

Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables.

Number of Schedule


(To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.)


RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution

AGE(last Birthday)and SEX.


PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards.

BIRTHPLACEof every person.

NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country.


of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho

  1. Passed the night of Sunday, April2nd, 1911 in this dwelling andwas alive at midnight, or
  2. arrived in this dwelling;, on themorning of Monday, April 3rd, nothaving been enumerated elsewhere.

No one else must be included.

(For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.)

State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,”

For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc.

Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards.

State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:–

Personal Occupation.

Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected.

Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account.

WhetherWorking atHome.

  • If born in the United King-dom, write the name of theCounty, and Town or Parish.
  • If born in any other part ofthe British Empire- writethe name of the Dependency,Colony, etc., and of theProvince or State.
  • If born in a Foreign Country,write the name of the Country.
  • If born at sea, write “At Sea.”

NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country.

State whether:—

  • British sub-ject by parent-age.”
  • NaturalisedBritish sub-ject,”givingyear of natu-ralisation.
  • If of foreignnationality,state whether“French,”“German,”“Russian,”etc.

If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—

  • TotallyDeaf,” or “Deafand Dumb”
  • “TotallyBlind,”
  • “Lunatic,”
  • “Imbecile,”or “Feeble-minded,”

state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted.

Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone”

Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7).

The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c.

If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated.

(See Instructions 1 to 8 and exaples on backof Schedule.

This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body.

(See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.)

Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer).

Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome.











6 7 8 9








2 Smallshaw Lane Lock Up Shop
1 Fir Bank Cottage William Baker Head 49 Married 23 Engine Tool Fitter Engineering Tool Works Worker Lancashire Hurst
4 Smallshaw Lane Betsy Baker Wife 51 Married 23 2 2 0 Cheshire Norbury
Gertrude Alice Baker Daughter 22 Single Cop Winder Cotton Cotton Manufacturer Worker Lancashire Hurst
Edith Mary Baker Daughter 19 Single Apprentice Millinery Worker Cheshire Macclesfield
2 The Firs Smallshaw Lane George William Harrison Head 54 Married 29 Private Means Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Ann Harrison Wife 55 Married 29 None Lancashire Oldham
Mary Jane Smith Servant 31 Single House Maid Domestic Staffordshire Wednesbury
Harriet Rowbotton Servant 36 Single Cook Domestice Cheshire Runcorn
Ada Fenwick Servant 30 Single Chamber Maid Domestic Yorkshire Ecclesfield
George Orme Servant 32 Single Chauffeur Domestic Lancs Manchester
3 Firs Farm Smallshaw Lane James Bowler Head 23 Married UnderOne None Farmer Own A/c Home Cheshire Buglawton
Lizzie Ethel Bowler Wife 26 25 Married Under One None Staffordshire Biddulph
Peter Holmes Servant 23 Single Farm Labourer Lancashire Bury
4 1 Hang Snig Broad Oak Road William Sidebottom Head 33 Single News Vender Newsagent Worker Cheadle Cheshire
Ellen Sidebottom Sister 31 Single Manageress Confectioner Worker Cheadle Cheshire
5 2 Hang Snig Broad Oak Road John Grimes Head 72 Married Hawking Greens Lancs Openshaw
Mary Grimes Wife 68 Married 47 7 3 4 House Duties Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Liza Ann Grimes Daughter 26 Single Reeler Ashton U Lyne Lancs
6 Old Sett Broad Oak Road James Thwaite Head 46 Married 22 years 13 7 6 Shooting Gallery Proprietor WorkingAt Home Norwich Norffolk
Minnie Thwaite Wife 43 Married Working Knutsford Chester
Alice Thwaite Daughter 20 Single Back Tenter Cotton Mill Knutsford Chester
Emely Thwaite Daughter 19 Single No Employment At Hom Belper Derbyshire None
Jane Thwaite Daughter 14 Single Twister In Cotton Mill Worker Tostock Suffolk
Florance Thwaite Daughter 13 Single No Employment No Glasgow Scotland
George Thwaite Son 9 Single No Employment No Ashton U Lyne
William Thwaite Son 8 Single No Employment No Ashton U Lyne
Joseph Thwaite Son 5 Single No Employment No Ashton U Lyne
7 154 Turner Lane William Spiby Head 54 Married 27 11 6 5 Dry Salter Employer At Home Croston Lancashire
Martha Anne Spiby Wife 47 Married Croston Lancashire
Emma Spiby Daughter 21 21 Single At Home Ashton Lancashire
Herbert Spiby Son 16 Single Errand Boy In Warehouse At Home Ashton Lancashire
Granville Spiby Son 15 Single Learning Cotton Spinning Ashton Lancashire
John Edward Spiby Son 12 Single School Ashton Lancashire
Eveline Mary Spiby Daughter 5 School Ashton Lancashire
8 156 Turner Lane Robert Jackson Head 44 Married 2 Traveller Wines & Spirits W Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Jane Jackson Wife 45 45 Married 22 2 2 At Home Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Marion Jackson Daughter 21 21 Single Nurse (Hospital) Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Norman Jackson Son 20 Single Clek (Auctioneer) Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
9 158 Turner Lane Robert Glayser Head 63 Married 30 Decorator Employer Folkestone Kent
Mary Glayser Wife 62 Married 30 3 2 1 Ashton Lancs
Florence Glayser Daughter 25 Single Teacher School Assant Ashton Lancs
Dorothy Glayser Daughter 22 Single Teacher School Assant Ashton Lancs
10 160 Turner Lane William Duckworth Head 48 Married Printer and Publisher Employer Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Edith Mary Duckworth Wife 48 Married twenty One One Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Jessie Haworth Duckworth Daughter 18 Single Leeds Yorkshire
11 162 Turner Lane James Bowker Head 49 Married 25 5 3 2 Shop–assistant Clothing (Mens) Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
Sarah Bowker Wife 49 49 Married 25 Housewife Lancashire Stalybridge
James W Bowker Son 24 Single Salesman Papermaking Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
George F Bowker Son 21 Single Insurance Agent Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
Frederick V Bowker Son 15 Single School
Sarah Slaney Servant 21 22 Single General Servant Domestic Derbyshire Youlgrave
12 164 Turner Lane William Channing Moorhouse Head 44 Married 17 7 6 1 Manager Cotton Spinning Mill Worker Mossley Yorkshire
Jessie Moorhouse Wife 45 Married Pill Somersetshire
Thomas Moorhouse Son 17 Single Stripper & Grinder Cotton Spinning Mill Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Alice Moorhouse Daughter 15 Single Dukinfield Cheshire
Edith Moorhouse Daughter 13 Millinery Hat Trimmer Worker Dukinfield Cheshire
David Moorhouse Son 9 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
William Moorhouse Son 8 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
John Moorhouse Son 2 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
13 166 Turner Lane John Frederick Taylor Head 31 Married 5 Accountant Own Account Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Edith Taylor Wife 32 Married 5 2 2 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Ethel Taylor Daughter 4 Single Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Phyliss Taylor Daughter 1 Single Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Samuel Sidebottom Brotherin Law 23 Single Traveller Coal Merchant Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
14 51 Elizabeth Street Thomas Birtles Head 59 Married 26 7 5 2 Out of Work Iron Dresser Worker Lancs Manchester
Jane Birtles Wife 55 Married 26 Home Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Annie Birtles Daughter 25 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Lanc Ashton U Lyne
William Birtles Son 22 Single Grocer's Assistant Worker Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Edna Birtles Daughter 19 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Edith Birtles Daughter 15 Single Cotton Winder Worker Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Ethel Birtles Daughter 11 Single School Lanc Ashton U Lyne
15 53 Elizabeth Street Ada Ann Broadbent Head 50 Single Confectioner Own AccountWorker At Home Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Sarah Grantham Neice 23 Single Confectioner Own AccountWorker At Home Ashton U Lyne Lancs
16 55 Elizabeth Street Oscar Robinson Head 32 Married Under One Furniture Polisher Furniture Dealer Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Sophia Robinson Wife 31 31 Married Under One None Cotton Weaver Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
17 57 Elizabeth Street Annie Grantham Head 45 Widow 5 4 1 Ashton U Lyne Lanc
John Edmund Grantham Son 19 Single Cotton Spinning Piecer Worker (Salt Lake (Resident)Utah) U S A
Herbert Clayton Sonin Law 23 Married 1 0 Cotton Blowing Major Worker Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Annie Verita Clayton Daughter 21 Married 1 0 Cotton Frame Tenter Worker (Salt Lake ResidentUtah) U S A
18 59 Elizabeth Street James Hadfield Head 56 Widower 35 5 4 1 General Labourer Cheshire Dukinfield
Mary Ellen Hadfield Daughter 26 Single Cotton Weaver Lancashire Ashton Un Lyne
Florance Hadfield Daughter 24 Single Cotton Weaver Lancashire Ashton Un Lyne
19 61 Elizabeth Street John Willie Gee Head 25 Single Cotton Mule Minder Worker Cheshire Duckinfield
Ada Gee Mother 45 Widow 9 4 5 Yorkshire Todmorden
Clara Gee Sister 16 Single Cotton Card Room Hand Worker Cheshire Duckinfield
Jane Ann Gee Sister 13 Single School Lancashire Ashton U Lyne Hip Disease 2 Years
Hilda Gee Sister 11 Single School Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
20 63 Elizabeth Street George Turner Head 35 Married Packer Gas Engineers Engineering Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Esther Ann Turner Wife 31 Married 5 1 1 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Harry Turner Son 4 Single School Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Harriet Mason Sister in Law 24 Single Cotton Twiner Piecer Cotton Mill Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
21 65 Elizabeth Street Charles Mather Head 41 Married 17 Plumber Own Account Crab Lane Higher Blackley
Rosina Mather Wife 43 Married 17 5 3 2 Ardwick Manchester
Charles Rosina Mather Son 12 School Ashton U Lyne
Harry Mather Son 10 School Ashton U Lyne
Constance Mather Daughter 2 Hurst
Elizabeth Mather Sister 44 Single Calico Worker Crab Lane Higher Blackley
22 67 Elizabeth Street John Henry Whipp Head 48 Married 16 1 0 1 Journeyman Butcher Frozen Trade Worker Barley Lancashire
Margaret Whipp Wife 51 51 Married 16 1 1 Milltown CountyWestmeath Ireland Irish (Resident)
23 69 Elizabeth Street Mrs Elizabeth Hurst Head 75 Widow Ashover Derbyshire
Mr Herbert Ashton Son in Law 40 Married Iron Molder Worker Edgeley Stockport
Mrs Elizabeth Ashton Wife 33 Married 12 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Arthur Ashton Son 11 11 School Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Sydney Ashton Son 7 2 2 0 School Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
24 71 Elizabeth Street William Taggart Head 51 Married 26 4 3 1 Joiner Building Contractor Worker Lancashire Manchester
Mary Taggart Wife 52 Married Lancashire Bolton
Mary Taggart Daughter 26 Single Weaver Cotton Worker Lancashire Manchester
Hannah Taggart Daughter 15 Single Card Room Worker Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Elizabeth Street 8 Empty Houses
25 60 Elizabeth Street Edwin Walker Head 53 Single Grocer's Assistant Cooperative Society Worker Ashton Under Lyne
26 62 Elizabeth Street Joseph Leech Head 39 Widower 2 1 1 1 Minder in Cotton Mill Spinning Worker Medlock Hall Waterhouses
27 64 Elizabeth Street Robert Smith Head 37 Married 13 4 4 0 Woodworking Machinist Gloster Barton St Michael
Sarah Smith Wife 41 Married Willonhall Staffs
Florence Smith Daughter 13 Ashton U Lyne
Norah Smith Daughter 10 Ashton U Lyne
Mona Smith Daughter 8 Ashton U Lyne
Robert Smith Son 6 6 Ashton U Lyne
28 66 Elizabeth Street Frank Andrew Head 30 Married Under One None Horseman Contractor Employed Ashton Under Lyne
Elizabeth Ann Wife 36 Married Under One None At Home At Home Staffordshire
29 68 Elizabeth Street William Lord Head 33 Married 4 2 2 Carter for Cotton Waste Man Worker Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Elizabeth Lord Wife 38 Married Newcastle Staffordshire
William Lord Son 3 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Elizabeth Lord Daughter 18 months Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
30 70 Elizabeth Street Arthur Gilchrist Head 37 Married 7 Tailor Worker Lanc Blackburn
Mary Gilchrist Wife 38 Married 7 2 2 0 Weaver Cotton Worker Lanc Waterloo
Eric Arthur Gilchrist Son 4 Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Kenneth Gilchrist Son 3 Lanc Ashton U Lyne
31 72 Elizabeth Street George Henry Hibbert Head 42 Married 10 None Jobbing Fitter Engineers Disley Cheshire
Hannah Hibbert Wife 42 Married Cotton Weaver Hurst Lancashire
Ann Turner Mother in Law 75 Widow 57 6 3 3 Cotton Weaver Hurst Lancashire
32 1 Pine Street John Howard Head 27 Married UnderOne Engine Tester In Gas Engine Works Worker Lancashire Ashton
Florence Howard Wife 23 Married Under1 None Lancashire Ashton
33 3 Pine Street Joseph Harrison Head 34 Married UnderOne Power Loom Overlooker Cotton Weaving Worker Cheshire Hyde
Ada Harrison Wife 2 29 Married UnderOne Cotton Weaver Worker Lancashire Ashton
34 5 Pine Street Samuel Green Head 28 Married 3 1 1 0 Warehouseman WholesaleDruggist Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Mary Ann Green Wife 28 28 Married Lancashire Failsworth
Elizabeth Green Daughter 2 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Beatrice Ann Green Niece 11 Single School Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Ernest Frost Nephew 17 17 Single Cotton Mule Little Piecer Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Harry Frost Nephew 18 Single Cotton Mule Piecer Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
35 2 Pine Street Alexr Ewart Allan Head 26 Married Clothier (Shopkeeper) Employer Perth Perthshire Resident
Martha Annie Allan Wife 25 25 Married 4 2 2 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Robert Stewart Allan Son 3 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Frank Leslie Allan Son Under12 Months Lancs Ashton U Lyne
36 4 Pine Street John Taylor Head 35 35 Married 10 1 1 0 Mineral Water Manufacturer Employer Employer Failsworth Lancashire
Jane Taylor Wife 35 Married Wolverhampton Staffs
Irene Taylor Daughter 9 Single School Manchester Lancs
37 6 Pine Street William Sands Head 43 43 Married 14 2 2 District Manager (Clothing & Supply Co) Worker £ London
Annie Wife 39 Married Yorkshire Halifax
Doris Daughter 12 Single School Wakefield
Elsie Daughter 8 Single School Staffordshire Hanley
8 Pine Street Empty
38 1 Halifax Street Elizabeth Brownson Head 50 Widow 28 6 6 Housekeeper Ashton Under Lyne
Frank Brownson Son 25 Single Electrician (Traction Work) Worker Ashton Under Lyne
Annie Brownson Daughter 24 Single Leather Dresser Worker Ashton Under Lyne
Lucy Brownson Daughter 22 Single Chemist's Assistant Worker Ashton Under Lyne
Elsie Brownson Daughter 17 Single Dressmaker Worker Ashton Under Lyne
James Hague Brownson Son 14 Single Apprentice to Fitting Worker Ashton Under Lyne
39 3 Halifax Street Mary Ann Greenhalgh Head 82 Widow 61 None Private Means Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Emma Schofield Niece 49 Single Lady Help Lancashire Droylsden
40 5 Halifax Street Hannah M Radcliffe Head 62 Married 42 None Confectionary Own Account At Home Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
41 7 Halifax Street Sarah Ann Leech Head 71 Widow None Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Archbold Servant 44 Single General Domestic Servant Lancs Ashton U Lyne
42 9 Halifax Street Joseph Buckley Head 31 Married Cotton Machine Minder Worker Lancashire Mossley
Frances Mary Buckley Wife 29 Married 10 2 2 0 Cheshire Micklehurst
Lilian Buckley Daughter 7 Cheshire Micklehurst
Olive Buckley Daughter 2 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
43 2 Halifax Street Mrs Mitchell Mother 40 Married 21 2 1 1 Cotton Weaver Worker Dukinfield
Miss Dora Marvel Mitchell Daughter 22 Single 1 Cotton Weaver Worker Ashton U Lyne
Mr Roberts Boarder 50 50 Widower Carter Worker Dukinfield
44 4 Halifax Street Samuel Ingham Head 22 Married 1 1 Cotton Spinner Cotton Spinning Ashton Lance
Nelly Ingham Wife 20 Married 1 Year At Home Ashton Lance
Janet Ingham Daughter 1 year Ashton Lance
45 6 Halifax Street Laure Hanson Head 27 Single Beam Warper in Cotton Mill Worker Stalybridge Cheshire
Amanda Hanson Sister 34 Single Winder in Cotton Mill Worker Stalybridge Cheshire
Ruth Hanson Sister 25 Single Winder in Cotton Mill Worker Stalybridge Cheshire
46 Fir Bank Henrietta Street Betty Miller Head 74 Widow 3 Private Means Ashton U Lyne
Emma Miller Daughter 48 Single Private Means Ashton U Lyne
47 Wood Bank Henrietta Street Samuel Moss Head 52 Married Railway Agent Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
Mary Moss Wife 49 Married 25 3 3 0 Cheshire Dukinfield
Anne Moss Daughter 23 Single Typist & Shorthand Clerk Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
Ida Moss Daughter 21 Single Cheshire Dukinfield
James W Moss Son 18 Single Clerk in Cotton Mill Office Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
48 Lynwood Henrietta Street Daniel Hall Head 55 Married Ventilating Engineer Employer Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Mary Hannah Hall Wife 55 Married 31 5 3 2 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Hannah Hall Daughter 27 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sydney Hall Son 19 Single Ventilating Engineer Employer Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
49 Lynwood Henrietta Street John Henry Grundy Head 60 Married Retired Accountant Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Sarah Grundy Wife 59 Married 34 3 3 Ashton U Lyne Lancs
50 Greeba Henrietta Street James Kershaw Head 67 Married 45 8 6 2 Cotton Waste Dealer Employer Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Susannah Kershaw Wife 71 71 Married 45 8 6 2 Lancashire Bolton
Mary Eliza Kershaw Daughter 39 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Percy Scott Kershaw Son 32 Single Clerk Cotton Waste Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Reginald Kershaw Son 30 Single Cotton Mill Manager Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Agnes Mary Eccles Servant 25 Single General Servant Cumberland Whitehaven
51 Aingarth Henrietta Street John Robert Widdop Head 47 Married 17 Wholesale Druggist Employer Stalybridge Cheshire
Clara Widdop Wife 52 Married 17 3 3 None Ashton Under Lyne Lancs
John Ramsden Widdop Son 16 Single Student Hurst Lancs
Dora Widdop Daughter 15 Single Student Hurst Lancs
Edward France Widdop Son 13 Single Student Hurst Lancs
52 Aingarth Henrietta Street William Hague Head 24 Single None Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Thomas Kershaw Hague Brother 23 Single None Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Alice Hague Sister 23 23 Single None Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Elsie Hague Sister 21 21 Single None Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Julia Rebecca Barber Servant 23 Single General Servant Domestic Salop Wrockwardine Wood
53 The Stocks Henrietta Street Kate Londre Smethurst Head 59 Widow Private Means London
Norman Aldred Smethurst Son 30 Single Bank Clerk Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Ina Smethurst Daughter 26 26 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Maggie McEnaney Servant 20 Single General Servant Domestic Ireland Co Limerick Resident
54 Roselea Henrietta Street Tom King Head 47 Married Six Coal Merchant Employer Dukinfield Cheshire
Amy King Wife 46 Married Six None Stockport Cheshire
Ethel King Daughter 17 Single Student Ashton Under Lyne Lancs
Sidney King Son 13 Student Ashton Under Lyne Lancs
Mabel King Daughter 11 Student Ashton Under Lyne Lancs
55 Addington Henrietta Street Joseph Wm Buckley Head 55 Married 27 6 2 4 Commercial Traveller Corn Miller Corn Miller Worker Saddleworth
Mary A Buckley Wife 51 Married 27 6 2 4 Housewife Marsden
Henry Buckley Son 20 Single Student Oldham
Arthur Buckley Son 17 Single School Ashton u Lyne
56 Glencoe Henrietta Street Frederick Knight Head 35 Married {Six One One Flax Merchant Employer Hurst Lancashire
Sarah Knight Wife 26 Married {Years 6 Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Joan Knight Daughter 4 Hurst Lancashire
Minnie Jackson Servant 28 Single Housemaid Domestic Dukinfield Cheshire
57 Arncliffe Henrietta Street John Wallwork Knight Head 51 Married Flax Merchant Employer Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Mary Elizabeth Knight Wife 53 Married 24 2 2 0 Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Winifred Knight Daughter 22 Single Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Harold Harrison Knight Son 19 19 Single Assistant in Father's Business Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Florence Farriday Servant 24 24 Single General Servant Domestic Shropshire Wrockwardine
58 One Ash Henrietta Street E W Greirson Head 37 Married Ashton U Lyne
E W Greirson Head 37 Married 1 1 Employer Ironmonger Ironmonger Employer Ashton U Lyne
Gladys Grierson Daughter 7 Ashton U Lyne
Minnie Gribbin Servant 21 Single Housemaid Domestic Ashton U Lyne
Elenor Ballam Mother in Law 56 Widow 3 3 1 Waterloo
Reginald Ballam Brotherin Law 19 Single Engineer's Draughtsman Ashton U Lyne
59 Belvedere Henrietta Street Albert Wright Head 48 Married 26 4 4 Roller Works Manager Roller Making forTextile Machinery Worker Lancaster Bardsley Ashton U Lyne
Mary Wright Wife 55 Married Lancaster Taunton Ashton U Lyne
John Wright Son 24 Single Engineer's Clerk Paper Printing Making Worker Lancaster Limehurst Ashton U Lyne
Sydney Wright Son 20 Single Audit Clerk Sewing Machine Manufacturers Worker Lancaster Limehurst Ashton U Lyne
Norman Leslie Wright Son 12 Single School Lancaster Limehurst Ashton U Lyne
60 Belvedere Henrietta Street Herbert Holmes Head 39 Married Manager for Coal Merchant (Coal Merchant) Worker Yorkshire Wilshaw
Amy Holmes Wife 33 Married 4 1 1 Staffordshire Handsworth
Norah Holmes Daughter 3 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Ethel Freeman Servant 15 Single General Servant Domestic Worcestershire Shipston on Stour
61 Maythorn Henrietta Street Thomas Williamson Head 36 Married 13 6 Head Clerk to Coal Merchants & Estate Agents Worker Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Clara Williamson Wife 34 Married 6 6 0 Lancs Failsworth
Constance Williamson Daughter 12 Attends School Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Thomas Stanley Williamson Son 10 Attends School Lancs Waterloo Ashton U Lyne
Dorothy Williamson Daughter 5 Twins These two will be entered as being 57 Church Street Failsworth Lancs Stalybridge
Marjorie Williamson Daughter 5 Lancs Stalybridge
Joseph Charles Noel Williamson Son 3 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Harry Elliott Williamson Son 1 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
62 Jewin Ash Henrietta Street Thomas Davies Head 43 38 Married Two None General Draper OwnAccount Home London
Amy Davies Wife 38 Married Macclesfield Cheshire
63 Brae Side Henrietta Street Jane Woollven Head 66 Widow 3 2 1 Fish Game & Poultry Dealer Employer Employer Lanark Glasgow (Resident)
Marian Woollven Daughter 30 Single Assisting Business Worker Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Maggie Struthers Woollven Daughter 33 Single Assisting Business Worker Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
64 Woodstock Henrietta Street Emma Jane Ludlum Head 54 Widow None Chat Moss Irlam
Matilda Mills Cordingley Daughter 32 Married 19 months None None Chat Moss Irlam
Charles Edward Cordingley Son in Law 31 Married Builder & Contractor Employer Ashton Under Lyne
65 Moss Lea Henrietta Street James Henry Williamson Head 40 Married Incorporated Accountant Employer Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Maud Ellen Williamson Wife 38 Married 11 2 1 1 Lancs Hurst Ashton
John Moss Williamson Son 10 School Lancs Ashton U Lyne
66 Ainsdale Henrietta Street Oldham Wallwork Head 52 Married 21 Clerk Newspaper Office Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Mary Emma Wallwork Wife 44 Married 21 2 1 1 Lancashire Cheetham Hill Manchester
John Edgar Wallwork Son 20 Single Assistant Paper Warehouse Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
67 120 Henrietta Street James F Rushworth Head 35 Married 5 1 1 Mechanical Engineer Employer Lancashire Hollinwood
Edith Rushworth Wife 30 Married Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Rushworth Daughter 3 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
68 118 Henrietta Street David Mellor Head 49 Married 5 1 1 Tailor's Cutter Worker Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Agnes Mellor Wife 32 Married Stalybridge Lancashire
Wm Jones Mellor Son 4 Ashton U Lyne
Briget Gallagher Mother in Law 73 Widow Stalybridge Lancashire
69 116 Henrietta Street George Holme Heaton Head 35 Married Railway Rate Expert Gas Engine Makers Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Margaret Alice Heaton Wife 33 Married 3 None Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
70 129 Henrietta Street Mary Burton Wife 65 Married 43 7 7 Machine Tool Dra Dukinfield Cheshire
Charles Burton Son 22 Single Machine Tool Draughtsman Tool Makers Worker Hurst Lancashire
71 131 Henrietta Street Thomas Travis Head 33 Married Secretary Cotton Spinning Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Annie Travis Wife 32 Married 8 1 1 0 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Vera Millicent Travis Daughter 3 months Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
72 133 Henrietta Street George Alfred Hill Head 34 Married Railway Audit Clerk Worker Durham Co Durham
Edith Emma Hill Wife 30 Married 8 1 1 Guide Bridge
John Alfred Hill Son 3 Ashton Under Lyne
73 135 Henrietta Street Ralph Ogden Hartley Head 39 Married Ironmonger (Dealer) Employer Cheshire Dukinfield
Mary Hartley Wife 35 Married 12 3 3 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Henry Lomas Hartley Son 11 Single School Lancashire Hurst
Ogden Hartley Son 7 School Lancashire Hurst
Ruth Hartley Daughter 2 Lancashire Hurst
74 137 Henrietta Street Albert Evan Shakespeare Head 46 Married Linotype Operator Newspaper Worker Staffordshire Oldbury
Harriet Eliza Shakespeare Wife 46 Married 25 3 3 0 Cheshire Stalybridge
Frank Shakespeare Son 24 Single Letter Press Printer General Printing Worker Cheshire Stalybridge
Annie Shakespeare Daughter 21 Single Cheshire Stalybridge
Joseph Shakespeare Son 18 Single Clerk Brewer's Worker Cheshire Stalybridge
75 139 Henrietta Street Wright Forrester Head 65 Married 36 6 3 3 Foreman in CottonFinishing Works CottonManufacture Stockport Cheshire
Esther Forrester Wife 59 Married 36 6 3 3 Disley Cheshire
76 141 Henrietta Street David Hamer Head 81 Married Ainsworth Lancs
Ellen Hamer Wife 68 Married 45 7 5 2 Parwich Derbyshire
Charles Alfred Williams Son in Law 29 Married Railway Clerk Great Northern Railway Worker Northampton Northants
Hilda Lucy Williamsnee Hamer Daughter 26 Married 6 NIL NIL NIL Ainsworth Lancs
77 143 Henrietta Street Elizabeth Nicholson Widow 65 Widow 35 2 2 Lancashire Waterloo
Katie Frances Nicholson Daughter 41 Single Tailoress Tailor & Tailoress Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Christana Nicholson Daughter 30 Single Dressmaker Dressmaker Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
78 145 Henrietta Street Alfred Holmes Head 44 Widower 21 0 Joiner Builder Worker Meltham Yorkshire
John Whalley Boarder 49 Bachelor 49 Draper Assistant Draper Worker Manchester Lancashire
Annie Shaw Sister 47 47 Widow 28 4 1 3 Housekeeper Meltham Yorkshire
79 Belmont Henrietta Street Richard Miller Head 46 Married 7 Master Farrier Employer Oldham Lancashire
Esther Miller Wife 34 Married 7 5 4 1 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Richard Norris Miller Son 6 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
William Miller Son 5 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Annie Miller Daughter 4 Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
John Miller Son 9months Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Lucy Annie Axon Servant 20 Single Housemaid (Domestic) Donnington Wood Shropshire
80 Galgate Henrietta Street George Henry Cropper Head 58 Married 36 None Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Elizabeth Cropper Wife 58 Married 8 4 4 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Wallace Cropper Son 35 Married Clerk Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Annie Cropper Daughter 28 Single Servant At Home Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Joseph Cropper Granson 13 School Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Titus Cropper Granson 11 School Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
81 Hare Hill Henrietta Street Elizabeth Fisher Head 74 Widow Ashton Under Lyne
Emily Collins Servant 48 Widow Compstal Derbyshire
82 Glyn Isa Henrietta Street Charles William Rothwell Head 31 Married Auctioneer & Valuer Own Account Lancs Stalybridge
Ada Mary Rothwell Wife 33 Married 13 2 2 None Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Lily Rothwell Daughter 12 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
William Henry Rothwell Son 4 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Kathleen Dore Servant 22 Single General Domestic Lancs Waterloo Nr Liverpool
83 Lythe Bank Henrietta Street Mary Elizabeth Harrison Head 43 Widow 12 2 2 Private Means Cheshire Dukinfield
Esther Edwards Servant 21 Single General Servant Domestic Staffordshire Momber
84 Fairoaks Henrietta Street Reginald Earnshaw Head 38 Married Assistant Overseer of the Poor Lancs Dukinfield
Emma Sanderson Earnshaw Wife 3 37 Married 1 None Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Doris Earnshaw Daughter 10 School Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Kathleen Earnshaw Daughter 6 Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Arthur James Earnshaw Son 4 Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
85 Iddesleigh Henrietta Street James Edward Newton Head 29 Married Secretary & Salesman Cotton Spinning Worker Lancs Oldham
Edith Annie Newton Wife 32 Married 6 1 1 Yorks Huddersfield
Muriel Newton Daughter 3 Single Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
86 Brentwood Henrietta Street Geo Newton Head 32 Married Cotton Yarn Salesman Oldham Lansashire
Lottie Newton Wife 32 32 Married 11 Years NIL NIL NIL Housewife Ashton U Lyne
Alice Ashton Niece 11 School Girl Ashton U Lyne
Kate Shaw Servant 23 Single House Servant Dukinfield CheshireShrewsbury Shropshire
87 Oakdene Henrietta Street John Henry Francis Pollard Head 35 Married Cashier Cotton Spinning Worker Shaw Nr Oldham Lancs
Edith Elizabeth Pollard Wife 34 Married 12 1 1 Hurst Lancs
Hilda Pollard Daughter 11 Droylsden Lancs
88 Willow Bank Henrietta Street Michael Henry Connery Head 54 Married 24 Military Officer R I 2 WO Inp Reg Worker No Dublin Ireland Irish (Resident)
Emily Connery Wife 46 Married 3 yrs4 mths 1 1 Nil Lancs St Helens
89 Fern Bank Henrietta Street Albert Morris Head 47 Married Head Teacher Municipal Council Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Jane E Morris Wife 46 Married 20 3 2 1 Ches Dukinfield
Frank M Morris Son 19 Single Student Ches Dukinfield
Leslie Morris Son 10 School Ches Dukinfield
90 Claremont Henrietta Street James Fletcher Holmes Head 31 Married 8 Manager of Cotton Mill Cotton Spinning Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Jane Hyde Holmes Wife 30 Married 8 2 2 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
John Albert Holmes Son 7 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Reginald Holmes Son 3 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Emma Baker Servant 16 Single General Servant (Domestic) Worker Stafford Bradley
91 1 Miller Street William Davis Head 53 Widower One 1 1 Draper Salesman Worker Liverpool
Mabel Davis Daughter 23 23 Single Lancashire Ramsbottom
92 3 Miller Street Thomas Ormrod Head 38 Married 16 2 2 Commercial Traveller Brush Manufacturer Worker Lancs Hollinwood
Ada Ormrod Wife 38 Married Lancs Ashton U Lyne
May Ormrod Daughter 15 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Raymond Ormrod Son 6 6 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
93 5 Miller Street Charles Parkinson Head 25 Married 5 1 1 Florist Florist Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Martha Parkinson Wife 27 Married Staffs Hanley
Harold Parkinson Son 3 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
94 7 Miller Street John Thorpe Head 58 Married Cashier Cotton Waste Merchant Cheshire Dukinfield
Sarah Elizabeth Thorpe Wife 30 Married One None Lanc Hollinwood Oldham
95 9 Miller Street John Birkett Head 65 Married 47 Mule Spindle Setter Spindle & Flyer Works Worker Lancs Preston
Emily Birkett Wife 66 Married 47 7 6 3 Lancs Preston
George Birkett Son 46 Single Mule Spindle Setter Spindle & Flyer Works Worker Lancs Preston
Cuthbert Charles Birkett Son 40 Married 16 Brazier & Sheet Metal Maker Brazier & SheetMetal Works Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
Elizabeth Hornby Birkett Daughter 29 Single Milliner WorkerOwn Account At Home Cheshire Dukinfield
Harry Birkett Son 26 Single Grocer Employer Cheshire Dukinfield
Hilda Lee Granddaughter 6 Cheshire Stalybridge
96 11 Miller Street Harry Ogden Head 31 Married 3 1 1 0 Master Tailor Employer Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Minnie Ogden Wife 29 Married Clothing Maker Stockport Lancs
Fred Ogden Son 2 Ashton U Lyne Lancs
97 13 Miller Street Walter Hughill Head 40 Married 16 Boot Maker Dealer Worker Lancashire Darwen
Margaret Hughill Wife 39 Married 16 1 1 None Lancashire Bolton
Hilda Hughill Daughter 15 Single Typist Worker Lancashire Rawtenstall
Ethel Draper Niece 18 Single Typist Worker Lancashire Bolton
98 15 Miller Street Turner Frederick Head 41 Married 9 4 4 Cleaning Foreman MunicipalAshton Under Lyne Corporation Worker Mossley Lancs
Turner Annie Wife 45 Married Liverpool Lancs
Turner Olive Daughter 8 Malton Yorks
Turner Miles Son 6 Berwick on Tweed
Turner Muriel Daughter 4 Berwick on Tweed
99 17 Miller Street Mary Lucy Aveyard Head 49 WidowMarried 10 Drapery Man Own Acct At Home Dukinfield Cheshire
Susan Greaves Sister 45 Single Drapery Manageress Worker Dukinfield Cheshire
Amelia Greaves Sister 40 Single Foreman Printer Worker Dukinfield Cheshire
Lizzie Buckley Sister 16 Single Assisting Printer Worker Dukinfield Cheshire
100 19 Miller Street George Wenham Davies Head 59 Married 38 Accountant & Auditor Employer Toddington Befordshire
Jane Ellen Davies Wife 61 Married 38 11 7 4 Manchester Lancashire
Lillian Davies Daughter 21 Single Manchester Lancashire
Maud Davies Daughter 20 Single Shop Assistant Worker Leicester Leicestershire
101 21 Miller Street Joshua Andrew Head 53 Single Mechanic Fitter NewspaperFolding Machines Worker Lancs Hurst
Mary Ellen Hall Sister 58 Widow Lancs Stalybridge
102 23 Miller Street James Edward Smith Head 26 Married Grocery Co's Branch Manager Worker Lancs Chorley
Annie Smith Wife 27 Married 3 None Yorks Idle
103 25 Miller Street George Hewitt Bolland Head 32 Married 8 3 3 Agent Insurance Company Worker Stalybridge Lancs
Bertha Bolland Wife 32 32 Married Housewife Oldham Lancs
Jessie Bolland Daughter 7 7 School Stalybridge
Edith Bolland Daughter 5 School Stalybridge
Granville Bolland Son 2 Dukinfield Cheshire
Selina Bolland Mother 66 Widow Hyde
104 27 Miller Street John Holmes Head 44 Married 17 2 2 Foreman Lithographic Printer Worker Reims France British Parentage
Florence Sophia Holmes Wife 40 40 Married Bradford Yorkshire
Ada Holmes Daughter 15 Single Shop Assistant Gents Outfitter Worker Bradford Yorkshire
Mabel Evelyn Holmes Daughter 7 School Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Serena Hill Mother in Law 65 Widow Bradford Yorkshire
29 Miller Street Empty
105 2 Miller Street Joseph Browne Head 46 Married 11 Dealer in Fancy Goods Own Acct Dudley Staffordshire
Christina Browne Wife 36 Married 11 1 1 Liverpool Lancs
William Browne Daughter 9 Southport Lancs
106 4 Miller Street William E J Walker Head 37 Married Wines & Spirits Merchant's Manager Worker Lancashire Oldham
Eliza Walker Wife 38 Married 10 2 2 Lancashire Oldham
James Edgar Walker Son 5 Lancashire Oldham
Bessie Walker Daughter 3 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
107 6 Miller Street Fred Chew Head 28 Married One Hairdresser and Wigmaker Employer Employer Lancs Haslingden
Jane Chew Wife 31 Married One None Lancs Rochdale
108 8 Miller Street Brooke Charles Arthur Head 26 Married Sorting Clerk and Telegraphist Post Office Worker Sheffield Yorkshire
Brooke Gertrude Mary Wife 25 Married One None Gainsboro Lincolnshire
109 10 Miller Street Harry Hadlow Cawthorn Head 29 Married 1 1 1 Grocer's Manager Worker Wakefield Yorkshire
Annie Cawthorn Wife 28 Married 1 1 1
Cyril Cawthorn Son 10 mths
110 12 Miller Street Harry Ross Head 31 Married G P O Postman Worker Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Clara Ross Wife 31 Married 8 2 2 0 Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
John Ross Son 5 Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
111 22 Miller Street Albert Edward Womersley Head 28 Married Clerk in Education Office Lancashire County Council Worker Worker Lancashire Salford
Helen Womersley Wife 27 Married 2 None Cheshire Stalybridge
James Mason Visitor 33 Married Insurance Agent Worker Cheshire Macclesfield
112 24 Miller Street Harry Bailey Head 38 Married 14 Mule Overlooker Cotton Spinning Worker Ashton Under Lyne
Alice Bailey Wife 36 Married 14 3 3 0 Horbury Yorks
Walter Bailey Son 12 School Ashton Under Lyne
Alice Bailey Daughter 7 Ashton Under Lyne
Edith Bailey Daughter 3 Ashton Under Lyne
113 26 Miller Street Harold Smith Head 34 Married Clerk to National GasEngine Co Ltd Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Alice A Smith Wife 35 Married 11 1 1 0 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Dorothy Smith Daughter 10 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
114 28 Miller Street Thomas Smith Head 30 Married 3 Draper's Manager Manager Oldham Bardsley
Lena Smith Wife 30 30 Married 3 Dukinfield
Arthur Kay Nephew 17 Single Draper Assistant Dukinfield
115 30 Miller Street Bardsley Elson Head 54 Married 36 5 4 1 Cashier Laundry Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Maria Elson Wife 54 Married 36 5 4 1 Housekeeper Own A/c At Home Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Edith Elson Daughter 24 Single Draper's Assistant Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
116 32 Miller Street Frank Barber Head 30 Married 4 Cotton Spinning Mule Spinner Worker Cheshire Hyde
Ada Alice Barber Wife 26 Married 4 1 1 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Frank Barber Junior Son Twomonths Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Ellen Yates Mother in Law 47 Widow Lancashire Oldham
117 34 Miller Street Walter Bailey Head 36 Married 10 Commercial Traveller Textile Machinery Worker Ashton U Lyne
Bertha Bailey Wife 35 Married 10 1 1 0 Middleton Junction
James Mills Bailey Son 4 Ashton U Lyne
Sunderland Avenue 8 Empty Houses
118 85 Junction Street Jason William Worrall Head 39 Married 1 1 Fish Salesman Worker Rochdale
Marian Worrall Wife 41 Married Ashton U Lyne
James Hill Worrall Son 8 Ashton U Lyne
119 87 Junction Street Ann Jackson Head 56 Widow Grocery Dealer Own Account At Home Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Shop Clara Jackson Daughter 24 Single Cheshire Stalybridge
Emma Jackson Daughter 20 Single Cheshire Stalybridge
Samuel Jackson Son 18 Single Engineer's Fitter Gas Engine Works Worker Cheshire Stalybridge
Percy Tildsley Boarder 25 Single Sorting Clerk Telegraphist Post Office Worker Ashton Under Lyne Lancs
120 25 Union Road William Eastham Head 48 Married 22 3 3 0 Fried Fish Dealer Own Account At Home Lancs Stalybridge
Sarah Jane Eastham Wife 47 Married Hurst Lancs
Harry Eastham Son 22 Single Cotton Piecer Cotton Spinning Worker Cheshire Stalybridge
John Eastham Son 20 Single Cotton Piecer Cotton Spinning Worker Cheshire Stalybridge
Bertha Eastham Daughter 17 17 Single Cotton Weaver Cotton Weaver Worker Lanc Hurst
121 27 Union Road Mary Emma Ollier Head 49 Single Felt Hat Trimmer Lanc Ashton
Sarah Ann Ollier Sister 37 Single Cotton Weaver Cotton Doublers Lanc Ashton
Tom Ollier Brother 47 47 Widower Card Room Cotton Worker Lanc Ashton
Mary Ann Ollier Daughter 20 Single Labeler in Pharmacy Lanc Hurst
Annie Shaw Ollier Daughter 14 Taker off in Printing Works Lanc Hurst Brook
122 29 Union Road William Garside Head 73 Widower 3 3 Hyde Cheshire
Martha Ann Allonby Daughter 41 Widow 2 2 Cotton Weaver Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Frank Allonby Grandson 13 Learner Spinning Gorton Lancs
William Allonby Grandson 12 Card Lacer to Cotton Weaving Worker Gorton Lancs
123 31 Union Road James Aspinall Head 70 Married 50 9 4 5 Retired Blacksmith Stalybridge
Hannah Aspinall Wife 75 Married Housekeeper Ashton Under Lyne
Ann Aspinall Daughter 49 Single Domestic Hurst
Jane Hannah Moss Daughter 37 Married 10 2 2 Housekeeper Hurst
124 33 Union Road William Coverley Garner Head 36 Married Power Loom Weaver Cotton Worker Lancs Hurst
Elizabeth Ann Garner Wife 32 Married 12 1 0 1 Cloth Trimmer Cotton Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
125 35 Union Road Sarah Ann Whitehead Head 75 Widow 50 6 4 2 None At Home Stockport
Mary Whitehead Daughter 48 Single Power Loom Weaver Cotton Spinners Worker Hurst Brook Ashton U Lyne
Herbert Whitehead Son 39 39 Single Labourer Worker Ashton U Lyne
126 37 Union Road William Harrison Head 52 Married Cotton Card Grinder Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Mary Ann Harrison Wife 50 Married 33 11 9 2 Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
William Harrison Son 27 Single Railway Goods Porter Railway Coy Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Ernest Harrison Son 24 Single Bricklayer's Labourer Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Harold Harrison Son 18 Single Moulder Iron Foundry Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Percy Harrison Son 17 Single Little Piecer Cotton Spinning Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Frank Harrison Son 15 Single Assisted in Bakehouse Confectionery Works Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Leonard Harrison Son 10 Single School Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
127 39 Union Road Thomas Harrison Head 32 Married 10 Railwayman L N W Railway Worker Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Mary Ann Harrison Wife 32 Married 10 1 0 1 Nil Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Sarah Meredith Mother inLaw 71 Widow 4 3 1 Worcestershire
Annie Hardman Sister inLaw 28 Widow Cotton Mill Weaver Worker Ashton Lanchashire
128 41 Union Road Martha Hague Head 43 Single Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Arnold Hague Brother 39 Single Bricklayer's Labourer Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Frank Hague Brother 31 Single Skip Maker Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
129 43 Union Road Harry Andrew Head 44 Married Labourer Cotton Spinning Worker Lancs Ashton
Mary Ann Andrew Wife 43 Married 14 2 2 0 Weaver Cotton Weaver Worker Cheshire Romiley
William Andrew Son 13 Piecer Cotton Spinning Worker Lancs Hurst
John Andrew Son 11 School Lancs Hurst
130 45 Union Road William Chapman Head 35 Married 4 1 1 Collier Timber Worker New Moss Colliery Worker Irlams oth' Heights
Florence Chapman Wife 29 Married Cop Worker Fisher Mill Worker Droylsden
William Chapman Wright Step Son 8 Born Before Marriage Hurst
131 47 Union Road William George Ollier Head 51 Married 23 2 2 Felt Hatter Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Mary Elizabeth Ollier Wife 50 50 Married Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Mary Elizabeth Ollier Daughter 22 22 Single Tailoress Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Emily Ollier Daughter 19 19 Single Shorthand Typist Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Christiana Mellor Mother in Law 74 74 Widow Cheshire Newton
132 69 Union Road Mrs E Walker Head 64 Widow 40 3 Housework Salford Lancs
Charles Walker Son 39 Widower 14 None Coach Painter Manchester Corporation Worker Oldham Lancs
Thomas H Walker Son 37 Married 14 None Iron Dresser Stubbs Openshaw Worker Ashton Lancs
Sarah Ann Sykes Visitor 44 Married 13 None Cotton Weaver Worker Glossop Derbyshire
133 71 Union Road Josiah Franks Head 46 Married Minder Cotton Spinning Worker Stourbridge Worcestershire
Mary Franks Wife 47 Married 23 2 2 0 Home Hurst Brook Lancashire
Harold Franks Son 19 Single Apprentice Fitter Iron Trade Worker Hurst Brook Lancashire
Ethel Franks Daughter 18 Single Weaver Cotton Mill Worker Hurst Brook Lancashire
134 73 Union Road Andrew Howard Head 66 Married Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Ann Howard Wife 66 Married 46 11 4 7 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sarah Jane Howard Daughter 24 Single Cotton Weaver Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Hannah Maria Mills Sister in Law 64 Widow Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
135 75 Union Road David Walker Head 35 Married 6 2 2 Power Loom Overlooker Ashton U Lyne
Jane Walker Wife 31 31 Married 6 2 2 Cotton Weaver Ashton U Lyne
Harold Walker Son 4 Ashton U Lyne
Annie Walker Daughter 3 3 Ashton U Lyne
136 77 Union Road Edwin Mansfield Head 30 Married 7 Iron Turner Tool Maker Ashton Under Lyne
Elizabeth Mansfield Wife 28 Married 7 2 1 1 Ashton U Lyne
Edwin Mansfield Son 1 Ashton U Lyne
137 79 Union Road Lavinia Shaw Head 66 Widow 40 6 6 0 Cheshire Dukinfield
Lavinia Shaw Daughter 35 Single Felt Hat Trimmer Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
Susannah Shaw Daughter 27 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Lancs Hurst
138 87 Union Raod Jas Heap Head 64 Married Coal Miner (Disabled) Lancs Hurst
Elizth Ann Heap Wife 63 Married 43 3 2 1 Cheshire Mottram
Nancy Rushworth Daughter 34 Married 13 1 1 1 Lancs Hurst
Jas Nield Rushworth Son in Law 36 Married Clerk Cotton Mill Worker Lancs Hurst
Annie Rushworth Grand daughter 13 Apprentice Tailoress Worker Lancs Hurst
139 89 Union Road Robert Mills Head 78 Widower Gentleman Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Harriet Burgess Servant 76 Widow Servant Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
140 91 Union Road John William Brownson Head 42 Married 4 0 0 0 Cotton Spinner Cotton Spinning Marsden Yorkshire
Ann Brownson Wife 28 28 Married 4 0 0 0 Ashton Under Lyne
Norman Nield Step Son 8 0 0 0 Ashton Under Lyne
141 93 Union Road Walter Ward Head 47 Married 25 3 3 Journeyman Pork Butcher Worker Sadleworth
Alice Ward Wife 52 52 Married 25 4 1 3 Hartshead
142 95 Union Road Arthur Dyson Head 39 Married 13 3 3 0 Carter General Broker Worker Lancs Hurst
Hannah Dyson Wife 40 Married 13 3 3 0 Lancs Staly Bridge
Elizabeth Ann Dyson Daughter 12 School Lancs Hurst
Annie Dyson Daughter 8 School Lancs Hurst
Sarah Dyson Daughter 1 Lancs Hurst
143 97 Union Road Samuel Thorpe Head 46 Married 3 1 2 Hat Finisher Worker Lanc Hurst Ashton U L
Mary Thorpe Wife 46 Married 23 3 1 2 Hat Finisher Worker Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Joseph Thorpe Son 21 Single Tool Fitter Worker Lanc Hurst Ashton U Lyne
Ann Ellen Needham Sister in Law 49 Widow Needlewoman Own Acc At Home Lanc Ashton U Lyne
144 99 Union Road James Carter Head 42 Married 16 Weaver's Overlooker Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Mary Ann Carter Wife 40 Married 16 None Hurst Lancashire
145 101 Union Road John Cuncliffe Charlesworth Head 54 Married 29 3 3 0 Felt Hat Finisher Worker Hurst Lancashire
Hannah Charlesworth Wife 50 Married 29 3 3 0 Hurst Lancashire
William Charlesworth Son 28 Single Insurance Clerk Worker Hurst Lancashire
Florence Charlesworth Daughter 26 26 Single Cotton Cloth Weaver Worker Hurst Lancashire
146 2 Union Road Harry Silcock Head 29 30 Married 8 1 1 Labourer Carrier Worker Ashton U Lyne
Lizzie Silcock Wife Married 8years 1 1 Carter Wednesbury Staffordshire
147 4 Union Road Enoch Southern Head 38 Married 12 Years 3 2 1 Labourer Worker Marston Cheshire
Elizabeth Southern Wife 36 36 Married North Rode Cheshire
Edith Ellen Southern Daughter 11 11 Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
Elsie Southern Daughter 9 9 Ashton Under Lyne Lancashire
148 6 Union Road Sarah Jane Hill Head 39 Single Tripe Dealer Employer Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Sushannah Hill Sister 32 Single Tripe Dealer Employer Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Gertrude Hill Sister 27 Single Cop Winder Cotton Spinning Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
149 8 Union Road Jane Campbell Head 62 Widow 36 9 6 3 Household Duties At Home Park St Dukinfield
James Campbell Son 27 Single Brickyard Labourer Worker Highfield St Dukinfield
Ann Campbell Daughter 25 Single Cotton Ring Spinner Worker Mount St Hurst
James Campbell Son 22 Single Cotton Ring Spinner Worker St James St Hurst
Annie Lomas Boarder 21 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Hope St Hurst
150 10 Union Road Annie Jackson Head 26 Single Sewing Machinist Tailoring Worker Lanc Ashton
Polly Jackson Sister 23 Single Ring Spinner Cotton Spinners Worker Lanc Ashton
Alice Gartside Boarder 26 Single Weaver Cotton Manufacturers Worker Saddleworth Yorkshire
Harold Gartside Boarder 14 14 Single Clerk Railway Co Worker Lanc Ashton
151 12 Union Road John William Burton Head 36 Married 12 3 3 0 Horse Shoeing &General Smith Work Employer Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Mary Jane Burton Wife 37 Married Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Harry Burton Son 11 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Alice Burton Daughter 8 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Annie Burton Daughter 5 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
152 14 Union Road Jane Mitchell Head 69 Widow 41 None Lancs Woolston Nr Warrington
Lucy Hankinson Niece 19 Single Cotton Weaver Cotton Manufac Worker Lancs Woolston Nr Warrington
Elizabeth Lord Boarder 24 Single Restaurant Waitress Worker Cavan Arva (Resident)
153 16 Union Road Mrs Emily Foote Head 32 Married 7 2 2 Bollington Cheshire
Annie Foote Daughter 5 Hurst Lancashire
Reginald Foote Son 4months months4 Hurst Lancashire
154 18 Union Road Charles Joseph Brammah Head 34 Married Joiner Builder Worker Hurst Ashton U Lyne
Agnes Brammah Wife 39 Married 3 5 1 5 1 Darlaston Staffordshire
Arther Jones Step Son 19 Single Baker Confectioner Worker Ashton U Lyne
Florance Jones Step Daughter 17 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Ashton U Lyne
Herbert Jones Step Son 13 Single School Part Time Errand Boy Worker Hurst Ashton U Lyne
Walter Jones Step Son 8 Single Hurst Ashton U Lyne
Joseph Brammah Son 1 Single Hurst Ashton U Lyne
155 20 Union Road George Baxter Head 45 50 Married Shopkeeper (Tobacco & Sweets) Own Acc Suffolk Halesworth
Annie Baxter Wife 50 Married 21 2 2 None Staffordshire Lower Tean
George Baxter Son 20 Single Grocer's Assistant Worker Lancashire Hurst Ashton U Lyne
Edith Annie Baxter Daughter 18 Single Winder Cotton Mill Worker Lancashire Hurst Ashton U Lyne
22 Union Road: Lock Up Shop
156 24 Union Road Allen Brooksbank Head 35 34 Married 5 1 1 Butcher Own Account Lancs Hurst
Shop Betty Brooksbank Wife 34 Married Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Kathleen May Brooksbank Daughter 1 Lancs Hurst
157 26 Union Road Jonathan Taylor Head 29 Married Iron Driller Textile Machines Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Margaret Taylor Wife 30 Married 7 1 1 0 Cotton Weaver Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Edith Taylor Daughter 6 Lans Ashton U Lyne
158 28 Union Road Harry Speakman Head 32 Married 6 3 2 1 Boiler Maker's Helper Taunton Lancs
Elizabeth Speakman Wife 30 Married 6 3 2 1 Hurst Lancs
Ida Speakman Daughter 5 Taunton Lancs
Harold Speakman Son 5 months Hurst Lancs
159 30 Union Road George Noble Head 23 Married UnderOne Shop Assistant Grocery Worker Hurst Lancashire
Mary Maud Noble Wife 23 Married UnderOne None Micklehurst Cheshire
160 32 Union Road Florence Hughes Head 27 Widow 8 2 2 Tailoress Worker Manchester Ardwick
Evelyn Hughes Daughter 5 Lancs Ashton
161 32a Union Road Jane Meredith Head 23 Married 2 None Lancs Salford
Isabel Harrison Boarder 22 Single Cotton Reeler Cotton Spinners Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
162 34 Union Road Harry Johnson Head 33 Married Carter Carrier Worker Lancs Marton
Mary Johnson Wife 29 Married 6 2 2 Cotton Ring Spinner Cotton Spinning Worker Lancs Ashton In Makerfield
Harry Johnson Son 3 Lancs Hurst
Nellie Johnson Daughter 2 Lancs Hurst
163 36 Union Road John Molineux Head 23 Yr Mo29&13 Married 2 1 1 Soldier Military Valet Worker Salford St Philips Parish
Mary Molineux Wife 29 29 Married 2 1 1 Wales Welsh
Edna Molineux Daughter months13 Single Hurst A U L
164 38 Union Road Eliza Wilkinson Head 49 Single House Keeper Home Ashton U L Lancs
Betsy Wilkinson Sister 36 Single Beam Warper Cotton Mill Ashton U L Lancs
Mary Wilkinson Sister 32 Single Cotton Weaver Cotton Mill Ashton U L Lancs
Bertha Wilkinson Sister 27 Single Cotton Winder Cotton Mill Ashton U L Lancs
185 40 Union Road George Wilkinson Head 39 Married 2 Labourer Ashton U L Lancs
Margaret Alice Wilkinson Wife 33 Married 2 None Dress Maker Own Acct At Home Manchester Lancs
166 42 Union Road John Hodkinson Head 30 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Hurst Lancs
Betty Hodkinson Mother 70 Widow Hurst Lancs
Mary E Hodkinson Sister 35 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Hurst Lancs
167 44 Union Road William Gorse Head 25 Married 2 1 1 Coal Carter Ashton Cooperative Ashton Lancashire
Sarah E Gorse Wife 25 25 Married 2 At Home Hurst Lancashire
Charlie Gorse Son 1 Hurst Lancashire
168 46 Union Road Fergus Battye Head 61 Married 22 None Cotton Spinning Mill Worker Yorks Holmfirth
Margaret Battye Wife 57 57 Married 22 None Weaver in Cotton Mill Worker Lancs Eccleston
Alice Hindle Mother in Law 76 76 Widow At Home Lancs Upholland
169 48 Union Road Herbert Acton Head 20 Married 1 Cotton Spinner Lancs Clayton
Annie Acton Wife 18 Married 1 1 1 0 Domestic Duties at Home Cheshire Dukinfield
Nellie Acton Daughter 8 months Hurst Lancashire
170 50 Union Road Joshua Barber Head 52 Widower Undertaker Own Account At Home Hurst Lancashire
Ada Barber Wife 52 17 2 2 1 Hurst Lancashire
George Miller Barber Son 15 Single Assisting Undertaker Hurst Lancashire
Rupert Barber Son 13 Single Assisting Undertaker Hurst Lancashire
52 Union Road: Funeral Undertaker's Workshop
171 54 Union Road Stanley Buckley Head 35 Married 7 1 1 0 Boot Maker & Repairer Own Acct At Home Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Sarah Ann Buckley Wife 32 Married Saleswoman Drapery Worker Yorks Ecclesfield
172 56 Union Road Harriet Ann Evans Head 49 Widow 7 6 1 House Keeper Lancs Droylsden
Evan Evans Son 22 Single Bobbin Carrier Cotton Spinning Lancs Hurst Ashyon U Lyne
Annie Evans Daughter 21 Single Weaver Cotton Trade Worker Lancs Hurst Ashyon U Lyne
John Robert Evans Son 16 Single Warehouseman Grocery Worker Lancs Hurst Ashyon U Lyne
Roland Evans Son 15 Single Fitters Apprentice Iron Trade Worker Lancs Hurst Ashton U Lyne
173 58 Union Road James Nield Head 29 Married 10 Grinder in Cotton Mill Worker Derbyshire Mellor
Martha Ann Nield Wife 27 Married 10 3 1 2 Ring Spinner in Cotton Mill Worker Lancashire Hurst Brook
174 60 Union Road Susannah Taylor Head 74 Widow 54 6 3 3 Little Londonnear Brill Bucks
175 62 Union Road Thomas Bowker Head 57 Married Collier Work Worker Hurst Brook Lancashire
Mary Bowker Wife 52 Married 28 3 3 0 Hurst Brook Lancashire
Ellis Bowker Son 21 Single Millhand Worker Hurst Brook Lancashire
Nelly Bowker Daughter 19 Single Millhand Worker Hurst Brook Lancashire
176 64 Union Road Robert Crossley Head 33 Married 5 3 3 0 Miner Coal Hewer Worker Hurst County of Lancaster
Mary Emma Crossley Wife 32 Married 5 Hurst County of Lancaster
Harold Crossley Son 4 Ashton Under Lyne
Samuel Crossley Son 2 Ashton Under Lyne
James Crossley Son 1 Hurst County of Lancaster
177 66 Union Road Elizabeth Brammah Head 69 Widow 35 1 Toy Shop Own Account At Home Macclesfield
178 68 Union Road Arthur Hyde Head 34 Married 12 Stripper & Grinder Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Ann Hyde Wife 34 Married 12 2 2 Home House Duties Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Wilfred Hyde Son 12 Single School Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Hilda Hyde Daughter 10 Single School Lancs Ashton U Lyne
179 70 Union Road Eliza Hyde Head 67 Widow Ashton U Lyne
George Harry Hyde Son 26 Single Crofter Bleach Works Worker Hurst Brook Ashton U Lyne
180 72 Union Road Alfred Wright Head 37 Married Horsekeeper (Carrier) Worker Heaton Norris Lancs
Elizabeth Wright Wife 38 Married 13 1 1 0 Calico Weaver Worker Bury Lancashire
Beatrice Wright Daughter 11 Single School Hurst Lancashire
181 74 Union Road Ner Redfern Son 54 Single Felt Hatter (Unemployed) Cheshire Hattersley
Mally Redfern Daughter 61 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Cheshire Mottram
Ann Redfern Daughter 59 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Cheshire Mottram
Frances Redfern Daughter 57 Single Domestic Servant Cheshire Mottram
182 76 Union Road George Woodburn Atkinson Head 47 Married 5 Confectionery & Baker Own Account Home Lancs Newton Heath
Sarah Hannah Atkinson Wife 35 35 Married 5 1 1 0 Assisting in Business Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Mona Atkinson Daughter 3 5 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
78 Union Road: Shop Lock Up
183 80 Union Road Lucy Holt Head 69 Widow 6 2 4 Hurst Brook Lance
George T Holt Son 39 Single Cotton Weaver Cotton Weavers Worker Romiley Cheshire
184 82 Union Road William Walker Head 28 Married Iron Moulder Worker Lanc Hurst
Agnus Walker Wife 25 Married 6 3 3 0 Cheshire Stalybridge
Edith Walker Daughter 4 Lanc Hurst
William Walker Son 1 Lanc Hurst
185 84 Union Road William Wilshaw Head 41 Married Iron Worker Worker Lanc Droylsden
Elizabeth Wilshaw Wife 27 Married 2 3 2 1 Lanc Accrington
Joseph Wilshaw Son 3 Lanc Hurst
William Wilshaw Son 1 Lanc Hurst
186 86 Union Road Margaret Gaskell Head 55 Married 3 0 1 4 Lanchire Ashton U Lyne
William Gaskell Husband 49 Married Coal Miner Hewer Worker Cheshire Stalybridge
Joe Nevitt Son 16 Single Iron Worker Park Bridge Worker Lanchire Hurst Brook
187 88 Union Road William Davies Head 61 Widower 29 Street SweeperCoal Miner District Council Worker Herod
188 90 Union Road Wm Ousey Head 34 Married 8 Mineral Water Labourer Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Sarah Ousey Wife 34 Married 8 2 1 1 Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Hilda Ousey Daughter 8 Ashton U Lyne Lancs
189 92 Union Road Joseph Green Head 43 Married Shop Keeper Mixed Own Account Manchester
Shop Mary Louisa Green Wife 40 Married 23 10 5 5 Salford
Mary Louisa Smith Daughter 22 Married Tenter in Mill Worker Salford
Albert Green Son 12 School and takes Milk Salford
John Joseph Green Son 10 School Cheshire Culeth
Amy Dora Green Daughter 7 School Lanceshire Bardsley
Lily Green Daughter 4 Lanceshire Oldham
John Smith Son in Law 26 Married Big Piecer Cotton Mill Worker Cheshire Broadbottom
Mary Louisa Holt Boarder 28 Married 5 2 2 Tenter in Mill Worker Lanceshire Oldham
Lily Holt Daughter 5 Lanceshire Ashton U Lyne
Allen Holt Son 2 Lanceshire Hurst
Household Furniture Warehouse
190 94 Union Road Samuel Hurst Head 29 Married Spindle & Flyer Maker Worker Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Bertha Hurst Wife 30 Married 4 1 1 0 Weaver Cotton Mill Worker Lanc Ashton U Lyne
Wilfred Hurst Son 3 Lanc Ashton U Lyne
191 96 Union Road Albert Howard Head 30 Married House Painter Worker Hurst Brook Ashton U Lyne
Bertha Howard Wife 32 Married 3 yrs 1 1 Hurst Brook Ashton U Lyne
John Howard Son 5 Wks Hurst Brook Ashton U Lyne
192 98 Union Road James Turner Head 26 Married Traveller for Rug Maker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Edith Mary Turner Wife 27 Married 5 2 2 Lancs Hurst
Evaline Turner Daughter 4 Lancs Hurst
Jessie Turner Daughter 2 Lancs Hurst
193 100 Union Road John Turner Head 64 Widower Rug Maker Employer Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Mary Jane Turner Daughter 25 Single Assisting in the Business Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Violet Hannah Turner Daughter 20 Single Bookeeper in the Business Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Susannah Holmes Sister in Law 64 64 Single Housekeeper (Domestic) Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
194 102 Union Road John William Hyde Head 31 Married 3 None Cotton Spinner Worker Hurst Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Alice Ann Hyde Wife 29 Married 3 None Cotton Weaver Worker Hurst A U L Lanc
David Greenhalgh Lodger 16 Single Cotton Spinner Worker Hurst A U L Lanc
195 104 Union Road John Henry Whitworth Head 70 Widower Out Door Labourer Worker Ashton Under Lyne
Sarah Jane Whitworth Daughter 39 Single County of Hurst
Grandson Willie Cropper Grandson 7 County of Hurst
196 106 Union Road Joseph Marsden Head 27 Married 5 2 1 1 Miner Waggoner Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Charlotte Marsden Wife 27 27 Married At Home Gorton Lancs
Cyril Marsden Son 2 Hurst Lancs
197 108 Union Road Betty Butterworth Head 38 Married 19 4 3 1 Jack Frame Tenter Cotton Mill Worker Dukinfield Cheshire
Ethel May Butterworth Daughter 12 Single School Dukinfield Cheshire
St James's Branch School
County Weights and Measures Office
198 12 Stanhope Road James Holland Head 57 Married 11 Colliery Labourer Worker Lancashire Ashton U L
Hannah Holland Wife 56 Married 11 1 1 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Ernest Booth Step Son 32 Single Corporation Labourer Municipal Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Willie Booth Step Son 20 Single Grinder Engineering Works Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Horace Holland Son 11 Single Lancs Ashton U Lyne
John Shaw Boarder 24 Married UnderOne Dyer Calico Bleach Works Worker Lancs Hollinwood
Mary Shaw Boarder 22 Married UnderOne None Ring Spinner Cotton Mill Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
199 14 Stanhope Road John Jones Head 33 Married Bobbin Carrier Cotton Spinning Room Cotton Spinner Worker Lancashire Farnworth
Sarah Jones Wife 28 Married 6 2 2 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Elsie Jones Daughter 6 Single Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Richard Jones Son 4 Lancashire Warrington
200 16 Stanhope Road James Hodgin Head 42 Married 18 2 2 Winder Cotton Spinning Worker Lancs Ashton
Mary Jane Hodgin wife 39 Married Weaver Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Harold Hodgin Son 16 Single Piecer Cotton Spinning Worker Lancs Hurst
Sarah Hodgin Daughter 3 Single Lancs Hurst
201 18 Stanhope Road Fred Bardsley Head 34 Married Foreman Engineer's Tool Maker Engineer's Tools Worker Lancs Denton
Elizabeth Bardsley Wife 30 Married 9 5 3 2 Lancs Denton
Albert Bardsley Son 8 School Lancs Denton
Edna Anne Bardsley Daughter 5 School Lancs Hurst
Mary Bardsley Daughter 8months Lancs Hurst
202 1 Ormonde Street Fanny Thomason Head 55 Widow 34 9 3 6 Cheshire Dukinfield
Harry Thomason Son 19 Single Cotton Spinner Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Norman Thomason Son 16 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Lancs Hurst
Hilda Thomason Daughter 13 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Lancs Hurst
203 3 Ormonde Street John Tetlow Head 70 Widower 43 Hurst
George Tetlow Son 42 Single Iron Turner Roller Maker Hurst
Polly Tetlow Daughter 36 Single House Keeper Ashton U Lyne
Harry Tetlow Son 34 Single Iron Turner Gas Engine Maker Hurst
Ernest Tetlow Son 31 Single Fitter Gas Engine Maker Hurst
204 5 Ormonde Street Thomas Dean Head 48 Widower Building Contractor Employer Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Beatrice Dean Daughter 24 Single Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Edith Kirkby Aunt 35 Single Housekeeper Ashton U Lyne Lancs
205 7 Ormonde Street William Shaw Head 39 Married None Felt Hat Finisher Cheshire Dukinfield
Fanny Shaw Wife 40 Married 15 Cheshire Lymm
206 9 Ormonde Street James Stopford Head 38 Married 9 0 0 0 Cotton Spinner Worker Hurst Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Maria Stopford Wife 35 Married 9 0 0 0 Cotton Weaver Worker Hurst Ashton U Lyne Lancs
207 11 Ormonde Street Jane Ann Fielding Head 51 Widow 3 3 Stockport Cheshire
Annie Fielding Daughter 24 Single Ironer at Dye Works Droylsden Lancash
Harry Fielding Son 12 12 School Part Time Herblest Errand Boy Hurst Lancashire
208 13 Ormonde Street Esther Knott Head 46 Widow 26 3 3 0 Cheshire Dukinfield
Arthur Edward Knott Son 25 Single Engineers Machinist Worker Lancs Hurst
Ellen Knott Daughter 23 23 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Lancs Hurst
Annie Knott Daughter 21 21 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Lancs Hurst
209 15 Ormonde Street John Hulley Head 40 Married Bricklayer Gas Works Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Mary Hannah Hulley Wife 43 Married 20 6 5 1 Lancs Hurst Ashton u Lyne
Sarah Ellen Hulley Daughter 18 Single Calico Weaver Worker Lancs Hurst Ashton u Lyne
Edith Hulley Daughter 16 Single Calico Weaver Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Mabel Hulley Daughter 13 General Servant Domestic Worker At Home Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Doris Hulley Daughter 11 School Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Alice Hulley Daughter 7 School Lancs Ashton U Lyne
210 17 Ormonde Street Joseph Griffiths Head 62 Widower Cotton Weaver Worker Lancashire Hurst
Joseph Griffiths Son 21 Single Commerce Clerk Worker Lancashire Oldham
211 19 Ormonde Street Mr Joseph Dyson Head 66 Widower 40 7 6 1 General Broker EMployer Denton Lancashire
Mr William Humphreys Son in Law 28 Married 4 1 1 0 Stonemason Worker Chester County Cheshire
Mrs Mary Ann Humphreys Daughter 27 Married 4 1 1 0 Domestic Hurst Lancashire
Sarah Ann Humphreys Daughter 2 Hurst Lancashire
Building Contractor's Warehouse
212 Ormonde House Gregory Garland Head 34 Married 3 1 1 None Watchmaker & Optologist Shopkeeper Own Account Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Alice Garland Wife 33 Married Housekeeper Ashton U Lyne
Ruth Garland Daughter 2 Hurst Ashton U Lyne
213 2 Ash View Susan Gosling Head 69 Married 43 1 0 1 Housewife Macclesfield
214 4 Ash View Samuel Carter Head 28 Married 2 2 Iron Driller Gas Engineer Worker Lancashire Hurst
Harriet Carter Wife 26 Married 6 Cheshire Dukinfield
Ernest Carter Son 3 Lancashire Hurst
Leeman Carter Son 1 Lancashire Hurst
215 6 Ash View Samuel Carter Head 62 Married 8 6 2 Felt Hatter Worker Lancashire Hurst
Ann Carter Wife 61 Married 42 Lancashire Staly Bridge
Hannah Carter Daughter 33 Single Calico Weaver Cotton Manfr Worker Lancashire Hurst
Leeman Carter Son 24 Single Iron Turner Tool Makers Worker Lancashire Hurst
Alice Carter Daughter 22 Single Calico Weaver Cotton Manfr Worker Lancashire Hurst
216 8 Ash View Samuel Stopford Head 35 Married 10 5 3 2 General Carter Building Contractor Worker Lancs Hurst
Mary Stopford Wife 35 Married Small Speed Tenter Worker Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Annie Stopford Daughter 9 Lancs Hurst
Alice Stopford Daughter 4 Lancs Hurst
Amelia Stopford Daughter 3 Lancs Hurst
217 10 Ash View Ernest Rawlinson Head 28 Married Brushmaker (Pan & Hair Hand) Worker Dukinfield Cheshire
Alice Rawlinson Wife 26 Married 2 1 1 0 Dukinfield Cheshire
Ernest Rawlinson Son 1 Dukinfield Cheshire
218 12 Ash View Herbert Joseph Taylor Head 37 Married Machine Engraver Engineer Worker Lancs Manchester
Elizabeth Alice Taylor Wife 35 Married 9 3 2 1 Lancs Manchester
Norman Stanley Taylor Son 7 Single Lancas Manchester
Olive Edith Taylor Daughter 5 Single Lancas Manchester
Alice Ann Smith Aunt 65 Widow Lancas Hollinwood
219 10 Edward Street Job Rushworth Head 61 Married 7 7 Miner (Disabled) Hurst Lans
Emma Rushworth Wife 58 Married 38 Ashton Under Lyne Lans
Mary Jane Rushworth Daughter 32 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Hurst Lans
Edith Rushworth Daughter 24 Single Cotton Weaver Worker Hurst Lans
Eliza Ann Herbert Daughter 38 Married 13 1 1 Cotton Weaver Worker Hurst Lans
Harold Herbert Grandson 13 Assistant Storekeeper in Cotton Mill Worker Hurst Lans
220 12 Edward Street William Henry Martin Head 44 Married Carpenter and Joiner Cotton Spinning Worker Cumberland Whicham
Clara Martin Wife 42 Married 20 6 5 1 Surrey Leatherhead
Thomas Atkinson Martin Son 19 Single Mule Fitter Cotton Machinist Worker Cumberland Whicham
William Henry Martin Son 17 Single Carpenter and Joiner Builder & Contractor Worker Cumberland Millom
Frances Mary Martin Daughter 13 Single Cotton Weaver School Cotton Manufacturing Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Leonard Martin Son 5 School Lancashire Hurst
221 14 Edward Street John Shaw Head 50 Married Railway Goods Foreman Railway Co Worker Lancashire Hurst Brook Ashton
Mary Shaw Wife 52 Married 29 6 5 1 Cheshire Stockport
Ethel Shaw Daughter 21 Single Dress Maker Own Account Home Lancashire Hurst Brook Ashton
Harold Shaw Son 20 Single Prentice Moulder Iron Founders Lancashire Hurst Brook Ashton
Frank Shaw Son 16 Single Prentice Fitter Tool Makers Lancashire Hurst Brook Ashton
Norman Shaw Son 10 Single School Lancashire Hurst Brook Ashton
222 16 Edward Street Joseph Hobson Head 48 Married 28 7 5 0 Colliery Labourer Above Ground Coal Mine Worker Lancs Ashton
Mary Hobson Wife 47 47 Married 28 5 5 0 Lancs Ashton
Florence Hobson Daughter 27 27 Single Cotton Weaver Cotton Mill Worker Lancs Ashton
Eliza Hobson Daughter 23 23 Single Cotton Weaver Coton Mill Worker Lancs Ashton
Arnold Hobson Son 21 Single Railway Labourer Railway Worker Lancs Ashton
Alice Hobson Daughter 17 17 Single Cardroom Frame Hand Cotton Mill Worker Lancs Ashton
May Hobson Daughter 13 13 Single Cotton Weaver Cotton Mill Worker Lancs Ashton
223 18 Edward Street Frank Wild Head 40 Married 15 3 3 Plumber Ashton un LyneDistrict Water Works Worker Hartshead Lancashire
Hannah Wild Wife 40 Married 15 Cotton Weaver Worker Hoyle Mill Yorkshire
Jane Wild Mother 63 Single House Keeper Home Hartshead Lancashire
Noel Wild Son 15 Single Apprentice Hurst Lancashire
Andrew Wild Son 13 Apprentice Hurst Lancashire
Eric Wild Son 4 Hurst Lancashire
224 20 Edward Street James Samuel Livsey Head 41 Single Waterman Waterworks Worker Cheshire Dukinfield
Sarah Ann Holland Mother 64 Widow 9 2 7 Housekeeper At Home Lancashire Hurst
Jane Holland Daughter 31 Single Weaver Worker Lancashire Hurst
225 1 Ladbrooke Road William Meaney Head 43 Married 17 Police Sergeant County Police Worker Hong Kong China Brit Subject
Nancy Meaney Wife 43 Married 17 1 None 1 Sabden Lanc
Peggy Meaney Mother in Law 79 Widow Hapton Lanc
Joseph Meaney Nephew 5 School Bury Lanc
226 3 Ladbrooke Road John Joseph Brindle Head 36 Married Police Constable Witton Blackburn
Mary Ann Brindle Wife 38 Married 13 1 1 Witton Blackburn
Sydney Brindle Son 4 Hurst Ashton U Lyne
Harry French Boarder 22 Single Police Constable Willenhall Staffs
5 Ladbrooke Road: County Police Station
227 7 Ladbrooke Road Alfred Proffitt Head 40 Married 16 Police Officer County Council Lancashire Egerton
Margaret Proffitt Wife 38 Married 16 3 3 Lancashire Prescot
Ellen Proffitt Daughter 13 Cotton Weaver Cloth Manufacturer Lancashire Skerton
Stanley Proffitt Son 10 School Lancashire Leigh
Philip Proffitt Son 6 Lancashire Leigh
228 9 Ladbrooke Road Edwin Hewitt Head 64 Married 17 1 1 Police Superintendant County Constabulary Worker York Featherstone
Mary Hewitt Wife 58 58 Married 17 Lancashire Waterloo
Harold Hewitt Son 15 Single Lancashire Hurst
Found in the open air in Henrietta Street and enumerated by the Police
229 Thomas Clough Phillips 45 Married Bricklayer's Labourer Worker Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
End of Ecclesiastical Parish of Ashton Under Lyne St James
230 Cranbourne Terrace Mary Ann Hilton Head 73 Widow Cheshire Stockport
Eliza Hilton Daughter 49 Single Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Joseph Hilton Hilton Son 35 35 Married 3 3 Private Means Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Clara Annie Hilton Wife 36 Married 11 Lancs Denton
Constance Mary Hilton Granddaughter 10 School Lancs Fairfield
Violet Hilton Granddaughter 8 Lancs Fairfield
Iris Hilton Granddaughter 6 Lancs Fairfield
Cranbourne Terrace Empty
231 Cranbourne Terrace Henry Brierley Head 43 Widower Clergyman (Church of England) Surrey Dulwich
Emily Bird Servant 39 Widow Housekeeper (Domestic) Berks Manor Hill
Ida Winifred Bird Boarder 11 School Middlesex Clapham Junct
232 Cranbourne Terrace John Samuel Hilton Head 51 Widower 2 1 Solicitor Working onown Account Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Ada Alice Kean Sister in Law 55 Single Lancs Manchester
Mary Glynn Williams Servant 28 28 Single Housemaid (Domestic) Worker Anglesea Llanfachreth
233 Cranbourne Terrace William Henry Whitworth Head 53 Widower Colliery Salesman Worker Lancashire Hurst
Marion Whitworth Daughter 22 Single Lancashire Hurst
Wilfrid Whitworth Son 19 Single Mechanic Sewing Machine Worker Lancashire Hurst
234 Hawke Fold Smallshaw Farm George Albert Hawke Head 44 Married 20 3 3 0 Farmer Own Account Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Eliza Jane Hawke Wife 42 42 Married Farmer Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Annie Hawke Daughter 19 19 Single Home Assistant Home Lancashire Smallshaw
Marion Hawke Daughter 17 17 Single Milliners Assistant Worker Lancashire Smallshaw
George Herbert Hawke Son 2 Lancashire Smallshaw
235 Hawke Fold Henry Hawke Head 61 Widower Retired Blacksmith Yorks Hugil
George Harry Hawke Son 30 Single Printers Labourer Worker Lancs Hurst
236 Hawke Fold Sarah Armitage Head 71 Widow Denmark Street Ashton U Lyne
Margaret Cheyne Granddaughter 13 Single School Oldham Lancs
237 2 Slaters Fold Emma Brazendale Head 72 Single Housekeeper Own Account At Home Lancashire Irlam Parish Eccles
238 4 Slaters Fold John Crowshaw Head 80 Single Retired Clogger Own Account At Home Lancashire Bolton
239 6 Slaters Fold James Hollingworth Head 22 Married 2 Carter Contractor Hurst Lancashire
Eda Hollingworth Wife 21 Married 2 2 2 None Earlestown Lancashire
Ethel Hollingworth Daughter 1 Hurst Lancashire
James Hollingworth Son 1 Hurst Lancashire
240 8 Slaters Fold Albert Ogden Head 40 Married Farmer Own Acct Dukinfield Cheshire
Sophia Ogden Wife 38 Married 15 3 3 0 Mill Op At Home Hurst Lanc
Samuel Ogden Son 14 Mill Operative Worker Hurst Lanc
Hannah Ogden Daughter 12 12 Dairy Work Worker At Home Hurst Lanc
Gladys Ogden Daughter 1 Hurst Lanc
241 Green Lane Thomas Hargreaves Head 61 Married 36 None Firelighter Manufacturer Employer Lancashire Chorley
Eliza Hargreaves Wife 59 59 Married 36 None Lancashire Chorley
242 2 Wood Lane John Hodgson Ambler Head 32 Married Warehouseman Cotton Mill Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Esther Ambler Wife 30 Married 4 years One One None Cheshire Stalybridge
Norman Hobson Ambler Son 3 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
4 Wood Lane Empty
243 6 Wood Lane John Arthur Ashton Head 38 Married Railway Clerk Worker Moston Lanct
Hannah Ashton Wife 33 Married 9 2 2 Adlington Cheshire
Olive Ashton Daughter 8 Hollinwood Lancs
Mary Ashton Daughter 6 Hollinwood Lancs
244 8 Wood Lane Robert Armitage Head 26 Married House Painter & Decorator Worker Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Bertha Armitage Wife 28 Married 1 1 1 Lancashire Warrington
Eric Armitage Son 5 mths 5 mths Lancashire
245 10 Wood Lane Jane ChaddertonNone Chadderton Head 36 34 Married 37 7 4 3 Medlock Hall
Mary Chadderton Daughter 30 28 Single Cellar Hand Daisy Nook
246 12 Wood Lane Albert Henshaw Head 28 Married 7 3 3 Bricklayer Building Contracting Worker Hurst Lanchre
Martha Alice Henshaw Wife 28 28 Married Weaver Dukinfield Cheshire
Albert Henshaw Son 5 Ashton U Lyne Lanchre
Alice Henshaw Daughter 4 4 Ashton U Lyne Lanchre
Norman Henshaw Son 3months Ashton U Lyne Lanchre
247 14 Wood Lane James Edwin Priestley Head 38 Married 4 Dry Salter and Grocer's Sundry man Employer Ashton U Lyne
Hannah Priestley Wife 34 34 Married 4 2 2 Hartshead Parish
Eric Hugh Priestley Son 3 Hurst Parish
Mary Priestley Daughter months5 Hurst Parish
248 16 Wood Lane John William Rockcliffe Head 55 Widower 2 1 1 Coal Miner Worker Bardsley
Martha Rockcliffe Daughter 25 Single Card Room Worker Waterloo
249 18 Wood Lane William Causer Joint 37 Single Iron Roller Turner Roller and Worker Lancashire Hartshead Parish
Daniel Causer Tenants 37 Single Iron Roller Chopper Shaft Maker Workers Lancashire Hartshead Parish
250 20 Wood Lane Francis Yates Head 48 Married Leather Dresser Worker Derbyshire Hayfield
Elizabeth Yates Wife 44 Married 20 4 4 None Lancashire Bolton
Harrick Yates Son 17 Single Warehouse Boy Worker Lancashire Bolton
Carlton Yates Son 16 Single Cotton Piecer (Ill) Lancashire Bolton
Stanley Yates Son 13 Messenger Boy Worker Lancashire Waterloo A U L
Fred Yates Son 10 School Lancashire Waterloo A U L
251 22 Wood Lane James Ford Head 30 Married Sorting Clerk & Telegraphist General Post Office Lancashire Salford Co Bor
Mary Ann Ford Wife 29 Married 3 1 1 Lancashire Southport Co Bor
James Ford Son 1 Lancashire Hurst UD
252 24 Wood Lane Harry Hawkins Head 32 Married five Wheelwright Cart Building Worker Lancashire Stalybridge
Lillie Moorhouse Hawkins Wife 30 Married five 2 2 Lancashire Salford
Jack Cunliffe Hawkins Son 3 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Marion Leonore Hawkins Daughter 1 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
253 26 Wood Lane Alfred Newton Head 43 Married 9 None 3 1 Property Owner Ashton Lanc
Mary Helen Newton Wife 44 Married Manchester Lanc
Ethel Newton Daughter 19 Single Cotton Weaver Ashton Lanc
Harold Newton Son 17 Single Little Piecer Ashton Lanc
John Alfred Newton Son 14 Painter's Apprentice Ashton Lanc
Harriet Newton Boarder 71 Spinster None Dukinfield Cheshire
254 28 Wood Lane Alice Dugdale Head 70 70 Married 17 None Mottram
Fred Eaves Son 36 Single Iron Turner Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Sarah Ann Beever Sister 72 72 Widow Staley Bridge Cheshire
255 30 Wood Lane George Astin Head 25 Married 1 Grocer's Manager Worker Duddington Northamptonshire
Mary Lilian Astin Wife 26 Married 1 None Stalybridge Cheshire
Henry Jones Visitor 57 Married 37 Grinder Cotton Industry Worker Lancashire Salford
Jane Jones Visitor 58 Married 37 5 2 3 Cheshire Dukinfield
Arthur Leonard Visitor 34 Married 5 2 2 Joiner Building Trade Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancashire
Annie Leonard Visitor 36 Married Cheshire Stalybridge
George Henry Leonard Nephew 5 Lancashire Gorton
Lilian Leonard Niece 3 Cheshire Dukinfield
256 32 Wood Lane Robert Brassington Head 40 Married Carter Lancs Denton
Hannah Brassington Wife 39 Married 18 3 2 1 Lancs Waterloo
William Brassington Son 18 Single Cotton Self Actor Piecer Lancs Waterloo
Ethel Brassington Daughter 10 School Lancs Waterloo
257 34 Wood Lane William Bush Head 42 Married 21 1 1 Engine & Pump Packing Maker Worker Beetham Westmoreland
Lydia Bush Wife 46 46 Married Leek Staffordshire
Wilfred Bush Son 16 Single Sewing Machine Packer Worker Ashton U Lyne
258 36 Wood Lane John Schofield Head 38 Married 13 1 1 Cotton Spinner Worker Worker Mossley Lancashire
Betty Schofield Wife 42 Married 13 1 1 Micklehurst Cheshire
Mary Schofield Daughter 11 Mossley Lancashire
Sarah Ann Booth Mother in Law 84 Widow Greenfield Yorkshire
259 38 Wood Lane John Wood Head 42 Married Foreman Platelayer Great Central Worker Barnsley Yorkshire
Betty Wood Wife 41 Married 11 None Glossop Derbyshire
260 40 Wood Lane W J Hallam Head 41 41 Married 16 Cotton Spinner Worker Worker Windlehurst Cheshire
Ellen Hallam Wife 41 Married 16 6 2 4 Congleton Cheshire
Percy Hallam Son 14 Single Assistant Cotton Spinner Worker Worker Dukinfield Cheshire
Harold Hallam Son 9 Single Hurst Lancashire
261 Gambrel Bank Farm James Topping Head 52 Married 32 Farmer Own Acct Own Acct At Home Beswick
Ellen Topping Wife 53 Married 32 9 6 3 Assisting in Business Beswick
James Topping Son 19 Single Warehouseman Worker Beswick
Elsie Topping Daughter 15 Single Housework Beswick
262 Glen Garth Broadoak Road Fanny Maude Gartside Head 50 Widow 25 6 6 Private Means City of Manchester
Gilbert Horatio Gartside Son 24 Single Solicitor Legal Worker Ashton Under Lyne Parish
Mary Gartside Daughter 22 22 Single Artist Worker At Home Ashton Under Lyne Parish
Dorothy Gartside Daughter 21 Single Ashton Under Lyne Parish
Sylvia Frances Evelyn Gartside Daughter 18 Single Ashton Under Lyne Parish
Violet Kathleen Gartside Daughter 16 Single Ashton Under Lyne Parish
Joan Charleton Gartside Daughter 11 Single Student Ashton Under Lyne Parish
263 Belfield Broadoak Road Lees Hyde Marland Head 47 Married Cotton Waste Dealer Employer Mossley
Clarissa Marland Wife 4 44 Married 19 3 3 0 Ashton U Lyne
Lees Hyde Marland Son 6 Single Ashton U Lyne
Alice Mansfield Caley Servant 28 Single Certificated Nurse Worker Liverpool
Susan Annabella Doran Servant 43 Single General Servant (Domestic) London Poplar
264 Old Ball Inn Broadoak Road Samson Harding Head 43 Married 17 5 3 2 Licensed Victualler Broxton Chester
Mary Ann Harding Wife 36 Married Oldbury Birmingham
Charlotte Bertha Harding Daughter 17 Single Mill Hand Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Sarah Elizabeth Harding Daughter 14 Mill Hand Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Arthur Harding Son 12 Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Glady Harding Daughter 8 Ashton U Lyne Lanc
Emily Eckersley Servant 30 Widow Worker Stockport Lancashire
Broadoak Road 2 Empty Houses
265 280 Ladbrooke Road Arthur Barnes Richards Head 37 Married 11 2 2 0 Bookbinder Worker Lancashire Liverpool
Gertrude Richards Wife 36 Married Yorkshire Leeds
Elsie Mary Richards Daughter 10 10 Lancashire Ashton U Lyne
Stanley Bairstow Richards Son 6 6 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
266 1 Smallshaw Lane John Crowther Head 33 Married 4 None Twister in (Cotton) Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Elizabeth Crowther Wife 35 Married 4 None Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
Elizabeth Scott Mother In Law 67 Widow Lancs Bardsley
267 3 Smallshaw Lane Mary Smith Head 55 Single Weaver Cotton {Ashton Under Lyne
Sarah Jane Smith Sister 46 Single Shop Assastance Worker {Lancashire
268 5 Smallshaw Lane William Heap Head 27 Married Tape Sizer Worker Lostock Hall
Jane Heap Wife 27 Married 5 2 2 Padiham
Leo Heap Son 5 mths Ashton U Lyne
Winifred Heap Daughter 2 Ashton U Lyne
269 7 Smallshaw Lane John Hague Head 52 Married 26 6 4 2 Weavers Overlooker Worker Hurst Near Ashton
Sarah Jane Hague Wife 47 Married 26 House Keeper Home Widnes
Clara Hague Daughter 22 Single Weaver Worker Hurst Near Ashton
Leonora Hague Daughter 9 Goes to School Hurst Near Ashton
270 9 Smallshaw Lane Mrs Jane Green Wife 53 Widow 29 5 5 0 Lancs Ashton U Lyne
Miss Clara Green Daughter 30 Single Ring Spinner Cotton Spinner Worker Lancs Hurst A U L
Mr Wm Green Son 26 Single Spinner Cotton Spinner Worker Lancs Hurst A U L
Miss Lily Green Daughter 24 Single Card Room Cotton Spinner Worker Lancs Hurst A U L
Miss May Green Daughter 12 School Lancs Hurst A U L
Miss Nellie Foster Boarder 25 Single Ring Spinner Cotton Spinner Worker Lancs Hurst A U L
271 11 Smallshaw Lane George Allan Green Head 54 Married 14 None Brick Burner Lancashire Ashton U Lyne England
Ann Norah Green Wife 40 Married 14 None Lancashire Ashton U Lyne England
Bethel Green Son 25 Single Wheelrights Blacksmith Myrther Tidvil Wales
Bertha Green Daughter 23 Single Cloth Weaver Cloth Manufacture Ashton U Lyne
272 13 Smallshaw Lane John Thos Platt Head 37 Married Operator Warp ....Machine Own A/c Waterford Ireland British (Resident)
Jane Platt Wife 35 35 Married 11 None Oldham
Eliza Ann Scofield Boarder 14 Ring Spinner Worker Dukinfield
Florrie Scofield Boarder 11 Hayfield
273 15 Smallshaw Lane Jonathan Hall Head 22 Married Jacquard Builder Cotton Weaving Worker Lancs Hurst
Florence Hall Wife 25 Married 1 None Cotton Cloth Weaver Cotton Weaving Worker Lancs Waterloo
274 17 Smallshaw Lane James William Williams Head 51 Married 12 Miner or Collier Employed Ashton U Lyne
Mary Ellen Williams Wife 58 58 Married 12 None At Home Ashton U Lyne
275 19 Smallshaw Lane John William Hobson Head 46 Married 27 10 5 5 Self Actor Minder Cotton Cotton Spinning Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancas
Elizabeth Ann Hobson Wife 49 Married Dukinfield Cheshire
Ernest Hobson Son 16 Single Cotton Piecer Cotton Spinning Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancas
Eleanor Hobson Daughter 9 Single School Ashton U Lyne Lancas
Leonard Hobson Son 6 Single School Ashton U Lyne Lancas
276 33 Smallshaw Lane William Henry Flowers Head 28 Married 2 Gas Meter Reader Ashton Gas Co Worker Waterloo Lancashire
Florence Annie Flowers Wife 28 Married 2 Dukinfield Cheshire
277 35 Smallshaw Lane Harry Hargreaves Lawton Head 28 Married Years2 1 1 Secretary Cotton Trade Worker Cheshire Millbrook Stalybridge
Eleanor Lawton Wife 28 Married 2 years 1 1 Lancashire Taunton Ashton U Lyne
Kathleen Mary Lawton Daughter 6 months Lancashire Hurst Ashton U Lyne
278 37 Smallshaw Lane Harry Lee Head 31 Married Machine Mechanic Tool Makers Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Sarah Ellen Lee Wife 32 Married 7 None None Ashton U Lyne Lancs
279 39 Smallshaw Lane John William Riley Head 28 Married 3 Farrier Vetinery Surgeon Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Bertha Riley Wife 27 Married 3 Dressmaker Own Acct At Home Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
280 41 Smallshaw Lane James Vuller Head 38 Married 12 1 1 General Labourer Engine Works Worker Devonshire Stonehouse
Hannah Vuller Wife 38 Married 12 Weaver Worker Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
Samuel Vuller Son 11 School Lancashire Ashton Under Lyne
281 43 Smallshaw Lane John Thompson Head 67 Married Railway Signalman Worker Penistone Yorks
Ellen Thompson Wife 63 Married 21 None Cotton Weaver Worker Ashton U Lyne
282 45 Smallshaw Lane John William Clough Head 31 Married 6 1 1 None Clog Maker Worker Lancs Hurst
Eliza Ann Clough Wife 34 34 Married Notts Hucknall Under Huthwaite
Harold Clough Son 3 Lancs Hurst
James Clough Father 56 Married 32 1 1 None Clog Maker Worker Lancs Hurst
Emma Clough Mother 54 Married Lancs Ashton Under Lyne
283 47 Smallshaw Lane John Hampson Head 37 Married Signalman Railway Worker Ashton U Lyne Lancs
Florence Hampson Wife 35 Married 14 1 1 Oldham Lancs
Fred Hampson Son 12 School New Mills Derbyshire
284 49 Smallshaw Lane Ernest Wrigley Head 36 Married 11 2 2 Engine Fitter Engineer Ashton
Sarah Wrigley Wife 37 37 Married Ashton
Ada Wrigley Daughter