton Weaver Yes
Patric Heffron 25 Cotton Weaver I Waterloo Buildings 1 William Brundreth 40 Cotton Twister Yes
\\ Francis McDarmed 18 Cotton Weaver I Dam Street Betty Smith 50 F S Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 John Brundreth 55 Cotton Weaver Yes \\ Sarah Smith 40 Cotton Weaver Yes
Dam Street Mary Brundreth 55 Cotton Weaver Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 John Carlin 65 Labourer I
Mally Brundreth 18 Cotton Weaver Yes Dam Street Bridget Carlin 55 I
\\ James Brundreth 13 Scafenger Yes Catharine Carlin 19 Cotton Stretcher Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 William Stevenson 30 Shoe M Yes Jane Carlin 14 Cotton Stretcher Yes
Dam Street Hannah Stevenson 30 Yes \\ Bridget Carlin 13 Cotton Stretcher Yes
John Stevenson 13 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Nancy Haigh 25 Knitter & Sower Yes
Thomas Stevenson 10 Yes Dam Street \ William Haigh 3 Yes
Alice Stevenson 7 Yes Ann Lee 15 Cotton Weaver Yes
Betty Stevenson 5 Yes Mary Catton 25 Cotton Weaver Yes
Hannah Stevenson 2 Yes John Catton 5 Yes
\\ N K weeks   4 Yes \\ Sarah Catton 1 Yes
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Waterloo Buildings 1 Thomas Clapham 50 Bobbon Carrier Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Henry Hurst 56 Watchman Yes
Dam Street \\ Jane Clapham 60 Yes Dam Street Mary Hurst 47 Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 William Darge 40 Joiner I \ Jane Hurst 6 Yes
Dam Street Thomas Pownall 6 No Arthur Bolsover 40 Corn Miller No
\\ Hannah Darge 35 No Richard Burgun 35 Shoe M J No
Waterloo Buildings 1 Abel Lockwood 35 Plasterer No William Barrat 27 Sadler No
Dam Street Ann Lockwood 35 I Elizabeth Smith 27 Cotton Weaver Yes
8 U Jeptha Lockwood 15 Cotton Worker Yes Robert Smith 3 Yes
William Lockwood 3 Yes \\ Mary Smith months   7 Yes
Ellen Lockwood 7 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Joseph Schofield 53 Mechanick Yes
Ann Lockwood 5 Yes Dam Street Miles Schofield 27 Rover Cotton Yes
William Lockwood 16 Cotton Weaver Yes Thomas Schofield 23 Joiner Yes
\\ Alfred Lockwood 1 Yes Abel Schofield 12 Scavenger Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 George Cheetham 36 Cotton Dreſser Yes David Schofield 20 Cotton Spinner Yes
Dam Street Esther Cheetham 35 Yes Mary Schofield 53 No
Andrew Cheetham 13 Cotton Piecer Yes Margaret Schofield 23 Cotton Winder Yes
Sarah Cheetham 10 Yes Mary Schofield 15 Cotton Winder Yes
Ellen Cheetham 4 Yes \\ John Schofield 2 No
\\ John Cheetham weeks   4 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 \ Mary Binns 40 Lodging House No
Waterloo Buildings 1 Joseph Bould 50 Stone Mason No Dam Street Ann Walker 25 Cotton Weaver No
Dam Street \ Betty Bould 50 No Thomas Walker 7 Yes
Mary Ann Pilling 25 Cotton Weaver No Grace Binns months   18 Yes
William Pilling 4 Yes Daniel Knott 35 Stone Mason No
Joseph Pilling 2 Yes Hannah Knott 35 No
\\ John Swindells 50 Watchman No I \\ Silas Knott 10 No
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Waterloo Buildings 1 Frederick Hinchcliff 45 Coal Miner No Bridget Langham 20 Cotton Weaver I
Dam Street Mary Hinchcliff 45 No Mary Hawkins 25 Weigher of Cotton I
Ann Hinchcliff 20 Cotton Weaver No Eliza Conniff 15 Tenter of Cotton I
John Hinchcliff 20 Cotton Winder No Mary Foy 30 F S I
Isaac Hinchcliff 15 Cotton Piecer No James Dunn 35 Shoe M I
Edwin Hinchcliff 11 Cotton Piecer No Margaret Dunn 30 Weigher of Cotton I
George Hinchcliff 10 Cotton Piecer No Eliza Duffy 10 I
Mary Hinchcliff 7 Yes \\ Elenor Graham 20 Weigher of Cotton I
\ Ellen Hinchcliff 4 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Robert Hadfield 45 Cotton Spinner Yes
Daniel Gallagher 30 Cotton Weaver I Dam Street Rachael Hadfield 50 No
Fanny Gallagher 25 Cotton Weaver No \ Sarah Hadfield 23 Cotton Winder Yes
Maria Gallagher 2 Yes \\ Hannah Stocks 19 Cotton Reeler No
\\ Frederick Gallagher months    9 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 John Clapham 40 Coal Carrier Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 John Dunn 60 Labourer I Dam Street Sarah Clapham 39 Yes
Dam Street Hannah Dunn 45 I Elizabeth Clapham 17 Cotton Weaver Yes
John Dunn 8 Yes \\ Hannah Clapham 15 Cotton Weaver Yes
\ Jane Dunn 6 Yes Waterloo 1 Henry Scraton 35 Bricklayer Yes
James McLaughlin 20 Tailor I Pump Street Hannah Scraton 39 Yes
Teresa McLaughlin 20 Cotton Worker No James Scraton 10 Yes
John McLaughlin months    5 Yes \ Martha Scraton 4 Yes
James Bowman 30 Bread Baker S Nicholas Wood 37 Cotton Stripper F
Bridget Bowman 30 Weigher of Cotton I \\ Martha Wood 34 Yes
John Blake 25 Stripper of Cotton I Waterloo 1 Thos Hall 70 Cotton Spinner Yes
Edward Smith 20 Nail Maker I Pump Street Handel Hall 29 Cotton Spinner Yes
Margaret Freeman 20 Tenter of Cotton I Martha Hall 28 Cotton Warper Yes
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Betty Hall 7 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Philip Woodhall 39 Shoe M No
Thomas Hall 5 Yes Pump Street Jane Woodhall 35 No
Hannah Hall 3 Yes Robert Woodhall 11 No
\ John Hall 1 Yes Philip Woodhall 9 No
\\ Betty Haughton 40 F S Yes George Woodhall 6 No
Waterloo Buildings 1 Mary Chadwick 35 Cotton Weaver Yes \ Charles Woodhall months    4 Yes
Pump Street John Chadwick 18 Cotton Weaver Yes \\ John Lambell 20 Shoe M Ap No
Elizabeth Chadwick 12 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Ralph Tilsley 45 Shoe M No
Alice Chadwick 10 Yes Pump Street Martha Tilsley 45 Yes
Hannah Chadwick 4 Yes Ann Tilsley 20 Cotton Weaver Yes
\\ William Chadwick 2 Yes 4 U Thomas Tilsley 17 Shoe M Ap Yes
1 Patric McNeill 25 Tailor I Charles Tilsley 15 Cotton Weaver Yes
Ellen McNeill 20 I Henry Tilsley 13 Cotton Weaver Yes
John McNeill 8 Yes John Tilsley 9 Yes
\ Mary McNeill 4 No \\ Joseph Tilsley months   11 Yes
Thomas Mahon 25 Gas Maker I Waterloo Buildings 1 Robert Winterbottom 70 No
Ann Mahon 30 I Pump Street Frances Winterbottom 65 No
Patrick Mahon 14 Cotton Worker I Ammon Winterbottom 31 Warehouseman No
Robert Mahon 9 I Robert Winterbottom 17 No
Bridget Mahon 5 Yes Hannah Winterbottom 26 Cotton Worker Yes
Bridget Gannon 50 Ind I \ Elizabeth Winterbottom 8 Yes
Maria Gannon 15 Cotton Worker I \\ Henry Loftus 25 Cotton Rover Yes
Maurice Gannon 15 Cotton Worker I Waterloo Buildings 1 Thomas Lee 23 Cotton Spinner No
John Murray 20 Cotton Stripper I Pump Street Mary Lee 23 Cotton Rover No
\\ Mary Murray 15 I \ Ann Lee 3 Yes
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1 Sarah Lee 55 Housekeeper No Jane Bryan 20 Cotton Winder Yes
Hannah Lee 25 Cotton Piecer No \\ John Bryan 1 Yes
Ann Lee 21 Cotton Weaver No Waterloo Buildings 1 William Bently 60 Labourer No
Sarah Lee 17 Cotton Piecer No Fanny Bently 60 No
\ Abel Lee 1 Yes \\ John Bently 20 Cotton Weaver No
Betty Mottram 35 Cotton Warper No Waterloo Buildings 1 Joseph Bright 50 Cotton Weaver No
Mary Mottram 14 Cotton Piecer No Hannah Bright 48 No
\\ Ann Mottram 7 No Ben Bright 28 Cotton Weaver No
Waterloo Buildings 1 Thos Haslam 56 Labourer Yes Harry Bright 24 Cotton Spinner No
Mary Haslam 58 Weaver C Yes \ Charles Bright 3 No
Mary Haslam 25 Weaver Yes Thomas Midcalf 15 Cotton Weaver Yes
Maria Haslam 20 Weaver Yes \\ Jane Midcalf 25 Cotton Weaver Yes
\ Thos Haslam 12 Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Ann Stockton 55 Ind Yes
\\ N K 20 Tailor No \ Ann Stockton 11 Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 \ James Paſs 69 Nail M No \\ Charlotte Midcalf 22 Cotton Weaver Yes
\\ Ann Brady 28 Cotton Worker Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 Sarah Ousey 50 Housekeeper Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 John McGee 55 Painter I John Ousey 25 Overlooker Weavers Yes
Jane McGee 25 Cotton Worker I Edward Ousey 20 Cotton Weaver Yes
Alice McGee 50 I Ralph Ousey 15 Cotton Weaver Yes
Eliza McGee 15 Cotton Weaver I Buckley Ousey 14 Cotton Weaver Yes
\\ William McGee 20 Cotton Carder I \ Henry Ousey 10 Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 Thomas Booth 50 Warehouseman Yes James Whitehead 24 Cotton Spinner Yes
John Booth 25 Cotton Spinner Yes Alice Whitehead 20 Yes
\ Joseph Booth 20 Cotton Spinner Yes \\ Hannah Bottomly 9 F S Yes
Jane Hall 75 Ind Yes Waterloo Buildings 1 George Nield 60 Publican Yes
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Fanny Nield 44 Yes Thirza Taylor 5 Yes
James Nield 20 Cotton Spinner Yes \\ Sarah Ogden 82 Ind No
\ Maria Nield 16 Cotton Weaver Yes Waterloo 1 U 1 William Cordingley 60 Cotton Weaver Yes
James Nield 18 Cotton Worker Yes Tan Yard Martha Cordingley 59 Yes
George Nield 13 Yes Ann Cordingley 26 Cotton Weaver Yes
\\ Charles Nield 4 Yes Nathan Cordingley 18 Cotton Weaver Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 Abraham Blakely 76 Wool Stapler No \ Vilet Cordingley 7 Yes
Nanny Blakely 66 No \\ William Plant 60 Cotton Weaver Yes
Sarah Blakely 32 Milliner No Waterloo 1 Thomas Jackson 40 Bobbin Turner Yes
Edward Blakely 30 Cotton Spinner No Tan Yard Mary Jackson 35 Yes
\ Mary Blakely 25 Cotton Weaver No Joseph Jackson 20 J Yes
\\ Ann Hargreaves 15 Bonnet Maker Yes Elizabeth Jackson 16 Weaver Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 U 1 James Kenworthy 20 Cotton Spinner Yes Amelia Jackson 15 F S Yes
Rosanah Kenworthy 20 Milliner Yes Maria Jackson 13 Yes
\ Thomas Kenworthy 5 Yes Mary Jackson 7 Yes
\\ Alice Bennet 60 F S Yes \ Thomas Jackson months   14 Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 George Higginbotham 30 Bookkeeper No Thomas Oldham 30 Cotton Spinner Yes
\\ Elizabeth Higginbotham 25 No Alice Oldham 30 Yes
Waterloo Buildings 1 Patience Taylor 70 Housekeeper No \ Mary Oldham 2 Yes
Betty Taylor 45 Cotton Reeler No Thomas Gee 55 Watchman No
Kitty Taylor 30 Cotton Worker No \\ Mary Gee 60 Yes
Margaret Taylor 27 Cotton Weaver No Waterloo 1 U 1 William Cordinley 23 Overlooker Yes
Ann Taylor 25 Cotton Weaver No Tan Yard Betty Cordinley 20 Weaver Yes
\ Sarah Taylor 20 Dreſs Maker No Esther Cordinley months   16 Yes
Alice Curtis 15 Cotton Worker Yes \\ Jane Cordinley 4 Yes
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Waterloo 1 Joseph Burns 25 Porter Yes Old Street 1 William Herring 27 Sadler No
Tan Yard Lucy Burns 20 Yes Mary Herring 39 No
\\ Ralph Burns months   12 Yes Mark Herring months   11 Yes
Old Street 1 Jonathan Turner 25 Iron Founder No Grace White months   14 Yes
\ Elizabeth Turner 24 No Charles White 8 Yes
\\ James Turner 60 Labourer No Frank White 6 Yes
Old Street 1 William Brierly 50 Nail Maker I \\ John White 4 Yes
Rebeccah Brierly 50 No Old Street 1 John Buckley 43 Overlooker Yes
James Brierly 23 Bolt Maker Yes \\ Jane Buckley 50 F S No
Joseph Brierly 17 Cotton Worker Yes Old Street 1 Henry Sutcliffe 25 Shoe M No
\\ Jane Brierly 25 Cotton Worker Yes \\ Ann Sutcliffe 20 No
Old Street 1 \ Sarah Sykes 80 Washerwoman No Old Street 1 Mary Crowther 50 Yes
\\ David Platt 60 Blacksmith No Mary Crowther 20 Cotton Weaver Yes
Old Street 1 John Burgeſs 35 Slater Yes Ellen Crowther 22 Cotton Winder Yes
Mary Burgeſs 47 Yes Ellen Hargreaves 73 Ind Yes
\ James Burgeſs 20 Weaver Yes \\ Henry Hargreaves 30 Plumber & Glazier Yes
\\ Godfrey Jagger 25 Labourer Yes Old Street 1 Thomas Stuttard 48 Cotton Weaver No
Old Street 1 William Bardsley 70 Butcher Yes Betty Stuttard 41 Yes
Sarah Bardsley 65 No Elizabeth Stuttard 20 Cotton Weaver Yes
Daniel Bardsley 35 Yes Sarah Stuttard 16 Cotton Weaver Yes
Bernard Bardsley 30 Yes Ann Stuttard 14 Cotton Weaver Yes
Robert Bardsley 28 Yes John Stuttard 8 Yes
John Bardsley 26 Yes \\ James Stuttard 6 Yes
\ Henry Bardsley 25 Yes Old Street 1 Sarah Ashworth 55 Housekeeper No
\\ Betty Cothill 25 F S No Jane Ashworth 20 Weaver Yes
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Esther Ashworth 15 Weaver Yes Joseph Turner 7 Yes
\\ Eliza Ashworth 15 Weaver Yes \\ Mary Turner 3 Yes
Old Street 1 John Andrew 55 Malt Grinder No Old Street 1 James Shaw 40 Cotton Spinner No
Jane Andrew 55 Yes Mary Shaw 40 Yes
Mary Andrew 25 Milliner No 1 U \\ Mary Shaw 15 No
Esther Andrew 25 Weaver No Old Street Joseph Shawcroſs 31 Publican Yes
John Andrew 23 Butcher No Hannah Shawcroſs 40 Yes
Jane Andrew 20 Weaver No Hannah Shawcroſs 3 Yes
Martha Andrew 15 Weaver No Jane Lowe 15 Yes
\\ George Andrew 11 Yes Mary Lowe 10 Yes
Old Street 1 Edward Sidebottom 50 Publican No \ Sarah Lowe 7 Yes
Sarah Sidebottom 49 No George Ratcliff 20 M S Yes
\ Joseph Sidebottom 22 No James Oddy 38 Hawker No
Mark Bowker 50 Ag Lab No \\ Joseph Clayton 26 Hawker No
\\ John Cook 43 M S Yes Old Street 1 James Walker 35 Cotton Weaver Yes
Old Street 1 James Brierley 55 Woollen Fuller Yes Betty Walker 25 Cotton Weaver Yes
Sarah Brierley 50 Yes \\ Elizabeth Walker months    4 Yes
Benjamin Brierley 30 Blacksmith Yes Old Street 1 U 1 Ralph Kinder 65 Ind Yes
Mary Brierley 20 C Reeler Yes Mary Kinder 33 Ind Yes
Eliza Brierley 15 Weaver Yes Ralph Kinder 6 Yes
James Brierley 15 Miller Yes 3 U William Kinder 3 Yes
\\ John Brierley 13 Miller Yes \ Hannah Kinder months    4 Yes
Old Street 1 John Turner 30 Joiner Yes Ann Sidebottom 8 Yes
1 U Betty Turner 25 Yes \\ George Ludgrove 37 Shoe M No
Manda Turner 9 Yes Old Street 1 John Wood 47 Porter No
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Betty Wood 52 No Stamford Street 1 Mary Mycock 60 Washerwoman No
John Wood 21 M S No \ James Mycock 20 Cotton Weaver Yes
Mary Ann Wood 18 No \\ Sarah Batty 35 F S No
Eliza Wood 15 No Market Brow 1 Edward Turner 40 Corn Dealer Yes
\\ John Fog 22 Labourer No Harriet Turner 35 Yes
Old Street 1 Mary Walker 67 Yes Mary Turner 10 Yes
Ann Ashton 23 Winder Yes Sarah Turner 8 No
James Ashton 20 Cotton Spinner Yes Emma Turner 4 Yes
Martha Ashton 20 Weaver Yes \ Helen Turner 2 Yes
\\ Walter Ashton months     2 Yes \\ Harriet Brownhill 25 F S No
Stamford Street 1 John Wade 45 Butcher No Market Place 1 John Crompton 50 Publican No
\ Alice Wade 45 Yes Mary Crompton 45 No
Ann Hall 70 Ind Yes Caroline Crompton 20 No
\\ Henry Cockcroft 30 M S No Allen Crompton 16 No
Stamford Street 1 Samuel Cook 50 Publican Yes Alice Crompton 14 No
Betty Cook 45 Yes John Crompton 11 Yes
Sarah Cook 60 F S Yes Charlotte Crompton 10 Yes
\\ Mary Cook 90 Ind No \\ William Crompton 6 Yes
Stamford Street 1 Miles Schofield 55 Woollen M No Market Place 1 Joseph Hoyle 45 Watchmaker Yes
Mary Schofield 55 Yes \\ Nancy Hoyle 45 Yes
Samuel Schofield 30 Yes Raſsbottom Street 1 William Marples 25 Sadler No
\\ George Schofield 20 Yes \ Isabella Marples 25 No
Stamford Street 1 John Buckley 60 Coal Heaver Yes \\ John Mosely 15 Sadler's Ap No
Mary Buckley 55 No Raſsbottom Street 1 William Wilde 20 Hair Dreſser Yes
Robert Buckley 20 Cotton Spinner Yes \\ Joseph Wilde 15 Hair Dreſser Yes
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Raſsbottom Street 1 Peter Jemison 35 Tailor S
Margaret Jemison 35 S
Margaret Jemison 11 S
Peter Jemison 9 S
Elizabeth Jemison 7 S
Sarah Jemison 5 Yes
\ Jane Jemison months     3 Yes
\\ Eliza Flaherty 25 F S I
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©Antony Lambert