CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 1 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and exaples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | 777 Oldham Road | John | Croston | Head | 77 | Widower | 8 | 5 | 3 | Retired Cotton Mill Carder | Oldham | |||||||
William | Croston | Son | 41 | Single | Assurance Agent | Worker | Oldham | |||||||||||
Elizabeth Ann | Croston | Daughter | 38 | 38 | Single | House Duties | Own Account | At Home | Rochdale | |||||||||
Joseph Challinor | Croston | Son | 34 | Single | Waiter | Restaurant | Worker | Rochdale | ||||||||||
775 Oldham Road | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
2 | 773 Oldham Road | Leigh Lawton | Hibbert | Head | 50 | Married | Billposters Manager | Worker | Lancs Bardsley Nr Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||
Sarah | Hibbert | Wife | 45 | Married | 14 | 4 | 4 | Yorks Saddleworth | ||||||||||
Edith Rose | Hibbert | Daughter | 13 | School | Lancs Bardsley Nr Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Doris | Hibbert | Daughter | 11 | School | Lancs Bardsley Nr Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Agnes | Hibbert | Daughter | 7 | Lancs Bardsley Nr Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Ethel | Hibbert | Daughter | 2 | Lancs Bardsley Nr Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
3 | 771 Oldham Road | Robert | Bussey | Head | 54 | Married | 33 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Herbalist | Own Acct | Market | Cheshire Hyde | ||||
Mary | Bussey | Wife | 55 | Married | Assisting in the Business | Own Acct | Market | Cheshire Dukinfield | ||||||||||
4 | 769 Oldham Road | Margaret | Glynn | Head | 30 | Widow | Private Means | Ireland Galway | ||||||||||
Mary | Rourke | Mother | 68 | Widow | Private Means | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||||
5 | 767 Oldham Road | John | Young | Head | 38 | Married | 18 | 1 | 1 | Confectioner | Confectionery Buis | Worker | Kirkcaldy Fife | |||||
May | Young | Wife | 40 | Married | Shap Westmoreland | |||||||||||||
Ruth | Young | Daughter | 2 | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
Ruth | Smith | Neice | 14 | Card Room Worker | Cotton Mill | Worker | Preston Lancashire | |||||||||||
Ruth | Sneeby | Widow | 57 | At Home | Shap Westmoreland | |||||||||||||
John | Thompson | Widower | 63 | Tailor | Tailors Shop | Worker | Shap Westmoreland | |||||||||||
6 | 765 Oldham Road | Edith | Watson | Head | 42 | Single | None | Private Means | Darwen Lancs | |||||||||
7 | 763 Oldham Road | John | Barnes | Head | 54 | Married | 5 | None | Tripe Dresser | Employer | Lancashire Oldham | |||||||
Hannah E | Barnes | Wife | 47 | Married | 5 | None | Lancashire Oldham | |||||||||||
John | Barnes | Son | 17 | Single | Tripe Dresser in Shop | Worker | Lancashire Oldham | |||||||||||
Annie | Barnes | Granddaughter | 2½ years | 2½ years | Lancashire Oldham | |||||||||||||
Elizabeth | Rhodes | Aunt | 70 | 70 | Married | 20 | None | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||||
Ivy Doris May | Mitchell | Servant | 18 | 18 | Single | London | ||||||||||||
761 Oldham Road | Butchers Stores | |||||||||||||||||
759 Oldham Road | Grocery Stores | |||||||||||||||||
8 | 757 Oldham Road | Herbert | Lester | Head | 40 | Married | Baker & Confectioner | Own Acct | At Home | Lancs Waterloo | ||||||||
Lillie | Lester | Wife | 32 | Married | 7 | 2 | 2 | Assisting in the Business | Lancs Woodhouses | |||||||||
Rupert | Lester | Son | 6 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Amy | Lester | Daughter | 3 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
9 | 755 Oldham Road | James | Smithies | Head | 48 | Married | 23 | 6 | 6 | Spinner | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Oldham | |||||
Mary | Smithies | Wife | 50 | Married | 23 | Lancashire Lees | ||||||||||||
Hannah | Smithies | Daughter | 21 | Single | Speed Tenter Roving | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Royton | ||||||||||
Samuel | Smithies | Son | 19 | Single | Piecer Big | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Royton | ||||||||||
Frank | Smithies | Son | 17 | Single | Piecer Little | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Royton | ||||||||||
Hetty | Smithies | Daughter | 12 | Single | School | Lancashire Royton | ||||||||||||
Eva | Smithies | Daughter | 8 | Single | School | Lancashire Royton | ||||||||||||
John | Smithies | Son | 6 | School | Lancashire Royton | |||||||||||||
10 | 753 Oldham Road | Henry | Yates | Head | 32 | Married | 5 | 5 | 0 | House Painter | Employer | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||
Sarah | Yates | Wife | 37 | Married | 8 | Lancs Hollinwood | ||||||||||||
Gilbert | Yates | Son | 8 | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Ona | Yates | Daughter | 7 | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Edna | Yates | Daughter | 6 | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Harold | Yates | Son | 3 | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Lewis | Yates | Son | 7 months | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
11 | 751 Oldham Road | Lawrence | Travis | Head | 58 | Married | 37 | 7 | 4 | 3 | Stationary Engineer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lees Ashton Lancashire | ||||
Elizabeth | Wife | 62 | Married | 37 | Roundthorn Oldham Lancashire | |||||||||||||
Gerald | Travis | Son | 25 | Single | Cop Packer Cotton Mill | Cotton Mill | Worker | Saddleworth Yorkshire | ||||||||||
Maud Elizabeth | Travis | Daughter | 23 | Single | Milliner & Dress Maker | At Home | Saddleworth Yorkshire | |||||||||||
12 | 749 Oldham Road | James | Butterworth | Head | 58 | Married | Pig and Poultry Keeper | Own Account | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||
Hannah | Butterworth | Wife | 57 | Married | 38 | 10 | 10 | 0 | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||
Clara | Butterworth | Daughter | 34 | Single | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||||
Edward | Butterworth | Son | 28 | Single | Assistant Mule–Overlooker | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Joseph | Butterworth | Son | 24 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Hannah | Butterworth | Daughter | 21 | Single | Cardroom Tenter | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Harry | Butterworth | Son | 19 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Mary | Butterworth | Daughter | 17 | Single | Cardroom Tenter | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
13 | 747 Oldham Road | William | Grimshaw | Head | 55 | Married | 32 | 9 | 7 | 2 | Clerk | Law | Own A.cAt Home | At Home | Lancashire Denton | |||
Mary Elizth | Grimshaw | Wife | 55 | 55 | Married | 32 | 9 | 7 | 2 | Housewife | At Home | Lancashire Darcy Lever | ||||||
Geo Harold | Grimshaw | Son | 33 | Single | Traveller | Clothing | Worker | Out | Lancashire Farnworth Bolton | |||||||||
Fred W | Grimshaw | Son | 25 | Single | Iron Worker Glazier | Engineering Wks | Worker | Out | Lanc Cherry Tree | |||||||||
Robert L | Grimshaw | Son | 17 | Single | Warehouseman | Drysaltery | Worker | Out | Lanc Bardsley | |||||||||
Ernest M | Grimshaw | Son | 13 | Single | Waehouse Packer | Drysaltery | Worker | Out | Lanc Bardsley | |||||||||
14 | 745 Oldham Road | James | Housley | Head | 57 | Married | 31 | 4 | 4 | Engineer | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Ashton | |||||
Mary Ann | Housley | Wife | 56 | Married | 31 | Housekeeper | Home | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||
John | Housley | Son | 29 | Single | Oiler | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||
Harry | Housley | Son | 20 | Single | Packer | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||
Eva | Housley | Daughter | 15 | 15 | Single | Winder | Cotton Spinning | Worker | ||||||||||
15 | 743 Oldham Road | John | Reeves | Head | 70 | Married | 52 | 8 | 6 | 2 | Twiner | Cotton Mill | At Home | Precot | ||||
Catherine | Reeves | Wife | 69 | Married | 52 | Weaver | Cotton Mill | At Home | Oldham | |||||||||
Florrie | Reeves | AdoptedDaughter | 26 | Single | Cardroom Hand | Cotton Mill | Lance | Lance Oldham | ||||||||||
16 | 741 Oldham Road | James | Davies | Head | 64 | Married | 44 | 6 | 1 | 5 | Coal Miner Hewer | Coal Pit | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||
Martha | Davies | Wife | 64 | 64 | Married | 44 | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||
Lily | Davies | Daughter | 24 | 24 | Single | Cardroom Hand | Cotton Mill | Mill Hand | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||
17 | 739 Oldham Road | Alfred | Kay | Head | 31 | Married | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||
Sophia | Kay | Wife | 36 | Married | 6 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Lancs Waterloo | |||||||||
Fred | Kay | Son | 5 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Harrington | Kay | Son | 5Months | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
18 | 737 Oldham Road | William | Ogden | Head | 53 | Widower | Widower | 4 | 3 | 1 | Brass Finisher | Brass Foundry | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||
Headly | Ogden | Son | 25 | Single | Single | Forge Man | Bar Iron Works | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||
Joseph | Ogden | Son | 22 | Single | Single | Steeple Jack | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||
19 | 735 Oldham Road | James | Dawson | Head | 66 | Married | “Bar Iron” Worker | Bar Iron Works | Worker | Heathcote Hartington Derbyshire | ||||||||
Nancy | Dawson | Wife | 65 | Married | 37 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||
Edith Ellen | Dawson | Daughter | 35 | Single | Dressmaker | Own Account | At Home | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||
Joseph | Dawson | Son | 27 | Single | ||||||||||||||
20 | 733 Oldham Road | Claude | Broadbent | Head | 46 | Married | 7 | One | One | None | Cop Packer | Worker | Lancs Woodhouses | |||||
Annie Elizabeth | Broadbent | Wife | 37 | Married | Cotton Piecer | Lancs Barrow in Furness | ||||||||||||
Albert | Broadbent | Son | 16 | Single | Cotton Piecer | Worker | Lancs Bardsley A U L | |||||||||||
Evelyn | Broadbent | Daughter | 6 | School | Lancs Bardsley A U L | |||||||||||||
21 | 731 Oldham Road | James Thomas | Wells | Head | 34 | Married | 12 | 3 | 1 | 2 | Cop Packer | Cotton Mill | Employer | Lees | ||||
Hetty | Wells | Wife | 34 | Married | Oldham | |||||||||||||
Sarah | Wells | Daughter | 10 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
22 | 729 Oldham Road | Thomas | Lyon | Head | 41 | Married | 12 | 5 | 3 | 2 | Ch Blacksmith Colliery | Chadderton | Worker | Hurst Ashton U Lyne | ||||
Adelaide Ellen | Lyon | Wife | 35 | Married | Birmingham | |||||||||||||
Lizzie | Lyon | Daughter | 12 | School | Hurst Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Walter Davies | Lyon | Son | 9 | School | Oldham Lanckshire | |||||||||||||
Amy | Lyon | Daughter | 6 | School | Ashton U Lyne Lanckshire | |||||||||||||
23 | 727 Oldham Road | Mary Ann | Wolstencroft | Head | 58 | Widow | 41 | 7 | 4 | 3 | Oldham Lancs | |||||||
Edith | Wolstencroft | Daughter | 31 | Single | Cardroom Small Speed Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Harold | Wolstencroft | Son | 15 | Single | Reeling Room Knotter & Twister | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
24 | 725 Oldham Road | John | Schofield | Head | 71 | Married | Labourer in Top Rooler Department | Textile Machinery Manuf | Worker | Taunton Lancaster | ||||||||
Harriet | Schofield | Wife | 73 | Married | 46 | 7 | 4 | 3 | Birmingham Stafford | |||||||||
Emma | Wrigley | Daughter | 37 | Married | 10 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Ladies Costumier | Own Account | At Home | Taunton Lancaster | ||||||
Harry | Wrigley | Nephew | 7 | Bards;ey Lancaster | ||||||||||||||
25 | 723 Oldham Road | John | Dawson | Head | 41 | Married | 20 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | ||||
Mary | Dawson | Wife | 40 | Married | 20 | At Home | Oldham Lancashire | |||||||||||
John | Dawson | Son | 17 | Single | Bookeeper | Cotton Factory | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||
Alfred | Dawson | Son | 15 | Single | Piecer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||
26 | 721 Oldham Road | James | Crossley | Head | 56 | Married | 33 | Self–Actor Minder | Cotton Mill | Worker | Hollinwood Lancashire | |||||||
Mary Maria | Crossley | Wife | 58 | Married | 33 | Duckinfield Cheshire | ||||||||||||
Fred | Shaw | Adopted Son | 22 | Single | Self–Actor Minder | Cotton Mill | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||
27 | 719 Oldham Road | John | Robishaw | Head | 62 | Married | 39 | 11 | 9 | 2 | Private Watchman | Own Account | Lancs Oldham | |||||
Sarah Jane | Robishaw | Wife | 60 | Married | 39 | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||||
Holland | Robishaw | Son | 30 | Single | Roller Turner | Iron Trade | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
John | Robishaw | Son | 27 | Single | Cop Packer | Cotton Trade | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Tom | Robishaw | Son | 21 | Single | Roller Pegger | Iron Trade | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Eliza–Ann | Robishaw | Daughter | 19 | Single | Tenter | Cotton Trade | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
28 | 717 Oldham Road | Hannah | Lyon | Head | 37 | Widow | 19 | 5 | 5 | Ashton U Lyne Lanchire | ||||||||
Elizebth | Lyon | Daughter | 18 | Single | Cotton Operative | Cotton Mill | Worker | Ashton U Lyne Lanchire | ||||||||||
Annie | Lyon | Daughter | 17 | Single | Cotton Operative | Cotton Mill | Worker | Ashton U Lyne Lanchire | ||||||||||
Robert | Lyon | Son | 16 | Single | Cotton Piecer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Ashton U Lyne Lanchire | ||||||||||
Ada | Lyon | Daughter | 9 | Ashton U Lyne Lanchire | ||||||||||||||
Nellie | Lyon | Daughter | 6 | Ashton U Lyne Lanchire | ||||||||||||||
29 | 715 Oldham Road | Robert | Bootle | Head | 41 | Married | 21 | 8 | 8 | Colliery Winder Surface | Coal Pit | Worker | Ince Nr Wigan | |||||
Mary Jane | Bootle | Wife | 42 | Married | 21 | At Home | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Herbert Carl | Bootle | Son | 21 | Single | Colliery Stoker Surface | Coal Pit | Worker | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Robert | Bootle | Son | 19 | Single | Colliery Stoker Surface | Coal Pit | Worker | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Harold | Bootle | Son | 17 | Single | Piecer Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Bessie | Bootle | Daughter | 15 | 15 | Single | Doubler Cotton Mill | Worker | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Adelaide | Bootle | Daughter | 13 | At Home | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Richard | Bootle | Son | 10 | School | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Mary Jane | Bootle | Daughter | 7 | Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Cyril | Bootle | Son | 4 | Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
30 | 713 Oldham Road | Thomas | Evans | Head | 43 | Married | OneUnder | 2 | 2 | Grocer | Master | Own Account | At Home | Mold Flintshire | ||||
May | Evans | Wife | 35 | Married | None | Dressmaker | Own Account | At Home | Waterloo Lanc | |||||||||
Thomas | Evans | Son | 10 | Single | Yeadon Yorks | |||||||||||||
Miriam | Evans | Daughter | 14 | Single | Cop Winder | Cotton Mill | Worker | Glossop Derby | ||||||||||
Selina | Evans | Daughter | 67 | Widow | No Occupation | Mold Flintshire | ||||||||||||
Miriam | Evans | Sister | 31 | Single | Assisting in Business | Grocers Shop | Worker | Glossop Derby | ||||||||||
31 | 711 Oldham Road | John | Bottomley | Head | 40 | Married | 15 | Warehouseman | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lees Oldham | |||||||
Mary Elizabeth | Bottomley | Wife | 37 | Married | 4 | 3 | 1 | Waterloo Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||
Harry | Bottomley | Son | 14 | Single | Warehouse Boy | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Oldham | ||||||||||
Frank | Bottomley | Son | 12 | Single | School | Oldham | ||||||||||||
John | Bottomley | Son | 2 | Single | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
32 | 709 Oldham Road | William | Wood | Head | 62 | Married | 40 | 3 | 1 | 2 | Head Carder in Cotton Mill | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | |||||
Elizabeth | Wood | Wife | 61 | 61 | Married | 40 | Own Housework | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||
Hair Cutting Saloon | ||||||||||||||||||
Chip Potatoes Saloon | ||||||||||||||||||
33 | 677 Oldham Road | William | Hughes | Head | 28 | Married | Ironwork Polisher | Textile Machinery | Worker | Lancs Waterloo | ||||||||
Mary Elizabeth | Hughes | Wife | 27 | Married | 3 | 1 | 1 | Lancs St Helens | ||||||||||
Frank | Hughes | Son | 1 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
34 | 675 Oldham Road | Stanley | Dawes | Head | 25 | Married | 1 | 1 | 1 | Roller Coupler | Textile Machinist | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||
Emily | Dawes | Wife | 23 | Married | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Ernest | Dawes | Son | 1 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
35 | 673 Oldham Road | Mary | Wilkinson | Head | 72 | Widower | Middleton Junction | |||||||||||
Hannah | Wilkinson | Daughter | 51 | Single | Reeler | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Middleton Junction | ||||||||||
Elijah | Wilkinson | Boader | 32 | Married | 3 | None | Striker | Iron Worker | Worker | Droylsden | ||||||||
Alice | Wilkinson | Boader | 31 | Married | 3 | None | Winder | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Wigan | ||||||||
36 | 671 Oldham Road | Thomas | Mellor | Head | 25 | Married | 2 | 1 | 1 | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancashire Oldham | |||||
Amy | Mellor | Wife | 24 | Married | 2 | Cheshire Hyde | ||||||||||||
Amy | Mellor | Daughter | 1 | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||||||||
37 | 669 Oldham Road | Samuel Hawley | Hague | Head | 41 | 41 | Married | 14 | 2 | 2 | Journeyman Joiner | General | Worker | Oldham Lancs | ||||
Ann Jane | Hague | Wife | 40 | Married | Oldham Lancashire | |||||||||||||
Hilda Needham | Hague | Daughter | 12 | Learning Doffing Part Time | Cotton Mill | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Anne Jane | Hague | Daughter | 2 | Bardsley A U L Lancs | ||||||||||||||
38 | 667 Oldham Road | Ph&#olig;be | Cooke | Head | 58 | Widow | Shopkeeper Grocer | Own Account | Home | Lancs Hurst | ||||||||
Thomas | Gorbutt | Son–in–Law | 34 | Married | Mule & Ring Spindle Turne | Spindle & Fly Manuf | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Ellen | Gorbutt | Daughter | 33 | Married | 6 | 2 | None | 2 | Lancs Chadderton | |||||||||
39 | 665 Oldham Road | Emma | Hay | Widow | 56 | Widow | 35 | 7 | 5 | 2 | Yorks Huddersfield | |||||||
Harry | Hay | Son | 30 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Jane | Hay | Daughter | 27 | Single | Drawing Frame Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Ellen | Hay | Daughter | 23 | Single | Drawing Frame Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Ashton | ||||||||||
Albert | Hay | Son | 21 | Single | Piecer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Mary | Gledhill | Mother | 75 | Widow | 41 | 3 | 1 | 2 | Yorks Huddersfield | |||||||||
40 | 663 Oldham Road | Joseph | Nicholls | Head | 53 | Married | 30 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Bobbin Carrier | Cotton Mill | Bardsley | |||||
Hannah Jane | Nicholls | Wife | 54 | Married | At Home | Waterloo | ||||||||||||
Ada | Nicholls | Daughter | 20 | Single | Cardroom Operative | Cotton Mill | Bardsley | |||||||||||
Ernest | Lees | Son in Law | 30 | Married | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Minder | Cotton Mill | Waterloo | |||||||
Hannah | Lees | Daughter | 28 | Married | Cardroom Operative | Cotton Mill | Bardsley | |||||||||||
Ada | Lees | Daughter | 2 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
41 | 661 Oldham Road | Edwin | Lester | Head | 36 | Married | 8 | Window Cleaner | Own Actt | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||
Elizabeth Hannah | Lester | Wife | 36 | Married | 8 | 1 | 1 | Oldham | ||||||||||
Annie | Lester | Daughter | 3 | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
42 | 659 Oldham Road | Thomas | Nield | Head | 60 | Married | 38 | 10 | 3 | 7 | Disabled | Yorkshire Saddleworth | ||||||
Sarah | Nield | Wife | 58 | Married | 38 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Ethel | Nield | Daughter | 22 | Single | Assistant Roller Coverer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||
Fred Urmson | Nield | Son | 32 | Married | 6 | 3 | 3 | Hairdresser | Own Account | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||
Bertha | Nield | Daughter in Law | 32 | Married | Lancashire Taunton | |||||||||||||
Ethel Urmson | Nield | Daughter | 4 | S | Lancashire Oldham | |||||||||||||
Thomas Lawton | Nield | Son | 2 | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||||||||
Charles Francis | Nield | Son | 2 | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||||||||
43 | 657 Oldham Road | Jonah | Andrew | Head | 57 | Married | Colliery Engine Winder | Coal Pit | Worker | Lancs Waterloo | ||||||||
Hannah Eliz | Andrew | Wife | 56 | Married | 36 | 6 | 5 | 1 | Lancs Pendlebury | |||||||||
Bertha | Andrew | Daughter | 29 | Single | Speed Tenter | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Jonah | Andrew | Son | 22 | Single | Hairdresser | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Albert | Andrew | Son | 17 | Single | Haordressers Assistant | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
44 | 655 Oldham Road | Harry Taylor | Kelsall | Head | 36 | Married | Iron Borer | Gas Engine Works | Worker | Lanc Manchester | ||||||||
Sarah Elizabeth | Kelsall | Wife | 36 | Married | 6 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Lanc Bardsley | |||||||||
Hannah Elizabeth | Kelsall | Daughter | 3 Months | Lanc Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
45 | 653 Oldham Road | Elizabeth | Hulme | Head | 67 | Widow | 43 | 14 | 3 | 11 | Leeds Yorkshire | |||||||
Jane | Hulme | Daughter | 41 | Single | Head Teacher Infant Sch | County Council Lancs | Flash Yorkshire | |||||||||||
Lizzie | Hulme | Daughter | 30 | Single | Assistant Teacher Infant Sch | County Council Lancs | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
623 Oldham Road | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
46 | 621 Oldham Road | Fred | Percival | Head | 34 | Married | 11 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Newsagent | Newspaper Trade | Own Account | Home | Oldham Lanchire | |||
Miranda | Percival | Wife | 32 | Married | Oldham Lanchire | |||||||||||||
Sarah Ann | Percival | Daughter | 10 | School | Oldham Lanchire | |||||||||||||
Jack | Percival | Son | 5 | Oldham Lanchire | ||||||||||||||
47 | 619 Oldham Road | Thomas Henry | Preston | Head | 33 | Married | None | Cotton Spinner | Worker | Bardsley | ||||||||
Clara | Preston | Wife | 28 | Married | 3 | None | Alt Hill | |||||||||||
48 | 617 Oldham Road | Jessie | Riley | Head | 49 | Widow | Caithness Thurso | |||||||||||
Angus | Riley | Son | 23 | Single | Warehouseman | Chemical Mnfr | Worker | Lancs Manchester | ||||||||||
Jessie | Riley | Daughter | 21 | 21 | Single | Card Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Manchester | |||||||||
Olive | Riley | Daughter | 18 | 18 | Single | Doubler | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Manchester | |||||||||
Florrie | Riley | Daughter | 17 | Single | Frame Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Manchester | ||||||||||
Alick | Riley | Son | 14 | Ring Doffer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Manchester | |||||||||||
49 | 615 Oldham Road | Walter | Gerrard | Head | 43 | Married | 19 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Mill Fire Beater | West–Leigh Lanc | ||||||
Annie | Gerrard | Wife | 42 | Married | At Home | Ashton–U–Lyne Lanc | ||||||||||||
Beatrice | Gerrard | Daughter | 19 | Single | Cotton Spinning | Bardsley Lanc | ||||||||||||
Walter | Gerrard | Nephew | 5 | Chadderton Lanc | ||||||||||||||
50 | 613 Oldham Road | Thomas | Bennett | Head | 51 | Married | 28 | None | Greengrocer | Own Account | At Home | Cheshire Hazle Grove | ||||||
Mary Ann | Bennett | Wife | 47 | Married | Lancs Pemberton | |||||||||||||
51 | “Glen Lea” Oldham Road | George William | Dunkerley | Head | 51 | Married | 30 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Pattern Maker Engineers | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | |||||
Hannah Catherine | Dunkerley | Wife | 52 | Married | 30 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Bardsley A U L Lancashire | |||||||||
Alice Ann | Dunkerley | Daughter | 25 | Single | Cardroom Operative | Worker | Newton Hyde Cheshire | |||||||||||
Gertrude Carrie | Dunkerley | Daughter | 19 | Single | Bardsley A U L Lancashire | |||||||||||||
52 | 595 Oldham Road | John Wm | Briggs | Head | 65 | Married | 20 M | Drapery Business | Own Account | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||
Elizabeth | Briggs | Wife | 54 | Married | At Home | Louth Lincolnshire | ||||||||||||
53 | 593 Oldham Road | Joseph | Hallam | Head | 33 | 11 months | Married | 7 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||
Sarah Ellen | Hallam | Wife | 35 | Married | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
James | Hallam | Son | 5 | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Mary | Hallam | Daughter | 11 months | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||||||||
54 | 591 Oldham Road | Nathan | Brierley | Head | 47 | Married | 15 | Cotton Spinner | Worker | Bardsley Parish | ||||||||
Elizabeth Ann | Brierley | Wife | 42 | Married | 15 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Bardsley Parish | |||||||||
Ann | Brierley | Daughter | 14 | Cardroom Hand | Worker | Bardsley Parish | ||||||||||||
Harry | Brierley | Son | 9 | Bardsley Parish | ||||||||||||||
Charles Ed | Doughty | Boarder | 18 | Single | Cotton Piecer | Worker | Central Manchester | |||||||||||
55 | 589 Oldham Road | Adam | Mills | Head | 74 | Widower | No Occupation | Lancasire Mossley | Feeble Mided | |||||||||
Sarah Ann | Stones | Daughter | 41 | Widow | 2 | 2 | House Keeper | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Harriet | Stones | Grand Daughter | 17 | Single | Manufacturing Chemist | Sweet Trade | Worker | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Elizth Annie | Stones | Grand Daughter | 16 | Single | Dairy Maid | Milk | Worker | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
56 | 587 Oldham Road | Enoch | Wildblood | Head | 62 | Married | 2 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Colliery Labourer | Worker | Staffordshire New Rd | |||||
Mary Ann | Wildblood | Wife | 50 | Married | 23 | Staffordshire Butt Lane | ||||||||||||
Enoch | Wildblood | Son | 22 | Single | Blowing Room Cotten Mill | Worker | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Lily | Wildblood | Daughter | 19 | 19 | Single | Drawing Room Tenter | Worker | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Sarah | Wildblood | Daughter | 15 | Single | Ring Spinner | Worker | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Lizebeth Ann | Eddleston | Boarder | 21 | Single | Ring Spinner | Worker | Leigh Plank Lane | |||||||||||
57 | 585 Oldham Road | William | Garside | Head | 44 | Married | 11 | Cotton Spinner | Worker | Park Bridge Ashton | ||||||||
Priscilla | Garside | Wife | 39 | Married | 2 | 2 | 0 | Duckinfield Cheshire | ||||||||||
Harry | Garside | Son | 11 | Waterloo Ashton | ||||||||||||||
Gilbert | Garside | Son | 3 | Waterloo Ashton | ||||||||||||||
58 | 583 Oldham Road | John | Littlewood | Head | 56 | Married | 35 | 6 | 4 | 2 | Wire Drawer | Wire Manufacturer | Worker | Lancashire Warrington | ||||
Jane | Littlewood | Wife | 56 | 56 | Married | 35 | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Sarah | Littlewood | Daughter | 24 | 24 | Single | Cop Winder | Worker | Warrington | ||||||||||
Jane | Littlewood | Daughter | 22 | Single | Lozenge Cutter | Worker | Warrington | |||||||||||
Sarah | Kershaw | Mother in Law | 79 | Single | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
59 | 581 Oldham Road | Henry | Hibbert | Head | 71 | Married | 49 | 8 | 5 | 3 | Iron Moulder | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||
Elizebeth | Hibbert | Wife | 73 | Married | Rothbury Northumberland | |||||||||||||
Emma | Hibbert | Daughter | 47 | Single | Cotton Winder | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Bertha | Hibbert | Daughter | 40 | Single | Dress Maker | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Elizebeth | Hibbert | Daughter | 37 | Single | Cardroom Tenter | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Alfred | Hibbert | Son | 36 | Single | Iron Moulder | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
60 | 579 Oldham Road | Fred | Taylor | Head | 32 | Married | 6 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Cotton Operative | Worker | Bardsley | |||||
Alice | Taylor | Wife | 30 | 30 | Married | Bury | ||||||||||||
Jessie | Taylor | Daughter | 6 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Harry | Taylor | Son | 1 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
John | Greenhalgh | Boarder | 56 | Married | 31 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Pipe Fitter | Toffee Works | Worker | Bury | ||||||
Esther A | Greenhalgh | Boarder | 48 | Married | Bury | |||||||||||||
61 | 577 Oldham Road | Joshua | Heginbotham | Head | 47 | Married | 25 | 11 | 9 | 2 | Blacksmith | Own Acc | Tideswell Derbyshire | |||||
Hannah | Heginbotham | Wife | 48 | Married | 25 | At Home | Greenfield Yorkshire | |||||||||||
Fred | Heginbotham | Son | 21 | Single | Blacksmiths Striker | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Edith | Heginbotham | Daughter | 19 | Single | Mill Hand Cardroom | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Ollive | Heginbotham | Daughter | 17 | Single | Cardroom Hand | Dukinfield Cheshire | ||||||||||||
Joshua | Heginbotham | Son | 15 | Single | Harrand Boy | Dukinfield Cheshire | ||||||||||||
Rose | Heginbotham | Daughter | 13 | Single | School | Dukinfield Cheshire | ||||||||||||
Doris | Heginbotham | Daughter | 12 | Single | School | Dukinfield Cheshire | ||||||||||||
Nora | Heginbotham | Daughter | 11 | Single | School | Ashton U Lyne Lancs | ||||||||||||
Cyril | Heginbotham | Son | 8 | Single | School | Ashton U Lyne Lancs | ||||||||||||
Coppers House Coal Pit | ||||||||||||||||||
62 | 535 Oldham Road | James | Greaves | Head | 50 | Married | Coal Miner Hewer | Lancs Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | ||||||||||
Annie | Greaves | Wife | 40 | Married | 5 | Birmingham Warwickshire | ||||||||||||
Alice | Greaves | Niece | 10 | School | Lancs Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Walter | Greaves | Brother | 47 | Single | Plate Moulder Iron Works | Lancs Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | ||||||||||||
63 | 533 Oldham Road | George | Partridge | Head | 35 | Married | Puddling Furnaceman | Bar Iron Works | Lancs Park Bridge | |||||||||
Ann Ellen | Partridge | Wife | 32 | Married | 9 | 2 | 2 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
George | Partridge | Son | 3 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Ernest | Partridge | Son | 8 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
64 | 531 Oldham Road | William | Williams | Head | 68 | Married | 47 | Boot Maker | Worker | Worker | Liverpool | |||||||
Catherine | Williams | Wife | 69 | Married | 47 | 11 | 3 | 8 | Mold Flintshire | |||||||||
Bertha | Park | Daughter | 28 | Married | 7 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Cotton Winder | Worker | Worker | Ashton–U–Lyne | ||||||
George | Park | Son | 6 | Ashton–U–Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Catherine | Park | Daughter | 3 | Ashton–U–Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Thomas | Wolstencroft | Boarder | 23 | Single | Iron Labourer | Iron Forge | Worker | Ashton–U–Lyne | ||||||||||
65 | 529 Oldham Road | Samuel | Bigden | Head | 48 | Married | 23 | 7 | 5 | 2 | Ball Furnace Man | Bar Iron Works | Worker | Lancs Dudley | ||||
Hannah | Bigden | Wife | 49 | Married | 23 | Lancs Stalybridge | ||||||||||||
Lizzie | Bigden | Daughter | 20 | Single | Speed Tenter | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Bertha | Bigden | Daughter | 17 | Single | Speed Tenter | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
George | Bigden | Son | 14 | Single | Cotton Peicer | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Hilda | Bigden | Daughter | 11 | Single | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Eva | Bigden | Daughter | 7 | Single | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
66 | 527 Oldham Road | John | Maybury | Head | 29 | Married | 3 | None | Iron Roller Coupler | Textile Machinists | Worker | Worker | Lancs Gorton | |||||
Eliza | Maybury | Wife | 30 | Married | 3 | None | Speed Tenter | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||
67 | 525 Oldham Road | Henry | Pickard | Head | 46 | Married | 14 | Spinner in Cotton Mill | Worker | Staff Wolverhampton | ||||||||
Mary Hannah | Pickard | Wife | 41 | Married | 14 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Spinner in Cotton Mill | Worker | Lanc Bardsley A U L | |||||||
John | Pickard | Son | 12 | Married | Spinner in Cotton Mill | Worker | Lanc Bardsley A U L | |||||||||||
Henry | Pickard | Son | 11 | Married | Spinner in Cotton Mill | Worker | Lanc Bardsley A U L | |||||||||||
Wallace | Pickard | Son | 8 | Married | Spinner in Cotton Mill | Worker | Lanc Bardsley A U L | |||||||||||
Jane Ann | Whitehead | Sister in Law | 39 | Single | Winder in Cotton Mill | Worker | Lanc Bardsley A U L | |||||||||||
68 | 523 Oldham Road | James | Stringer Senr | Head | 54 | Married | Coal Miner Hewer | Own AccountWorker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||
Pamela | Stringer | Wife | 53 | Married | 32 | 11 | 8 | 3 | Lancs Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||
James | Stringer Junr | Son | 29 | Single | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Ruth | Stringer | Daughter | 27 | Single | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Thos | Stringer | Son | 25 | Single | Roller Fluter | Textile Machinist | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Robt | Stringer | Son | 24 | Single | Shop Assistant Grocery Trade | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Mary | Stringer | Daughter | 22 | Single | Speed Tenter Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Samuel | Stringer | Son | 18 | Single | Driller & Borer | Engineering Works | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
69 | 521 Oldham Road | George Arthur | Littlewood | Head | 31 | Married | 3 | 1 | 1 | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Warrington Lancashire | ||||||
Margery | Littlewood | Wife | 29 | Married | Oldham Lancashire | |||||||||||||
Annie | Littlewood | Daughter | 3 | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
Liberal Club | ||||||||||||||||||
70 | 515 Oldham Road | Edwin | Ainsworth | Head | 43 | Married | 15 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Carter Park Bridge | Iron Works | Worker | Cheshire Hyde | ||||
Mary Ann | Ainsworth | Wife | 38 | Married | 15 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Tenter Cardroom | Cotton Mill | Worker | Cheshire Tintwistle | ||||||
71 | 513 Oldhm Road | John | Walker | Head | 60 | Married | 39 | 10 | 4 | 6 | Cotton Cop Spinner | Lancs Oldham | ||||||
Emma | Walker | Wife | 59 | Married | Derbyshire Chesterfield | |||||||||||||
Herbert | Walker | Son | 19 | Single | Cotton Peicer | Worker | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||
Edmund | Glover | Boarder | 26 | Single | Waddling Labourer | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Harriet | Glover | Boarder | 17 | Single | Cotton Tenter | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
72 | Off 511 Oldham Road | Miss Ellen | Cardus | Head | 29 | Single | Cotton Winder | Nashville St Trafford Rd Salford Manchester | ||||||||||
73 | 511 Oldham Road | John | Langton | Head | 24 | Married | Cotton Piecer | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Chorley | ||||||||
Mary Hannah | Langton | Wife | 23 | Married | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | Screw Pointer | Iron Works | Worker | Lancs Haydock | ||||||
74 | 509 Oldham Road | John Thomas | Nuttall | Head | 35 | Married | 10 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Collier Miner | Bardsley | ||||||
Maria | Nuttall | Wife | 30 | 30 | Married | 10 | Glodwick | |||||||||||
Khandous | Nuttall | Daughter | 8 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Ethel | Nuttall | Daughter | 5 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
75 | 507 Oldham Road | Edmond | Goddard | Head | 64 | Married | Publican | Bardsley | ||||||||||
Sarah Ann | Goddard | Wife | 64 | Married | 41 | 5 | 5 | 0 | Bardsley | |||||||||
Gilbert | Goddard | Son | 31 | Single | Twiner | Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Annie | Goddard | Daughter | 23 | Single | Assisting at Home | Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Jane | Green | Servant | 27 | Single | Servant | St Helens | ||||||||||||
Coop Stores | ||||||||||||||||||
Infant School | ||||||||||||||||||
Large Church School | ||||||||||||||||||
Holy Trinity Church | ||||||||||||||||||
76 | Off 497 Oldham Road | Allan | Holmes | Head | 25 | Married | 3 Years | 2 | 2 | Hairdresser | Own Account | Cakehall Yorkshire | ||||||
Alma | Holmes | Wife | 24 | Married | 3 Years | Chadderton Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Edith | Holmes | Daughter | 2 years | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
Nellie | Holmes | Daughter | 1 Year | Chadderton Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
77 | 497 Oldham Road | George Disraeli | Connard | Head | 42 | Married | 14 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Boot Repairer | Own Account | Home | Lancashire Oldham | ||||
Agnes | Connard | Wife | 38 | Married | Lancashire Barsley | |||||||||||||
Fred | Connard | Son | 13 | Piecer Cotton Spinning | Lancashire Oldham | |||||||||||||
Harry | Connard | Son | 11 | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||||||||
78 | 495 Oldham Road | Walter | Robins | Head | 54 | Married | 32 | 7 | 4 | 3 | General Labourer | Building | Worker | Herts Harpenden | ||||
Hannah | Robins | Wife | 63 | 63 | Married | Bucks Claydon | ||||||||||||
Herbert | Robins | Son | 30 | Single | Carter | Bucks Claydon | ||||||||||||
Frank | Robins | Son | 19 | Single | Roll Turner | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Walter | Robins | Grand Son | 5 | Single | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
79 | 493 Oldham Road | Elizabeth | Rose | Widow | 54 | Widow | Ches Dukinfield | |||||||||||
Henry | Rose | Son | 25 | Single | Coal Waggoner at Bottom of Pit | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | ||||||||||||
George | Rose | Son | 24 | Single | Dataller | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
80 | 491 Oldham Road | Samuel | Taylor | Head | 50 | Married | Coal Miner | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||
Maria | Taylor | Wife | 46 | Married | 25 | 13 | 7 | 6 | Staffordshire | |||||||||
Harriet | Taylor | Daughter | 18 | 18 | Single | Box Tenter | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Hindley Green | |||||||||
Maggie | Taylor | Daughter | 15 | 15 | Single | Tapper | Iron Works | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||
William | Taylor | Son | 10 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Harry | Taylor | Son | 8 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Ethel | Taylor | Daughter | 6 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
May | Taylor | Daughter | 3 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Josepth | Wolstencroft | Nephew | 24 | Window Cleaner | Own Account | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||
81 | 489 Oldham Road | Edmund | Clegg | Head | 37 | Married | Cotton Blowing Major | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||
Marian Helena | Clegg | Wife | 35 | 35 | Married | 16 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Lancashire St Helens | ||||||||
James William | Clegg | Son | 15 | Single | Oiler & Sander | Cotton Ring Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||||
Wilfred | Clegg | Son | 12 | School | Lancashire Oldham | |||||||||||||
George | Clegg | Son | 10 | School | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||||
487 Oldham Road | Conservative Club | |||||||||||||||||
Wadding Works | ||||||||||||||||||
82 | 485 Oldham Road | Samuel | Lees | Head | 68 | Married | 48 | 8 | 5 | 3 | Roller Maker | Employer | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||
Ann | Lees | Wife | 67 | Married | 48 | At Home | Cheshire Timply | |||||||||||
Bertha | Lees | Daughter | 26 | Single | At Home | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||
83 | 483 Oldham Road | Nancy | Barnbrook | Head | 24 | Single | Reeler | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Worcester Dudley | ||||||||
Mary | Fieldhouse | Mother | 54 | Married | 14 | None | Housekeeper | Worcester Dudley | ||||||||||
John | Barnbrook | Brother | 19 | Single | Dataller Hooking Waggons | Coal Pit | Worker | Worcester Dudley | ||||||||||
84 | 481 Oldham Road | William | Usher | Head | 27 | Married | 6 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Waste Man in Cotton Spg Mill | Cotton Mill | Worker | Hampton Cheshire | ||||
Clara | Usher | Wife | 27 | 27 | Married | Calico Weaver | Cotton Mill | Worker | Hyde Cheshire | |||||||||
Nellie | Usher | Daughter | 3 | 3 | Newton Moor Cheshire | |||||||||||||
85 | 479 Oldham Road | Mary Ann | Jones | Head | 49 | Married | 13 | None | 3 | 1 | Cardroom Hand | Worker | Waterloo Nr Ashton Lancs | |||||
Mary Annie | Taylor | Daughter | 27 | Single | Cardroom Hand | Worker | Bardsley Nr Ashton Lancs | |||||||||||
George | Taylor | Son | 26 | Single | Coal Miner | Worker | Bardsley Nr Ashton Lancs | |||||||||||
Lily | Taylor | Neice | 4 | Single | School | Bardsley Nr Ashton Lancs | ||||||||||||
86 | 477 Oldham Road | George | Bates | Head | 51 | 49 | Married | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Cabley Derbyshire | ||||||||
Bridget | Bates | Wife | 49 | Married | 30 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Chester Cheshire | |||||||||
Annie | Sullivan | Neice | 17 | Single | Cardroom Hand | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
William | Reeves | Boarder | 17 | 17 | Single | Labourer General | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||
87 | 475 Oldham Road | Joseph | Bates | Head | 28 | Married | 6 | 3 | 3 | None | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||
Mary | Bates | Wife | 29 | Married | St Helens Lancashire | |||||||||||||
Mary | Bates | Daughter | 3 | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
George | Bates | Son | 5 | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
William | Bates | Son | 11 months | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
88 | 473 Oldham Road | Henry | Turner | Head | 33 | Married | 4 | 3 | 1 | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Knott Lanes Lancs | ||||||
Mary Hannah | Turner | Wife | 27 | Married | 7 | Heyside Lancs | ||||||||||||
Hannah | Turner | Daughter | 6 | Oldham Lancs | ||||||||||||||
Alice | Turner | Daughter | 4 | Bardsley Lancs | ||||||||||||||
Thomas | Turner | Son | 1 | Bardsley Lancs | ||||||||||||||
Seven Unoccupied Dwellings | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
89 | 5 Argyle Street | Robert | Hudson | Head | 45 | Married | 25 | Mule Spinner | Lancs Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||
Martha | Hudson | Wife | 44 | Married | 25 | 3 | 3 | 0 | At Home | Ches Mill Brook | ||||||||
Mary Jane | Hudson | Daughter | 25 | Single | Mill Hand | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Elizabeth | Hudson | Daughter | 23 | Single | Mill Hand | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Fred | Hudson | Son | 21 | Single | Mill Hand | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
90 | 7 Argyle Street | Samuel | Gibson | Head | 51 | Widower | 5 | 5 | 0 | At Home | Natland Westmorland | |||||||
James | Gibson | Son | 25 | Cotton Spinner | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Thomas | Gibson | Son | 23 | Cotton Spinner | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Lily | Gibson | Daughter | 20 | Cardroom Hand | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Violet | Gibson | Daughter | 19 | Cardroom Hand | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Maggie | Gibson | Daughter | 14 | Cardroom Hand | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
91 | 9 Argyle Street | George William | Squires | Head | 43 | Married | 22 | 7 | 7 | Carter | Worker | Lincoln Holbeach | ||||||
Margaret | Squires | Wife | 40 | Married | 22 | Pony Driver | Lancs Hindley | |||||||||||
Willie | Squires | Son | 21 | Single | Pony Driver | Worker | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||
Fred | Squires | Son | 20 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Worker | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||
Ethel | Squires | Daughter | 18 | Single | Speed Tenter | Worker | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||
Sarah | Squires | Daughter | 15 | Single | Speed Tenter | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Edith | Squires | Daughter | 12 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
George | Squires | Son | 10 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Bertha | Squires | Daughter | 7 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
92 | Coal Pit Lane | George John | Wild | Head | 60 | Married | 14 | Under Manager Colliery | Colliery | Worker | Lancashire Glodwick | |||||||
Mary | Wild | Wife | 55 | Married | 14 | Lancashire Hartshead Jacobs Fold | ||||||||||||
Joseph | Wild | Son | 22 | Single | Daywageman | Colliery | Worker | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Susan | Broadhurst | Servant | 47 | Married | 15 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Servant Domestic | Dorsetshire Bridport | ||||||||
93 | Angelo House Church Street | Josiah | Bonsall | Head | 63 | Married | Builder & Contractor | Employer | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | |||||||||
Mary | Bonsall | Wife | 61 | Married | 38 | 9 | 5 | 4 | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | |||||||||
William | Bonsall | Son | 29 | Single | Bricklayer | Housebuilder | Worker | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | ||||||||||
May | Bonsall | Daughter | 24 | Single | Assisting in House Work | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | ||||||||||||
Ethel | Bonsall | Daughter | 22 | Single | Milliner | Worker | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | |||||||||||
Milton House | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
Parish Institute | ||||||||||||||||||
94 | Holy Trinity Vicarage | Charles Edward Leslie | Beresford Keane | Head | 46 | Married | 7 Yrs | 2 | Clerk in Holy Orders Established Church Anglican | WorkerOwn Account | Down Rafriland | |||||||
Ethel Margaret | Beresford Keane | Wife | 35 | 35 | Married | 7 Yrs | 2 | 2 | Lancaster Preston | |||||||||
Margaret Leslie | Beresford Keane | Daughter | 6 | Lancaster Preston | ||||||||||||||
Christine Kathleen May | Beresford Keane | Daughter | 1 | Lancaster Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Clara Margaret | Beresford Keane | Sister | 53 | Single | Down Rafriland | |||||||||||||
Hannah | Evans | Servant | 25 | Single | Cook | Domestic | Cheshire Crewe | |||||||||||
Elisabeth | Evans | Servant | 16 | Single | Nurse Housemais | Domestic | Cheshire Crewe | |||||||||||
95 | Wheatfield Cottages | Jim | Gray | Head | 45 | Married | Bricksetters Labourer | Builder | Worker | Irekand Kildare | ||||||||
Liza | Gray | Wife | 33 | Married | 8 | None | Wadding Maker | Wadding Works | Worker | Lancs Manchester | ||||||||
96 | Wheatfield Cottages | William Henry | Green | Head | 37 | Married | 10 | 6 | 5 | 1 | Night Watchman | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancs Salford | ||||
Annie | Green | Wife | 33 | Married | Lancs Salford | |||||||||||||
Adelaide Annie | Green | Daughter | 9 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Mary Thresa | Green | Daughter | 7 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Lilian Cathleen | Green | Daughter | 6 | With Grand Parents | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Ellen | Green | Daughter | 4 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Florence May | Green | Daughter | 1 Year8 Months | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
97 | Wheatfield Cottages | Thomas | McGrath | Head | 58 | Married | 22 | House Painter | Ireland | |||||||||
Jane | McGrath | Wife | 58 | Married | None | Salford Lancs | ||||||||||||
Lily Cathleen | Grand Daughter | 6 | Grandchild | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
98 | Wheatfield Cottages | Elijah | Hewitt | Head | 41 | Married | 16 | 8 | 2 | 6 | Labourer at Iron Foundry | Working For | Employer | Dukinfield C of C | ||||
Mary Jane | Hewitt | Wife | 40 | Married | 16 | At Home | Bardsley Cof Lanc | |||||||||||
Fred | Hewitt | Son | 14 | Single | Clogger Apprentice | Working For | Employer | Bardsley Cof Lanc | ||||||||||
Edna | Hewitt | Daughter | 2 | Single | Bardsley Cof Lanc | |||||||||||||
Thomas | Rostron | Lodger | 74 | Widower | No Occupation | At Home | Bury Cof Lanc | |||||||||||
99 | Wheatfield Cottages | Alfred | Slater | Head | 38 | Married | 15 | None | 1 | Labourer at Colliery | Working For | Employer | Smallshaw Fowt Bardsley | |||||
Bythia | Slater | Wife | 30 | Married | Toffee Works | Working For | Employer | Dukinfield Cheshire | ||||||||||
Alfred | Wild | Son | 18 | Signal | Piecer in Cotton Mill | Working For | Employer | Bardsley | ||||||||||
Mary Ann | Mason | Boarder | 31 | Married | 9 | None | None | Housekeeper | Dukinfield Cheshire | |||||||||
100 | Wheatfield Cottages | Robert G C M | Taylor | Head | 25 | Single | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Lanc Bardsley A U Lyne | |||||||||
Sarah | Taylor | Mother | 65 | Widow | Housekeeper | Lanc Bardsley A U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Law | Gregory | Brother in Law | 32 | Married | Brass Works Metal Boiler | Worker | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Esther | Gregory | Sister | 33 | Married | 9 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Cotton Operative Card Room | Worker | Lanc Bardsley A U Lyne | |||||||
Hilda | Gregory | Daughter of Above | 8 | Lanc Bardsley A U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
101 | Wheatfield Cottages | William | Hewitt | Head | 46 Years | 41 Years | Married | 17 Years | 8 | 8 | None | Coal Hewer | Worker | Dukinfield Cheshire | ||||
Elizabeth Ann | Hewitt | Wife | 44 Years | 41 Years | Married | 17 Years | 0 | Ring Frame Piecer | At Home | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||
Martha Ann | Hewitt | Daughter | 16 Years | Single | Card Room | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
Emma | Hewitt | Daughter | 15 Years | Single | Card Room | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
Alice | Hewitt | Daughter | 12 Years | Single | Ring Frame Piecer | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
Annie | Hewitt | Daughter | 2 years | Single | School | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||
William | Hewitt | Son | 12 Years | Single | Latley C/o Durham | |||||||||||||
Matthew | Hewitt | Son | 9 Years | Single | Pontefract Yorkshire | |||||||||||||
Mark | Hewitt | Son | 7 Years | Single | Oakensahw C/o Durham | |||||||||||||
Samuel | Hewitt | Son | 4 Years | Single | Walker Gate Newcastle–on–Tyne | |||||||||||||
Part of Wheatfield Cottages | Workshop | |||||||||||||||||
102 | Bardsley Fold | Hannah | Andrew | Head | 56 | Widow | 20 | 5 | 1 | 4 | Farming Farm | Staffordshire | ||||||
Charles | Andrew | Son | 20 | Single | Farming | At Home | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Thomas | Hinsley | Father | 82 | Widower | 50 | 10 | 3 | 5 | Retired Collier | Staffordshire | ||||||||
Jane | Beresford | Boarder | 66 | Widow | 38 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Servant at Farm | Shropshire | ||||||||
103 | Bardsley Fold | John | Liptrot | Head | 46 | Married | 18 | One | One | Cop Packer in Spinning Mill | Employed | St Helens Lancashire | ||||||
Martha | Liptrot | Wife | 38 | 38 | Married | 18 | One | One | Winder in Spinning Mill | Employed | Dukinfield Cheshire | |||||||
Lucy | Liptrot | Daughter | 17 | Single | Ring Spinner Spinning Mill | Employed | Dukinfield Cheshire | |||||||||||
104 | Bardsley House | John R | Stott | Head | 55 | Married | 30 | 5 | 5 | Nil | Cotton Spinner | Employer | Lancashire Oldham | |||||
Amelia A | Stott | Wife | 51 | Married | 30 | Lancashire Cheetham Hill | ||||||||||||
Annie | Jones | Servant | 34 | Single | House Maid | Domestic | Employed | Denbighshire Ruabon | ||||||||||
Mary | Smith | Servant | 31 | Single | Cook | Domestic | Denbighshire Llanbidr | |||||||||||
105 | Bardsley Lodge | Joseph | Johnson | Head | 42 | Married | 21 | 5 | 3 | 2 | Confectionery Sugar Boiler | Manuf Chemists | Worker | Notts Nottingham | ||||
Florence | Johnson | Wife | 42 | 42 | Married | Leicestershire Barrow on Soar | ||||||||||||
Ada | Johnson | Daughter | 17 | Single | Printer | Manuf Chemists | Worker | Notts Nottingham | ||||||||||
Frances | Johnson | Daughter | 10 | Notts Nottingham | ||||||||||||||
106 | Tree House Bank | Joseph | Bown | Head | 50 | Married | 24 | 3 | 3 | Farmer | Own AccountWorker | At Home | Ashton U Lyne | |||||
Maria | Bown | Wife | 45 | Married | At Home | Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Samuel | Bown | Son | 23 | Single | Farmers Son Wrking on Farm | At Home | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Elizabeth | Bown | Daughter | 20 | Single | Farmers Daughter Dairy Worker | At Home | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Elenor | Bown | Daughter | 15 | Single | Tailoress | Tailoress | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
107 | Tree House Cottage | Catherine | Kirk | Head | 63 | Widow | 41 | 8 | 5 6 | 3 | Roscommon | Resident | ||||||
Eliza | Kirk | Daughter | 38 | Single | Cotton Weaver | Worker | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | |||||||||||
Mattie | Kirk | Daughter | 29 | Single | Cotton Weaver | Worker | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | |||||||||||
John | Kirk | Son | 23 | 23 | Single | Flock Manufacturer | Employer | Lancs Ashton·U· Lyne | ||||||||||
Riversvale Hall | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
108 | Riversvale Lodge | Joseph | Crouchley | Head | 64 | Married | 32 | 2 | 2 | Collier Miner Hewer | Worker | Lancs Golborne | ||||||
Susan | Crouchley | Wife | 65 | Married | Hereford Linton | |||||||||||||
Lilian | Beaumiont | Grandaughter | 11 | School | Lancs Ince | |||||||||||||
Mary Jane | Keyes | Sister in Law | 67 | Widower | Hereford Linton | |||||||||||||
109 | Valley Farm | Charles | Brooke | Head | 51 | Married | Farmer | Own Account | Yorkshire Wortley | |||||||||
Martha Ann | Brooke | Wife | 51 | Married | 25 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Yorkshire Thurgoland | |||||||||
Alice Mary | Brooke | Daughter | 24 | s | Farmers Daughter Dairy Work | Yorkshire Hunshelf | ||||||||||||
Valley Farm Sewage Works | ||||||||||||||||||
110 | Crime Farm | Charles | Jackson | Head | 76 | Widower | Road Repairing | District Council | Worker | Northenden | ||||||||
Charles | Jackson | Son | 35 | Single | Farm Work | Farming | Own Account | At Home | Ashton U Lyne Lancashire | |||||||||
Samuel | Jackson | Son | 41 | Married | OneYear | None | Banks Man | G C C Company | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||
Mary | Jackson | Daughter in Law | 28 | Married | House Work | At Home | Manchestre Lancashire | |||||||||||
Waterhouse Locks | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
111 | Waterhouse Locks | Joseph | Green | Head | 25 | Married | 5 | Banksman G C R Canals | Worker | Cheshire Adlington | ||||||||
Elizabeth | Green | Wife | 27 | 27 | Married | 5 | 1 | Cheshire Pot Shrigley | ||||||||||
Annie | Greeb | Daughter | 4 | One | One | Cheshire Adlington | ||||||||||||
112 | Wood Park Farm | Joseph | Brierley | Head | 39 | Married | 1 | 1 | Farmer | Employer | Lancs Ashton | |||||||
Edith | Brierley | Wife | 42 | Married | 16 | 0 | Farmer | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Joseph | Brierley | Son | 14 | Working on Farm | Worker | At Home | Lancs Ashton | |||||||||||
113 | Wood Park Farm | Samuel | Andrew | Head | 31 | Married | 4 | 3 | 3 | Dairy Farmer | Employer | At Home | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||
Mary Elizabeth | Andrew | Wife | 27 | 27 | Married | 4 | Yorkshire Upton | |||||||||||
Edith Annie | Andrew | Daughter | 3 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Grace Hannah | Andrew | Daughter | 2 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Mary Elizabeth | Andrew | Daughter | 1 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
114 | Wood Park Farm | George | Mills | Head | 43 | Married | Farmer | Employer | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||
Elizabeth | Mills | Wife | 41 | Married | 17 | 5 | 5 | 0 | Lancs Droylsden | |||||||||
Annie | Mills | Daughter | 16 | Single | Farmers Daughter Dairy Work | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Gertrude Alice | Mills | Daughter | 14 | Farmers Daughter Dairy Work | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Doris | Mills | Daughter | 12 | School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Harriet | Mills | Daughter | 8 | School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Elizabeth | Mills | Daughter | 5 | School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
115 | Wood Parkl Cottage | James | Morris | Head | 35 | Married | 7 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Farm Labourer | Worker | Staff Parish Ipstones | |||||
Hannah | Morris | Wife | 27 | Married | Staff Parish Ipstones | |||||||||||||
Fanny | Morris | Daughter | 6 | School | Staff Parish Oncote | |||||||||||||
Elsie | Morris | Daughter | 3 | Cheshire Macclesfield | ||||||||||||||
116 | Wood Park Cottage | David | Scott | Head | 22 | Married | 3 | Cowman on Farm | Worker | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||
Amanda | Scott | Wife | 21 | Married | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Lancashire Ashton | |||||||||
Charles | Scott | Son | 2 | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||||||
Howard | Scott | Son | 11months | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||||||
117 | Croft End Farm | Samuel | Brown | Head | 47 | Married | 11 | 3 | Farmer | Own A/ct | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | |||||||
Bertha | Brown | Wife | 41 | Married | 11 | None | Assisting in the Business | Langley Nr Macclesfield | ||||||||||
William | Brown | Son | 25 | Single | Farmers Son Working on the Farm | Worker | Bardsley Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||
Joseph | Brown | Son | 24 | Single | Farmers Son Working on the Farm | Worker | Bardsley Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||
Ellen | Brown | Daughter | 20 | Single | Farmers Daughter Dairy Work | Worker | Bardsley Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||
118 | Knott Lanes | Herbert | Walker | Head | 56 | Married | 33 | 9 | 4 | 5 | Farmer | Employer | Lancs Burnley | |||||
Annie | Walker | Wife | 56 | Married | 33 | Lancs Ulverston | ||||||||||||
Emily | Walker | Daughter | 21 | Single | Farmers Daughter Dairymaid | Worker | Lancs Rochdale | |||||||||||
Arthur | Walker | Son | 19 | Single | Farmers Son Working on Farm | Worker | Lancs Rochdale | |||||||||||
Albert Gordon | Glover | Son in Law | 26 | Married | 1 | Engineer Fitter | Worker | Lancs Manchester | ||||||||||
Ethel Gordon | Glover | Daughter | 25 | Married | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Lancs Rochdale | |||||||||
Lilian Walker | Glover | Granddaughter | 4 Months | Lancs Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||||||
119 | Knott Lanes | Henry | Rockcliffe | Head | 74 | Widower | Coal Miner Hewer | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Ann | Eadt | Daughter | 35 | Married | 14 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Cardroom Hand | Cotton Factory | Worker | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||
Beatrice | Rockcliffe | 32 | Single | Winder | Cotton Factory | Worker | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
120 | Knott Lanes | James | Swindells | Head | 62 | Married | 38 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Engineers Pattern Maker | Bollington Cheshire | ||||||
Margaret | Swindells | Wife | 61 | 61 | Married | 36 | 4 | 3 | Bollington Cheshire | |||||||||
Frank | Swindells | Son | 29 | Single | Plasterer | Bardsley Ashton | ||||||||||||
Annie | Gaskel | Adopted Daughter | 16 | 16 | Single | Cotton Operative | Altringham Cheshire Alteringham | |||||||||||
121 | Knott Lanes | Thomas | Timmins | Head | 24 | Married | 1 | 1 | 1 | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | St Helens Lancs | ||||||
Ethel | Timmins | Wife | 22 | Married | Bardsley Lancs | |||||||||||||
Edward | Timmins | Son | 1 | Bardsley Lancs | ||||||||||||||
122 | Knott Lanes | Charles | Scott | Head | 50 | Married | Horseman on Farm | Worker | Cumberland Longtown | |||||||||
Ann | Scott | Wife | 55 | Married | 27 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Cheshire Bollington | |||||||||
Walter | Scott | Son | 24 | Married | Cowman on Farm | Worker | Lancs Ashton | |||||||||||
Margaret | Scott | Wife | 22 | Married | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | Assisting in Sugar Boiling | Dumfrieshire Langholm Resident | Scotland | |||||||
123 | Knott Lanes | Tom | Garside | Head | 48 | Married | 15 | Iron Turner | Sewing Machine Makers | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||
Marian | Garside | Wife | 44 | Married | Piecer | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Stanley | Taylor | Step–Son | 19 | Single | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
124 | Knott Lanes | John | Dobb | Head | 41 | Married | Coal Dealer | Own Account | Lanc Ashton–u–Lyne | |||||||||
Sarah | Dobb | Wife | 38 | Married | 16 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Lanc Oldham | |||||||||
Herbert | Dobb | Son | 14 | Piecer Mule | Cotton Mill | Lanc Ashton–u–Lyne | ||||||||||||
Elsie | Dobb | Daughter | 6 | Lanc Ashton–u–Lyne | ||||||||||||||
125 | Knott Lanes | James | Dobb | Head | 74 | Married | 48 | 12 | 10 | 2 | Farmer | Own Account | Cheshire Timperley | |||||
Sarah | Dobb | Wife | 72 | Married | 48 | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Ann | Dobb | Daughter | 47 | Single | Farmers Daughter At Home | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Isaac | Dobb | Son | 36 | Single | Farmers Son Working on Farm | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Joseph | Dobb | Son | 34 | Single | Farmers Son Working on Farm | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Margaret | Dobb | Daughter | 26 | Single | Farmers Daughter Dairy Work | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Clara | Dobb | Daughter | 25 | Single | Farmers Daughter Dairy Work | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
126 | Knott Lanes Farm | Thomas | Collinge | Head | 65 | Married | 33 | 2 | 2 | Dairy Farmer | Own Account | Lancs Hopwood | ||||||
Betty | Collinge | Wife | 60 | Married | 33 | Lancs Chadderton Nr Royton | ||||||||||||
Edmund | Collinge | Son | 31 | Single | Assistant | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Alice A | Collinge | Daughter | 28 | Single | Assistant | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Fred | Baron | Assistant | 18 | Single | Assistant | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Iron Works | S Lees | |||||||||||||||||
127 | 404 Oldham Road | John | Martin | Head | 32 | Married | Commercial Traveller | Manuf Chemists | Worker | Lancs Ardwick | ||||||||
Bertha | Martin | Wife | 32 | Married | 8 | 2 | 2 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
John | Martin Junr | Son | 2 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Arthur | Martin | Son | 6 months | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Ann | Acton | Mother in Law | 77 | Widow | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Off Oldham Road | Messrs Rothwell & Co Brewery | |||||||||||||||||
128 | Springwood Hall | Ernest Hodgson | Kerfoot | Head | 31 | Married | 6 | 1 | 1 | Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Chemists Manager | Worker | Lancs Longsight | ||||||
Margaret | Kerfoot | Wife | 31 | Married | 6 | 1 | 1 | Lancs Heaton Mersey | ||||||||||
Thomas Hodgson Manners | Kerfoot | Son | 5 | Single | Lancs Manchester | |||||||||||||
Lucie | Nuttall | Servant | 44 | Widow | 2 | 2 | Nurse Domestic | Cheshire Broadbottom | ||||||||||
Annie | Parkin | Servant | 23 | Single | Cook Domestic | Yorks Hutton Conyers | ||||||||||||
Annie Elizabeth | Pudsey | Servant | 19 | Single | Servant Housemaid Domestic | Yorks Brompton | ||||||||||||
129 | Springwood Lodge | Joseph | Reynolds | Head | 38 | Married | 9 | 5 | 3 | 2 | Concreter and Asphalter | Manufacturing Chemists | Worker | Ashton U Lyne | ||||
Amy Gertrude | Reynolds | Wife | 27 | Married | Dudley Worcestershire | |||||||||||||
Gladys Irene | Reynolds | Daughter | 7 | Single | Dudley Worcestershire | |||||||||||||
Daisy Winifred | Reynolds | Daughter | 3 | Single | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Francis | Reynolds | Son | 1 | Single | Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Clara Kate | Hinton | Boarder | 31 | Single | Lozenge Maker | Manufacturing Chemists | Dudley Worcestershire | |||||||||||
Bardsley Vale Mills | Kerfoot & Co | |||||||||||||||||
130 | Bardsley Vale Lodge | Theodore | Finucane | Head | 39 | Married | 2 | 2 | None | Stock Keeper | Chemists Sundries | Worker | Dum–Dum India | |||||
Emily | Finucane | Wife | 38 | 38 | Married | 16 | Ancoats Manchester | |||||||||||
John | Finucane | Son | 15 | Single | Apprentice Lithographic Printer | Worker | Longsight Manchester | |||||||||||
Fred | Finucane | Son | 11 | School | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
131 | 406 Oldham Road | Margaret | Roberts | Head | 57 | Widow | 57 | Nil | One by FirstMarriage | Nil | Sweet Business Shop | Own Acct | At Home | Mobley Cheshire | ||||
Thomas William | Boon | Son | 456⁄12 | Single | Asstt Business | Own Acct | At Home | Birkdale Southport Lan | ||||||||||
Bardsley Brow Smithy | Joshua Heginbotham | |||||||||||||||||
132 | Old Office Oldham Road | Fred | Cropper | Head | 46 | Married | Carter Delivering | Coal Pit | Carter | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||
Margaret Ann | Cropper | Wife | 46 | Married | 17 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Shirt Maker by Machine | At Home | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||
Margaret Hannah | Cropper | Daughter | 16 | Single | Shirt Maker by Machine | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
133 | 474 Oldham Road | Frank | Brierley | Head | 36 | Widower | Grocers Assistant | Co–op Socy | Worker | Lancs Bardsley A U L | ||||||||
Edith | Brierley | Sister | 31 | 31 | Single | Assistant Teacher | Borough Council | Worker | Lancs Bardsley A U L | |||||||||
Ethel Annie | Brierley | Daughter | 7 | Lancs Waterloo A U L | ||||||||||||||
134 | 476 Oldham Road | Albert | Brierley | Head | 34 | Married | Coremaker | Gas Engineering Co | Worker | Lancs Bardsley A U L | ||||||||
Mary Alice | Brierley | Wife | 34 | Married | 11 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Lancs Bardsley A U L | |||||||||
John | Brierley | Son | 9 | Lancs Bardsley A U L | ||||||||||||||
James Arnold | Brierley | Son | 7 | Lancs Bardsley A U L | ||||||||||||||
135 | 486 Oldham Road | Abraham | Taylor | Head | 41 | Married | 16 | 6 | 6 | 0 | Cotton Spinning Mules | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Preswich Division | ||||
Frances | Taylor | Wife | 37 | Married | Worker | Salford Division | ||||||||||||
Ernest | Taylor | Son | 16 | Single | Cotton Spinning Mules | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Preswich Division | ||||||||||
Jane | Taylor | Daughter | 14 | Cotton Spinning Ring Doffer | Cotton Ring Doffer | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Mary | Taylor | Daughter | 12 | Doffer & School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Sarah | Taylor | Daughter | 9 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Fred | Taylor | Son | 6 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Henry | Taylor | Son | 2 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
John | Nurse | Boader | 66 | Widower | Bricklayer | Building | Norfolk | |||||||||||
136 | 488 Oldham Road | Mrs | Whitehead | Head | 42 | Widow | 2 | 2 | Cardrrom Worker | Cotton Mill | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||
Robert | Whitehead | Son | 16 | Single | Piecer Spinning Rooms | Cotton Mill | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||
Edward | Whitehead | Son | 12 | Single | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||||
Edward | Jones | Border | 32 | Single | Iron Turner | Bar Iron Works | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
137 | 490 Oldham Road | Abel | Wild | Head | 41 | Married | 20 | 9 | 8 | 1 | Caretaker Serage Works Bardsley | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||
Esther | Wild | Wife | 38 | Married | 20 | Hindley Lancashire | ||||||||||||
James Alfred | Wild | Son | 18 | Single | Little Piecer Cotton Mill | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
George | Wild | Son | 16 | Single | Little Piecer Cotton Mill | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
Eva | Wild | Daughter | 13 | 13 | Part School Doffer Cotton Mill | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||
Ratcliffe | Wild | Son | 12 | Part School Learning Cotton Mill | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||||
Nelly | Wild | Daughter | 10 | 10 | School | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Alice | Wild | Daughter | 8 | 8 | School | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Joseph | Wild | Son | 6 | School | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||||
Doris | Wild | Daughter | 4 | 4 | School | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Edward | Richards | Boarder | 25 | Cotton Mill | Worker | Liverpool | ||||||||||||
138 | 492 Oldham Road | Albert Ernest | Dunnington | Head | 35 | Married | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Labourer | Bower Pit | Manchester England | |||||
Mary Alice | Dunnington | Wife | 36 | Married | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Housewife | Butterw | Failsworth England | |||||||
Alice | Richardson | Step Daughter | 12 | Single | School | Home | Failsworth England | |||||||||||
Sarah Jane | Richardson | Step Daughter | 1 | Single | School | Home | Failsworth England | |||||||||||
Livinia | Richardson | Step Daughter | 8 | Single | School | Home | Failsworth England | One Eye | ||||||||||
Annie May | Richardson | Step Daughter | 5 | Single | School | Home | Failsworth England | |||||||||||
Edna Joan | Dunnington | Daughter | 2 | Single | Home | Failsworth England | ||||||||||||
Thomas | Hindley | Lodger | 45 | Married | 19 | 2 | 4 | 2 | Collier | No Where | Staffordshire Eng | |||||||
Hannah | Hindley | Lodger | 35 | Married | 19 | 2 | 4 | 2 | Weaver | Butterworths | Fansworth Eng | |||||||
Mary Ann | Hindley | Lodger | 18 | Single | Reeler | Stotts | Staffordshire Eng | |||||||||||
Rose Hannah | Hindley | Lodger | 16 | Single | Nothing | Home | Tindsley Bonds | |||||||||||
Ester | Hindley | Lodger | 12 | Single | School | Home | Tindsley Bonds | |||||||||||
Thomas | Hindley | Lodger | 9 | Single | School | Home | Tindsley Bonds | |||||||||||
139 | 494 Oldham Road | Jane Charlotte | Blanck | Head | 41 | Widow | Northants Upper Weedon | |||||||||||
Eva | Blanck | Daughter | 20 | Single | Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Yorkshire York | ||||||||||
Minnie | Blanck | Daughter | 17 | Single | Piecer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Yorkshire Lydgate | ||||||||||
Charles | Blanck | Son | 15 | Single | Piecer | Cotton Mill | Worker | LancsYorkshire Oldham | ||||||||||
Harry | Blanck | Son | 9 | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||||||
Maud | Blanck | Daughter | 8 | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||||||
140 | 496 Oldham Road | George Harry | Sidebottom | Head | 54 | Widower | Shingler | Iron Works | Worker | Dukinfield Cheshire | ||||||||
John | Sidebottom | Son | 24 | Married | Underone | None | Labourer | Iron Works | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||
James | Sidebottom | Son | 22 | Single | Firer | Iron Works | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||
Harry | Sidebottom | Son | 15 | Single | Piecer | Spinning Factory | Worker | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||
Clara | Sidebottom | Daughter in Law | 22 | Married | Underone | None | Halifax Yorkshire | |||||||||||
141 | 498 Oldham Road | Caroline | Robinson | Head | 53 | Widow | 2 | 2 | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||
Ernest | Robinson | Son | 28 | Single | Forgeman Ball furnace | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Jonathan | Taylor | Brother | 47 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
142 | 500 Oldham Road | James | Arnold | Head | 63 | Married | Beerseller | At Home | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||
Sarah | Arnold | Wife | 56 | Married | 34 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Assisting in the Business | At Home | Nelson Lancs | |||||||
Annie | Arnold | Daughter | 27 | Single | Assisting in the Business | At Home | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
Nellie | Arnold | Daughter | 24 | Single | Lozenge Maker | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||
143 | 502 Oldham Road | Joseph | Mather | Head | 38 | Married | 15 | 6 | 4 | 2 | Coal Miner | Worker | Stockport Cheshire | |||||
Esther | Mather | Wife | 40 | Married | Cheshire Staleybridge | |||||||||||||
William | Mather | Son | 14 | 14 | Piecer Cotton Mill | Worker | Lanc Waterloo | |||||||||||
Harold | Mather | Son | 9 | 9 | Lanc Tinsley Bons | |||||||||||||
Jane | Mather | Daughter | 7 | Lanc Astley | ||||||||||||||
Sophia | Mather | Daughter | 4 | Lanc Hollinwood | ||||||||||||||
504 Oldham Road | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
144 | 506 Oldham Road | Mrs Sarah | Greaves | Head | 61 | Widow | 38 | Shop Keeper Mixed | Home | Bardsley Lancs | ||||||||
145 | 508 Oldham Road | Mr Charles | Staniforth | Head | 40 | Married | 12 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Labourer Iron Works | Worker | Stalybridge | |||||
Mrs Charlotte | Staniforth | Wife | 39 | Married | Roughtown Mossley Yorks | |||||||||||||
Joseph Clement | Staniforth | Son | 11 | School | Bardsley Lanks | |||||||||||||
Sam | Staniforth | Son | 9 | 5 | Bardsley Lanks | |||||||||||||
Mona | Staniforth | Daughter | 5 | Bardsley Lanks | ||||||||||||||
146 | 510 Oldham Road | Otho | Dobb | Husband | 31 | Married | 2 | 2 | 0 | Chip Shop | Home | Knott Lanes | ||||||
Mary | Dobb | Wife | 26 | Married | 4 | Home | Openshaw | |||||||||||
Frank | Dobb | Son | 2 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Child | Girl | 1 | 1 month | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
512 Oldham Road | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
514 Oldham Road | Lock Up Shop | Mr J Lawton | ||||||||||||||||
147 | 516 Oldham Road | William | Howard | Head | 47 | Married | One | None | Wheelwright | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||
Sarah | Howard | Wife | 50 | Married | One | 6 | 4 | 2 | Domestic | At Home | Buckinghamshire Preston Bissett | |||||||
Nelly | Slater | Step–Daughter | 23 | Single | Domestic | At Home | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Stanley | Slater | Step–SonDaughter | 22 | Single | Butcher | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Hannah | Slater | Step–Daughter | 21 | Single | Confectioner | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Minnie | Slater | Step–Daughter | 19 | Single | Milliner | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
148 | 518 Oldham Road | Percy | Richardson | Head | 23 | Married | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||
Elizabeth | Richardson | Wife | 23 | Married | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Lancs Shaw | |||||||||
Arthur | Richardson | Son | 2 | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
William | Goddard | Boarder | 20 | Single | Packer | Confectionery Works | Worker | Lancs Shaw | ||||||||||
Edmund | Ufton | Boarder | 75 | Widower | Derbyshire Derby | |||||||||||||
149 | 520 Oldham Road | Elijah | Turner | Head | 64 | Married | 42 | 11 | 8 | 3 | Coal Miner | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||
Mary | Turner | Wife | 60 | Married | 42 | 11 | 8 | 3 | At Home | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||
John William | Turner | Son | 36 | Single | Coal Miner | Cheshire Dukinfield | ||||||||||||
Leonard | Turner | Son | 29 | Single | Coal Miner | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Clara | Turner | Daughter | 24 | Single | Card Room Hand | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
150 | 522 Oldham Road | Mrs | Robinson | Widow | 49 | Widow | 29 | At Home | Gainford Durham | |||||||||
151 | 524 Oldham Road | William | Hughes | Head | 29 | Married | 7 | Card Room Jobber | Bardsley Wadding | Worker | Lancs Liverpool | |||||||
Annie | Hughes | Wife | 26 | Married | 7 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Mill Hand | Bardsley Wadding | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||
John William | Hughes | Son | 5 | School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
George | Morris | Boarder | 21 | Single | Roller Turner | Iron Trade | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
152 | 526 Oldham Road | Harry A | Taylor | Head | 24 | Married | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Below Ground | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||
Annie | Taylor | Wife | 22 | Married | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||
Gladys | Taylor | Daughter | 3 | School | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
528 Oldham Road | Lock Up Shop | Mr Laister | ||||||||||||||||
153 | 530 Oldham Road | Enoch | Diskson | Head | 37 | Married | 13 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Cop Packer and Small Mixed Business | Cotton Operative | Worker | Cefn Moir South Wales | ||||
Mary | Diskson | Wife | 42 | Married | Housekeeper and helps in Business | At Home | Waterloo Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Ada | Diskson | Daughter | 9 | Waterloo A U L Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
Harry | Diskson | Son | 7 | Waterloo A U L Lanc | ||||||||||||||
Norman | Diskson | Son | 3 | Waterloo A U L Lanc | ||||||||||||||
154 | 532 Oldham Road | Alfred Ernst | Berry | Head | 34 | Married | 8 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Stoker | Coal Miner | Worker | Salford | ||||
Bertha | Berry | Wife | 35 | Married | At Home | Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Samuel | Taylor | Son | 9 | Single | Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Ernest | Berry | Son | 7 | Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
John | Berry | Son | 5 | Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Auth Arthur | Berry | Son | 7months | Ashton Under Lyne Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
155 | 534 Oldham Road | Charles | Lomas | Head | 53 | Married | Lamp Lighter | Worker | Bardsley County Lancashire | |||||||||
Betty | Lomas | Wife | 54 | Married | 33 | 7 | 3 | 4 | Nil | Bardsley County Lancashire | ||||||||
Emmeline | Lomas | Daughter | 21 | Single | Cardroom Hand | Worker | Bardsley County Lancashire | |||||||||||
156 | 536 Oldham Road | Benjamin | Lomas | Head | 33 | Married | Coal Miner | Worker | Bardsley Lanchire Count | |||||||||
Mary Alice | Lomas | Wife | 27 | Married | 8 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Nil | Oldham Lanchire | ||||||||
Walter | Lomas | Son | 6 | Bardsley Lanchire Count | ||||||||||||||
Hilda | Lomas | Daughter | 11month | Bardsley Lanchire Count | ||||||||||||||
157 | 538 Oldham Road | William | Greaves | Head | 55 | Married | School Caretaker | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||
Mary Ellen | Greaves | Wife | 40 | Married | 14 | 2 | 6 | 2 | Lancashire Stockport | |||||||||
Levi | Greaves | Son | 26 | Single | Monumental Mason | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Clara | Greaves | Daughter | 24 | Single | Big Tenter Cotton Spinning Mill | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Ralph | Greaves | Son | 19 | Single | Piecer Cotton Spinning Mill | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Edith | Greaves | Daughter | 18 | Single | Tenter Cotton Spinning Mill | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Sarah Jane | Greaves | Daughter | 10 | Single | School | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Mary | Greaves | Daughter | 9 | Single | School | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||
158 | 540 Oldham Road | Robert | Hallworth | Head | 64 | Married | Coal Miner Hewer Retired | Nothing | Ches Hazel Grove | |||||||||
Ruth | Hallworth | Wife | 61 | Married | 44 | 12 | 9 | 3 | Home | Lancs Hollinwood | ||||||||
Floria | Hallworth | Daughter | 21 | Single | Box Tenter | Box Tenter | Lanc AshtonLancs U Lyne | |||||||||||
Samuel | Ashton | Grandson | 12 | School | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Jesse | Lomas | Brother in Law | 59 | WidowerBrother in Law | Sinker | Nothing | Lanc Hollinwood | |||||||||||
542 Oldham Road | Shop | |||||||||||||||||
159 | 544 Oldham Road | Lizzie | Murdoch | Head | 36 | Widow | Licensed Victualler | Own Account | Lanc Lees | |||||||||
Horse Shoe Inn | Mary B | Simister | Daughter | 12 | School | Lanc Lees | ||||||||||||
Fred | Toft | Barman | 29 | Single | Barman | Worker | Lanc Lees | |||||||||||
Olive E | Wigley | Servant | 27 | Single | Domestic Servant | Worker | Parwich Derbyshire | |||||||||||
160 | 1 Albert Street | James | Fitzpatrick | Head | 46 | Married | 22 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Striper and Grinder | Cotton Mill | Tiperary Ireland | Resident | ||||
Elizabeth | Fitzpatrick | Wife | 47 | Married | At Home | Bardsley A U L | ||||||||||||
Arthur | Fitzpatrick | Son | 22 | Single | General Labourer | Oldham | ||||||||||||
Annie | Fitzpatrick | Daughter | 14 | Single | Cardroom Worker | Cotton Mill | Oldham | |||||||||||
Samuel | Fitzpatrick | Son | 12 | School | Bardsley A U L | |||||||||||||
Jane | Fitzpatrick | Daughter | 10 | School | Oldham | |||||||||||||
161 | 3 Albert Street | John | Scarsbrooke | Head | 44 | Married | 18 yrs | 6 | 5 | 1 | Bricklayers Labourer in the Coal Pit | Worker | Northamptonshire | |||||
Minnie | Scarsbrooke | Wife | 38 | Married | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Tom | Scarsbrooke | Son | 18 | Single | General Labourer | Home | Oldham | |||||||||||
Harry | Scarsbrook | Son | 16 | Single | Piecer | Cotton Mill | Oldham | |||||||||||
Albert | Scarsbrook | Son | 14 | Warehouse | Cotton Mill | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Jack | Scarsbrook | Son | 2 | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Ernest | Scarsbrook | Son | 6months | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
162 | 5 Albert Street | Ernest | Jones | Head | 43 | 42 | Married | 22 | 3 | 3 | Coal Miner Wagoner | Worker | BardsleyAshton U Lyne | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||
Sarah A | Jones | Wife | Married | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
163 | 7 Albert Street | William | Naylor | Widower | 72 | 43 | 9 | 7 | 2 | Retired Iron Worker | Yorkshire Leeds | |||||||
Rhoda | Naylor | Daughter | 30 | Single | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
164 | 9 Albert Street | Ada | Shaw | Head | 37 | Single | Domestic Duties | At Home | Bardsley | |||||||||
Agnes | Shaw | Sister | 34 | Single | Small Speed Tenter | On Roving Frame | Worker | Bell Mill | Bardsley | |||||||||
Joseph | Shaw | Brother | 26 | Single | Wheelwright | Worker | Bardsley | |||||||||||
165 | 11 Albert Street | John | Cunliffe | Head | 58 | Widower | 16 | 1 | 1 | Puddler In Retired | Accrinton | |||||||
166 | 13 Albert Street | John | Fisher | Head | 31 | Married | 7 | Coal Miner | Woodpark Colliery | Brynon Near Wigan | ||||||||
Emily | Fisher | Wife | 28 | Married | 2 | 2 | House Work | Bardsley | ||||||||||
Hannah | Fisher | Daughter | 8 | School | Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Harry | Fisher | Son | 7 | School | Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Thomas | Fisher | Son | 5 | School | Bardsley | |||||||||||||
167 | 15 Albert Street | Herbert George | Barber | Head | 43 | Married | 12 | 3 | 3 | Police Constable | Suffolk Badingham | |||||||
Kathleen Mary | Barber | Wife | 38 | Married | Worcestershire Stourbridge | |||||||||||||
Herbert Clarence | Barber | Son | 7 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Charles Alfred | Barber | Son | 5 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Kathleen | Barber | Daughter | 2 | 2 | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||||
168 | 17 Albert Street | David | Thomas | Head | 28 | Married | Brushmaker Pan Hand | Worker | Carmarthenshire Llanstephan | |||||||||
Alice Maude | Thomas | Wife | 30 | 30 | Married | 5 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Lees Oldham | ||||||||
Eric | Thomas | Son | 9 mths | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
169 | 19 Albert Street | William Henry | Lees | Head | 54 | Married | 34 | 5 | 5 | Manager | Cotton Doubling Mill | Worker | Oldham | |||||
Alice Lowe | Lees | Wife | 56 | 56 | Married | 34 | 5 | 5 | Carrbrook Cheshire | |||||||||
Elsie | Lees | Daughter | 26 | Single | Lees Oldham | |||||||||||||
Ona | Lees | Grandaughter | 11 | Single | School | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
170 | 21 Albert Street | James | Hibbert | Head | 49 | Married | 22 | 4 | 4 | Worker Cotton Operative | Worker | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||
Emily | Hibbert | Wife | 47 | Married | At Home | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Frank | Hibbert | Son | 19 | Single | Clerk | Cotton Mill | Worker | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Sydney | Hibbert | Son | 17 | Grocers Assistant | Worker | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||
Mary Annie | Hibbert | Daughter | 9 | School | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Alice Lees | Hibbert | Daughter | 4 | School | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
171 | 23 Albert Street | James | Garside | Head | 65 | Married | Gas Water & Steam Fitter | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||
Ruth | Garside | Wife | 59 | Married | 1 | None | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
Lizzie | Bradbury | Step–Daughter | 17 | Single | Card Room Tenting | Worker | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||
172 | Back of 25 Albert Street | Harry | Goddard | Head | 29 | Married | 3 | None | Textile Machine Erector | Worker | Oldham Werneth | |||||||
Marian | Goddard | Wife | 28 | Married | 3 | None | Oldham Lees | |||||||||||
173 | 25 Albert Street | Arnold | Lees | Head | 35 | Married | Roller Turner | Iron | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||
Mary Eliz | Lees | Wife | 35 | Married | 10 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||
Colin | Lees | Son | 9 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Arthur | Lees | Son | 8 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Edith | Lees | Daughter | 6 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
27 Albert Street | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
174 | 29 Albert Street | James | Greenwood | Head | 66 | Married | Cotton Wadding Manf | Employer | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||
Alice | Greenwood | Wife | 62 | Married | 40 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||
31 Albert Street | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
175 | 33 Albert Street | Mary | Tetlow | Head | 61 | 61 | Married | 39 | 11 | 7 | 4 | Derbyshire Wingerworth | ||||||
Albert | Tetlow | Son | 27 | Single | Iron Roller Turner | Worker | Lancashire Hartshead | |||||||||||
Charles | Tetlow | Son | 25 | Single | Iron Roller Turner | Worker | Lancashire Hartshead | |||||||||||
176 | 35 Albert Street | John | Hibbert | Head | 76 | Married | 52 | None | County Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||
Sarah Jane | Hibbert | Wife | 73 | Married | 52 | 13 | 11 | 2 | House Work | County Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||
Samuel | Hibbert | Son | 39 | Single | Wheelwright | Worker | County Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Clara | Hibbert | Daughter | 33 | Single | Cotton Operative Winder | Worker | County Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Eva | Hibbert | Daughter | 30 | Single | Cotton Operative Winder | Worker | County Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
177 | 37 Andrew Street | Kate | Dobb | Head | 63 | Widow | 16 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Parkbridge Lancashire | |||||||
Joseph | Dobb | Son | 32 | Single | Roller Turner | Textile Iron Trade | Worker | Stockport Cheshire | ||||||||||
178 | 39 Andrew Street | Arthur | Hibbert | Head | 42 | Married | 12 | 2 | 2 | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancashire Ashton | |||||
Elizabeth | Hibbert | Wife | 38 | Married | Lancashire Ashton | |||||||||||||
Herbert | Hibbert | Son | 12 | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||||||
Ernest | Hibbert | Son | 8 | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||||||
179 | 41 Andrew Street | Thomas | Birchall | Head | 33 | Married | Grocery Branch Manager | Cooperative Society | Worker | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||
Nellie | Birchall | Wife | 34 | Married | 1 | 1 | 1 | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||
Agnes | Birchall | Daughter | 7 months | Lancashire Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
180 | 43 Andrew Street | Jesse | Peatman | Head | 59 | Married | 32 | Drayman | Worker | Barkston Lincolnshire | ||||||||
Elizabeth | Peatman | Wife | 62 | Married | 32 | 4 | 4 | Ashton U Lyne Lancs | ||||||||||
Fred | Peatman | Son | 23 | Single | Iron Moulder | Worker | Ashton U Lyne Lancs | |||||||||||
Ellen Ann | Mills | Daughter | 42 | Single | Cop Winder | Worker | Ashton U Lyne Lancs | |||||||||||
181 | 45 Andrew Street | William Henry | Webb | Head | 80 | Married | 35 | One | One | None | Bath Somerset | |||||||
Ellen Cecilia | Webb | Wife | 64 | 64 | Married | Birmingham Warwick | ||||||||||||
Mabel K M | Griffiths | Daughter | 36 | 36 | Single | School Teacher | Oldham E C Committee | Worker | Wellington Salop | |||||||||
Sydney Ernest Alfred | Webb | Son | 34 | Married | 4 Years | None | Musician | Wellington Salop | ||||||||||
182 | 47 Andrew Street | James | Lowe | Head | 29 | Married | Warehouseman | Cotton Mill | Worker | Bugsworth Derbyshire | ||||||||
Edith | Lowe | Wife | 30 | Married | 7 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Bardsley Lancs | |||||||||
Gladys | Lowe | Daughter | 6 | Single | Bardsley Lancs | |||||||||||||
Elizabeth Ann | Carter | Boarder | 52 | Widow | Ashton U Lyne Lancs | |||||||||||||
183 | 49 Andrew Street | Charles | Hibbert | Head | 40 | Married | Engineer | Roller Makers | Worker | Bardsley | ||||||||
Lilian Mary Jane | Hibbert | Wife | 33 | 33 | Married | 7 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Manchester | ||||||||
John Stanley | Hibbert | Son | 6 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Iris | Hibbert | Daughter | 4 | Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
184 | 51 Andrew Street | Leonard | Lees | Head | 45 | Married | 16 | 2 | 2 | 0 | Roller Maker | Iron | Employer | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||
Constance | Lees | Wife | 39 | Married | Woodhouses Lancashire | |||||||||||||
Newton | Lees | Son | 11 | School | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Clarice May | Lees | Daughter | 15 | Single | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||||
185 | 53 Andrew Street | Harry | Dobb | Head | 34 | Married | 2 | Textile Roller Maker | Employer | Stockport Cheshire | ||||||||
Janey | Dobb | Wife | 36 | Married | 2 | Household Duties | Dukinfield Cheshire | |||||||||||
Mary Jane | Dobb | Relative | 65 | Widow | Audenshaw Lancashire | |||||||||||||
186 | Medlock House Albert Street | George | Lees | Head | 71 | Wiower | Roller Maker for Textile Machinery | Employer | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||
Percival Ernest | Lees | Son | 35 | Single | Roller Maker for Textile Machinery | Employer | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Jane Ann | Garland | Servant | 50 | Single | House Keeper | Worker | Yorkshire Leeds | |||||||||||
187 | 2 Albert Street | Master Fred | Dobb | Head | 9 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||
James H | Kay | Boarder | 39 | Single | Under Furnaceman | Bar Iron Works | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Mrs Betty | Hibbert | Housekeeper | 66 | Widow | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Charles | Dobb | Brother | 1 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
188 | 4 Albert Street | Griffiths | Jones | Head | 45 | Widower | Miner | Bardsley Ashton | ||||||||||
Arthur | Jones | Son | 25 | Single | Miner | Bardsley Ashton | ||||||||||||
Fred | Jones | Son | 15 | Single | Spinner | Bardsley Ashton | ||||||||||||
Harold | Jones | Son | 13 | Spinner | Stockport | |||||||||||||
Edith | Jones | Daughter | 7 | Bardsley Ashton | ||||||||||||||
Mary | Fielding | Housekeeper | 43 | Widow | House Keepper | Oldham | ||||||||||||
189 | 1 Victoria Street | James | Blackey | Head | 39 | Married | 17 | 10 | 7 | 3 | Coal Mine Pusher–on | Worker | Haydock Lancs | |||||
Emily | Blackey | Wife | 38 | Married | St Helens Lancs | |||||||||||||
Martha | Blackey | Mother | 60 | Widow | Seaburgh Yorkshire | |||||||||||||
Frederick | Blackey | Son | 15 | Single | Little Piecer Cotton Factory | Haydock Lancs | ||||||||||||
Mary Elizabeth | Blackey | Daughter | 13 | Jube Pinner Manufactory Confectionery | Haydock Lancs | |||||||||||||
William | Blackey | Son | 11 | School | Haydock Lancs | |||||||||||||
James | Blackey | Son | 9 | Haydock Lancs | ||||||||||||||
Ellen | Blackey | Daughter | 7 | Haydock Lancs | ||||||||||||||
Annie | Blackey | Daughter | 5 | Haydock Lancs | ||||||||||||||
Elsie | Blackey | Daughter | 5 months | Bardsley Lancs | ||||||||||||||
190 | 3 Victoria Street | Annie | Brookes | Head | 59 | Widower | 4 | 3 | 1 | Coal Miner | Worker | Walsall Staffordshire | ||||||
Thomas | Brookes | Son | 33 | 33 | Single | Oldham Lanc | ||||||||||||
Charles | Brookes | Son | 28 | Married | 3 | 2 | 1 | Coal Miner | Worker | Oldham Lanc | ||||||||
Martha | Brookes | Daughter in Law | 39 | Married | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Thomas | Brookes | Grandson | 4 | 5 | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Samuel | Brookes | Grandson | 2 | Bardsley Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
191 | 5 Victoria Street | Sydney | Hewitt | Head | 20 | Married | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Roller Turner | Iron Works | Worker | Waterloo Limehurst | ||||
Ellen Elizaneth | Hewitt | Wife | 20 | Married | Lozenge Maker | Confectioner Works | Worker | Nottingham | ||||||||||
Minnie | Hewitt | Daughter | 9Months | Single | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
192 | 7 Victoria Street | Charles | Read | Head | 56 | Widower | Brick Layer | Property | Worker | Bucks Tingewick | ||||||||
Sarah Ann | Read | Daughter | 20 | Single | Frame tenter | Cotton Spinning | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Albert | Read | Son | 20 | Single | Clog Maker | Clog Manuf | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
Sarah ELizabeth | Robins | Daughter | 29 | Married | 1 | 1 | 1 | General Servant Domestic | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||
Ernest Walter | Robins | Son in Law | 32 | Married | Caretaker | Village Institute | Worker | Bucks Steeple Claydon | ||||||||||
Alice | Robins | Granddaughter | 1 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
193 | Victoria Street | Thos | Lawton | Head | 58 | Married | Grocer | Own Shop rented | Own | At Home | Lancs Culcheth | |||||||
Agnes | Lawton | Wife | 51 | Married | 14 | 2 | 2 | House Keeper | Own Shop rented | Lancs Bardsley A U Lyne | ||||||||
Thos | Lawton | Son | 26 | Single | Iron Worker Miller | Tool Makers | Worker | Lancs Limehurst A U Lyne | ||||||||||
Marion | Lawton | Daughter | 24 | Single | Cotton Operative Winder | Worker | Lancs Limehurst A U Lyne | |||||||||||
Harold | Lawton | Son | 18 | Single | Clerk Brewery | Worker | Lancs Bardsley A U Lyne | |||||||||||
Mary | Lawton | Daughter | 10 | Single | Lancs Bardsley A U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Sarah Jane | Lawton | Daughter | 9 | Lancs Bardsley A U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
194 | Victoria Street | Joshua | Lomas | Head | 32 | Married | 8 | 5 | 5 | 0 | Coal Miner | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||
Lizzie | Lomas | Wife | 29 | 29 | Married | 8 | 5 | 5 | 0 | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||
Annie | Lomas | Cousin | 20 | Single | Factory Operative | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||||
Eva | Lomas | Daughter | 8 | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Bertha | Lomas | Daughter | 7 | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||||||
B Ethel | Lomas | Daughter | 5 | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Raymond | Lomas | Son | 3 | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Alice | Lomas | Daughter | 1 | 1 | Ashton Under Lyne | |||||||||||||
195 | 2 Victoria Street | Edwin | Wills | Head | 46 | Married | 22 | Carter | Sumersetshire | |||||||||
Hannah Maria | Wills | Wife | 43 | Married | 22 | 8 | 6 | 2 | Home | Manchester | ||||||||
Lilly | Wills | Daughter | 21 | Single | Cardroom Hand | Oldham | ||||||||||||
Emily | Wills | Daughter | 19 | Single | Ringroom Piecer | Oldham | ||||||||||||
Charles Edwin | Wills | Son | `18 | Single | Blowing Room | Oldham | ||||||||||||
Lena | Wills | Daughter | 12 | Single | School | Oldham | ||||||||||||
Frank | Wills | Son | 8 | Single | School | Oldham | ||||||||||||
Ethel | Wills | Daughter | 4 | Single | School | Oldham | ||||||||||||
196 | 4 Victoria Street | Tom | Matthews | Head | 49 | Married | 11 July | 12 | 10 | 2 | Labourer | Yorkshire Mossley | ||||||
Clara | Matthews | Wife | 49 | Married | 30 Years | At Home | Dukinfield Cheshire | |||||||||||
Harold | Matthews | Son | 20 | Single | Labourer | Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Janey | Matthews | Daughter | 17 | Single | In Cotton Mill | Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Harry | Matthews | Son | 15 | Single | Labourer | Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Lilian | Matthews | Daughter | 13 | Cotton Mill | Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Clara | Matthews | Daughter | 12 | National School Bardsley | Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Fred | Matthews | Son | 9 | National School Bardsley | Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Martha | Matthews | Daughter | 5 | National School Bardsley | Bardsley | |||||||||||||
197 | 6 Victoria Street | William Roland | Thomason | Head | 26 | Married | 4 | 3 | 3 | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | St Helens Lancs | ||||||
Mary Ann | Thomason | Wife | 31 | Married | 4 | St Helens Lancs | ||||||||||||
Elizabeth Ellen | Thomason | Daughter | 4 | St Helens Lancs | ||||||||||||||
Hilda | Thomason | Daughter | 2 | Bardsley Lancs | ||||||||||||||
John Joseph | Thomason | Son | 1 | Bardsley Lancs | ||||||||||||||
198 | 8 Victoria Street | John H | Whitehouse | Head | 25 | Married | 1 | 2 | 2 | Colliery Lamp Cleaner Above Ground | Worker | Staffs Hamstead | ||||||
Florence | Whitehouse | Wife | 22 | 22 | Married | Lancks Bardsley | ||||||||||||
Arthur | Whitehouse | Son | 1 | Lancks Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Frank | Whitehouse | Son | 1 month | Lancks Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
199 | 10 Victoria Street | William | Read | Head | 29 | Married | Labourer | Wrought Iron Manuf | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||
Jane | Read | Wife | 24 | 2725 | Married | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Lancs Ashton | ||||||||
Albert | Read | Son | 3 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
200 | 12 Victoria Street | Jane | Wilson | Head | 62 | Widow | Lancs Hindley | |||||||||||
Mary Alice | Wilson | Daughter | 25 | Single | Machine Feeder Cotton Mill | Worker | Bardsley Lancs | |||||||||||
Joseph | Wilson | Son | 22 | Single | Hooker On Coal Mine Below | Worker | Lancs Bardsley Ashton | |||||||||||
Henry | Gregson | Lodger | 59 | Single | Colliery Labourer Above Ground | Worker | Lanc Hindley | |||||||||||
201 | 6 Lees Street | James Henry | Johnson | Head | 36 | Married | Dataller | Coal Pit | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||
Ada | Johnson | Wife | 34 | Married | 14 | 5 | 5 | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Winifred | Johnson | Daughter | 12 | School | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Lily | Johnson | Daughter | 10 | School | Lancs Hollinwood | |||||||||||||
Annie | Johnson | Daughter | 7 | Lancs Ba Oldham | ||||||||||||||
Emmily | Johnson | Daughter | 5 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Thomas | Johnson | Son | 1 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
202 | 8 Lees Street | George William | Reeves | Head | 31 | Married | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Colliery Labourer Above Ground | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | One Arm | ||||
Martha Ann | Reeves | Wife | 41 | Married | 4 | Lancs Middleton Junc | ||||||||||||
Mary Anne | Reeves | Daughter | 4 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Ann | Butterworth | Daughter | 12 | School Part Time Cotton Ring Frame Doffer | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||||
Joseph | Gerrard | Boarder | 36 | Single | Carter | Worker | Lancs Wigan | |||||||||||
203 | 9 Lees Street | James | Taylor | HeadMarried | 30 | Married | 6 | Coal Miner Hewer | Coal Pit | Worker | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||
Mary Jane | Taylor | WifeMarried | 29 | Married | 6 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||
Sarah | Taylor | Daughter | 4 | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Emily | Taylor | Daughter | 2 | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Ruth | Taylor | Daughter | month4 | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
204 | 10 Lees Street | Annie | Burke | Head | 42 | 42 | Widow | 2 | 2 | Nil | Ireland Ballyglass | Resident | ||||||
William | Burke | Son | 30 | Single | Labourer Roller Iron | Cheshire Hyde | ||||||||||||
Edwin | Burke | Son | 19 | Single | Labourer Roller Iron | Cheshire Hyde | ||||||||||||
John T | Gillon | Lodger | 48 | Single | Labourer General | Ashton u Lyne Lancs | ||||||||||||
14 Lees Street | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
205 | 16 Lees Street | Francis | Beard | Head | 35 | Married | 9 | 6 | 5 | 2 | Textile Machinery Fitter | Worker | Failsworth Lanc | |||||
Mary | Beard | Wife | 36 | Married | 9 | Eccles Lanc | ||||||||||||
Annie | Beard | Daughter | 6 | Oldham Lanc | ||||||||||||||
Walter | Beard | Son | 5 | Oldham Lanc | ||||||||||||||
Joseph | Beard | Son | 3 | Oldham Lanc | ||||||||||||||
Fred | Beard | Son | 2 | Oldham Lanc | ||||||||||||||
William | Beard | Son | 10 months | Bardsley Lanc | ||||||||||||||
18 Lees Street | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
206 | 1 Wright Street | Miss Hannah Maria | Cope | Head | 67 | Single | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Winder | Worker | Bardsley | |||||
207 | 3 Wright Street | Truelove | Fred | Head | 40 | Married | 21 | 10 | 8 | 2 | Out of Work | Farnworth | ||||||
Maria | Truelove | Wife | 40 | Married | Oldham | |||||||||||||
Joseph | Truelove | Son | 19 | Single | Piecer | Worker | Oldham | |||||||||||
Mary Ann | Truelove | Daughter | 15 | Single | Ring Piecer | Worker | Oldham | |||||||||||
Robert | Truelove | Son | 14 | Single | Eing Room | Worker | Oldham | |||||||||||
Elizabth | Truelove | Daughter | 11 | School | Bardsley Ashton un Lyne | |||||||||||||
Alice | Truelove | Daughter | 8 | School | Bardsley Ashton un Lyne | |||||||||||||
Albert | Truelove | Son | 7 | School | Bardsley Ashton un Lyne | |||||||||||||
Fred | Truelove | Son | 2 | Bardsley Ashton un Lyne | ||||||||||||||
208 | 5 Wright Street | William J | Shacklock | Head | 46 | Married | 20 | 8 | 3 | 5 | Cotton Worker | Cotton Industry | Employed | Bolsover Derbyshire | ||||
Lilias | Shacklock | Wife | 42 | Married | 20 | America Resident | ||||||||||||
Letitia | Shacklock | Daughter | 12 | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
Eveline | Shacklock | Daughter | 6 | Oldham Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
Harry | Shacklock | Son | 2 | Waterloo Lancashire | ||||||||||||||
209 | 2 Wright Street | Mary | Crighton | Head | 64 | Widower | 3 | 3 | 0 | Preswitch Div | ||||||||
Elizabeth | Crighton | DaughterSingle | 27 | Single | Cardroom Sluber | Worker | Lanc Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
210 | 4 Wright Street | Mr John | Johnson | Head | 62 | Married | 22 | 2 | 2 | 2 | Gardener | Worker | Disley Cheshire | |||||
Mrs Eliz | Johnson | Wife | 50 | Married | Brodbottom Deybshire | |||||||||||||
John | Johnson | Son | 19 | Single | General Servant | Droylston Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Walter Goale | Johnson | Son | 12 | Single | Bardsley Lancashire | |||||||||||||
211 | 3 Glazebrooks Buildings | Sam | Jones | Head | 49 | Married | 25 | 2 | 1 | 1 | Pusher–On | Bardsley Ashton under Lyne | ||||||
Susannah | Jones | Wife | 48 | Married | Birkenhead | |||||||||||||
212 | 5 Glazebrooks Buildings | William | Connolly | Head | 39 | 39 | Married | 5 | Labourer at Iron Work | Worker | Oldham Lancs | |||||||
Elizabath | Connolly | Wife | 40 | 40 | Married | 6 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Wicklow Ireland | Resident | |||||||
Joseph | Bates | Son | 16 | 16 | Single | Piecer Cotton Mill | Worker | Bardsley A–U–Lyne | ||||||||||
Elizabath | Bates | Daughter | 14 | 14 | Bardsley A–U–Lyne | |||||||||||||
Mary Ellen | Bates | Daughter | 11 | 11 | Quebec County Durham | |||||||||||||
John Daniel Bates | Connolly | Son | 7 | 7 | Bardsley A–U–Lyne | |||||||||||||
Francis | Connolly | Son | 1 | 1 | Bardsley A–U–Lyne | |||||||||||||
John | Connolly | Father | 75 | 75 | Married | 40 | 1 | 1 | Galway Ireland | Resident | ||||||||
213 | 1 Church Street | Andrew | Greaves | Head | 38 | Married | 12 | Cotton Operative Piecer | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||
Sarah Ann | Greaves | Wife | 37 | Married | 12 | 2 | 2 | Weaver | Calico Weaver | Worker | Leeds Yorkshire | |||||||
Hannah | Greaves | Daughter | 12 | Ring Spinning Doffer | Half Time | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Archie | Greaves | Son | 8 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
214 | 3 Church Street | A W | Turner | Head | 44 | Married | 14 | None | Coal Miner Coaler | Worker | Longshaw Lancs | |||||||
Mary A | Turner | Wife | 50 | Married | 14 | None | Fustian Cutter | Velvet Mill | Worker | Birmingham Warwick | ||||||||
Violette Alice | Turner | Daughter | 18 | Single | Shaw Lancs | |||||||||||||
215 | 5 Church Street | John | Kilroy | Head | 29 | Married | 3 | Coal Miner | Worker | Ashton u Lyne Lancs | ||||||||
Maud | Kilroy | Wife | 29 | Married | 3 | Framer | Worker | Wostershire Dudley | ||||||||||
John | Kilroy | Son | 1 | 1 month | 1 | Bardsley Ashton un L | ||||||||||||
216 | 7 Church Street | Sarah | Dalton | Head | 48 | Widow | House Keeper | At Home | Whittington Derbyshire | |||||||||
Charles | Bradbury | Lodger | 45 | Widower | Cotton Spinner | Cotton | Worker | Bolton Lanc | ||||||||||
Robert | Bradbury | Lodger | 16 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Cotton | Worker | Bolton Lanc | ||||||||||
217 | 9 Church Street | Mrs | Kilroy | Head | 55 | Widow | Staffs Walsall | |||||||||||
Edith | Howard | Adopted Daughter | 10 | School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Robert | Reeves | Lodger | 63 | Widower | Greengrocer Hawker | Own Account | Lancs Oldham | |||||||||||
218 | 2 Lees Square | Charles | Hallworth | Head | 29 | Married | Coal Miner Hewer | Coal Pit | Miner | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||
Amey | Hallworth | Wife | 28 | Married | 7 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Home | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||
Robert | Hallworth | Son | 6 | School | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Thomas | Hallworth | Son | 3 | School | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
219 | 4 Lees Square | Jesse | Hallworth | Head | 31 | Married | Coal Miner Hewer | Coal Pit | Worker | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||
Alice | Hallworth | Wife | 31 | Married | 7 | 4 | 4 | Home | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||
William | Hallworth | Son | 7 | School | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Alice | Hallworth | Daughter | 5 | School | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Elizabath | Hallworth | Daughter | 2 | Home | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Nelly | Hallworth | Daughter | 8Months | Home | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
220 | 6 Lees Square | Jonah | Hallworth | Head | 27 | Married | 6 | Coal Miner Hewer | Coal Pit | Miner | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||
Mary Ann | Hallworth | Wife | 28 | Married | 6 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Home | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | ||||||||
Elizabeth | Hallworth | Daughter | 5 | School | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Ruth | Hallworth | Daughter | 3 | School | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
Joseph | Hallworth | Son | 1 | Home | Lanc Ashton u Lyne | |||||||||||||
221 | 8 Lees Square | Christopher | Murray | Head | 50 | Married | 30 | 11 | 6 | 5 | General Labourer | Worker | Ireland Westmeath Mullingar | Resident | ||||
Mary | Murray | Wife | 53 | Married | 30 | Waggoner | Ireland Longford Ballymaon | |||||||||||
Frank | Murray | Son | 27 | Single | Waggoner Coal Pit | Worker | Cheshire Stalybridge | |||||||||||
Kate | Murray | Daughter | 19 | Single | Tenter | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Christopher | Murray | Son | 16 | Single | Piecer | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||
Margret | Murray | Daughter | 11 | School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
222 | 10 Lees Square | John J | Reeves | Head | 36 | Married | 11 | 2 | 2 | General Labourer | Worker | Bardsley | ||||||
Wife J | Reeves | Wife | 37 | Married | Twiner Piecer | Scotfield | Worker | Ashton | ||||||||||
223 | 12 Lees Square | Alice | Crinon | Head | 16 | 38 | Married | 17 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Bardsley A U Lyne | ||||||
Joseph | Crinon | Son | Son | Cotton Peicer | Worker | Olham | ||||||||||||
James | Crinon | Son | 14Son | Oldham | ||||||||||||||
Thomas | Crinon | Son | 11 | Oldham | ||||||||||||||
John | Crinon | Son | 2 | Ashton Under Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Keb Lane | Primitive Methodist Chapel | |||||||||||||||||
224 | 3 Keb Lane | Mrs Foster | Elizabeth | Head | 62 | Widow | Yorkshire Shieffield | |||||||||||
Agnes Foster | Twigg | Daughter | 25 | Married | 3 | 1 | 1 | Confectionery | Jube Making | Worker | Lancashire Ashton | |||||||
John Walter | Twigg | Son in Law | 26 | Married | 3 | Iron Worker Bar Stretcher | Iron Foundry | Worker | Lancashire Manchester | |||||||||
James | Twigg | Grandson | 3 | Lancashire Ashton | ||||||||||||||
225 | 5 Keb Lane | William | Robinson | Head | 31 | Married | Forgeman Ball Furnace | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||
Elsie | Robinson | Wife | 32 | Married | 8 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Staffs Leek | |||||||||
Tom | Robinson | Son | 8 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Frank | Robinson | Son | 5 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Ernest | Robinson | Son | 1 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Margaret | Graham | Mother in Law | 58 | Widow | Cotton Factory Winder | Worker | Derbyshire Derby | |||||||||||
Allen | Graham | Brother in Law | 19 | Single | Cotton Factory | Piecer | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||
Walter | Graham | Brother in Law | 16 | Single | Cotton Factory | Piecer | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||
226 | 7 Keb Lane | Clarissa | Bradley | Head | 69 | Widow | Bradwell Derbyshire | |||||||||||
Margaret | Bradley | Daughter | 37 | 37 | Single | Winder | Cotton | Worker | Dove Holes Derbyshire | |||||||||
John Furness | Bradley | Son | 3 0 5 | Single | Works at the Rolls | Iron | Worker | Dove Holes Derbyshire | ||||||||||
Isaac | Bradley | Son | 3 5 0 | Single | No Occupation | Worker | Harper Hill Derbyshire | Imbecile | ||||||||||
227 | 9 Keb Lane | Emma | Brierley | Head | 61 | Single | Private Means | Bardsley Lancashire | ||||||||||
Violet | Broome | Boarder | 57 | Married | 34 | 9 | 4 | 5 | Private Means | Lees Lancashire | ||||||||
228 | 11 Keb Lane | James | Jones | Head | 49 | Married | 17 | Case Hardener | Worker | Salop Dawley | ||||||||
Ann | Jones | Wife | 50 | Married | 17 | 1 | 1 | Card Room Hand | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||
George | Jones | Son | 16 | Single | 1 | 1 | Packer | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||
229 | 13 Keb Lane | John | Aplin | Head | 55 | Widower | 9 | 7 | 2 | Labourer | Devon England | |||||||
Bessie | Howard | Daughter | 24 | Married | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Winder | Cardiff | ||||||||
Martha | Aplin | Daughter | 21 | Single | Card–room Hand | Warrington | ||||||||||||
Jane | Aplin | Daughter | 19 | Single | Card–room Hand | Warrington | ||||||||||||
John | Aplin | Son | 15 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Hollinwood | ||||||||||||
Joseph | Aplin | Son | 13 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Hollinwood | ||||||||||||
Mary | Aplin | Daughter | 11 | Single | School | Oldham | ||||||||||||
Emily | Aplin | Daughter | 9 | Single | School | Oldham | ||||||||||||
15 Keb Lane | Uninhabited | |||||||||||||||||
230 | 17 Keb Lane | Samuel | Edwards | Head | 36 | Married | 4 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Lancs Heywood | |||||
Agnes A | Edwards | Wife | 22 | 22 | Married | Staffs Willenhall | ||||||||||||
Joseph E | Edwards | Son | 3 | Lancs Waterloo | ||||||||||||||
Beatrice L | Edwards | Daughter | 2 | 2 | Cheshire Dukenfield | |||||||||||||
Samuel | Edwards | Son | 8 months | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | ||||||||||||||
Edwin | Cropper | Boarder | 28 | Married | 4 | General Labourer | Worker | Lancs Hurst | ||||||||||
231 | 19 Keb Lane | George | Kay | Head | 50 | Married | 29 | 10 | 5 | 5 | Coal Miner | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||
Mary Ann | Kay | Wife | 50 | Married | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Peter | Kay | Son | 25 | Single | Roller Turner Iron Works | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Jonathan | Kay | Son | 21 | Single | Roller Turner Iron Works | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Ernest | Kay | Son | 18 | Single | Spinner Cotton | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Annie | Kay | Daughter | 7 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
232 | 21 Keb Lane | Franics | Shacklock | Head | 44 | Married | 17 | Cotton Spinner | Cotton Mill | Worker | Derbyshire Bolsover | |||||||
Annie | Shacklock | Wife | 42 | Married | 17 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Wadding Maker | Wadding Works | Worker | Lancs Droylsden | ||||||
Ethel | Shacklock | Daughter | 10 | School | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||||||||
Godfrey | Shacklock | Son | 16 | Single | Coal Shaker on Pit Hill | Coal Pit | Worker | Lancs Oldham | ||||||||||
Benjamin | Shacklock | Grandfather | 74 | Widower | Retired Joiner | Derbyshire Bolsover | ||||||||||||
233 | 23 Keb Lane | Betty | Chapman | Wife | 71 | Widow | 52 | 7 | 3 | 4 | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||
James | Taylor | Boarder | 58 | Single | Roller Works Iron Turner | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Jane | Chapman | Granddaughter | 18 | Single | Chemical Worker Patent Medicines | Sweets Pills etc | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | Deaf & Dumb F Birth | |||||||||
234 | 25 Keb Lane | Joseph | Massey | Head | 36 | Married | 4 | 3 | 1 | Cop Packer | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancashire Oldham | |||||
Maria | Massey | Wife | 38 | Married | 11 | Lancashire Lees | ||||||||||||
John | Massey | Son | 8 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Doris | Massey | Daughter | 10 | Lancashire Oldham | ||||||||||||||
Harold | Massey | Son | 2 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
235 | 27 Keb Lane | J Wm | Addyman | Head | 41 | Married | 19 | 5 | 3 | 21 | Railway Signalman | Worker | Leeds Yorkshire | |||||
Mary | Addyman | Wife | 43 | 43 | Married | Lees Lancashire | ||||||||||||
J B | Addyman | Son | 18 | Single | Coal Mine | Worker | Ashton Lancashire | |||||||||||
J E | Addyman | Daughter | 16 | Single | Confectionary | Worker | Ashton Lancashire | |||||||||||
Lily | Addyman | Daughter | 11 | School | Ashton Lancashire | |||||||||||||
S | Binns | Sister in LawLodger | 45 | Single | Winder Cotton Mill | Worker | Lees Lancashire | |||||||||||
236 | 29 Keb Lane | John William | Jones | Head | 40 | Married | Years18 | 7 | 7 | 1 | Coal Miner Hewer | Worker | Waterloo Lancashire | |||||
Elizabeth | Jones | Wife | 38 | 38 | Married | Ashton in Makerfield Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Alice | Jones | Daughter | 16 | 16 | Single | Ring Spinner | Worker | Waterloo Lancashire | ||||||||||
Jane Hannah | Daughter | 14 | 14 | Ring Spinner | Worker | Waterloo Lancashire | Born | |||||||||||
John | Jones | Son | 11 | Away | Waterloo Lancashire | Blind | ||||||||||||
Joseph | Son | 9 | Waterloo Lancashire | |||||||||||||||
George | Son | 7 | Waterloo Lancashire | |||||||||||||||
Gilbert | Son | 3 | Waterloo Lancashire | |||||||||||||||
Thomas | Son | 1 | Waterloo Lancashire | |||||||||||||||
237 | 31 Keb Lane | Ernest | Winterbottom | Head | 45 | Married | 24 | 12 | 12 | Carter | Iron Works | Worker | Lancashire Parkbridge | |||||
Eliza | Winterbottom | Wife | 46 | Married | 24 | Derbyshire Mellor | ||||||||||||
Rachel | Winterbottom | Daughter | 22 | Drawing Frame Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancashire Alt Hill | |||||||||||
Amy | Winterbottom | Daughter | 20 | Drawing Frame Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancashire Alt Hill | |||||||||||
Roland | Winterbottom | Son | 18 | 18 | Labourer | Wood Park Colliery | Worker | Lancashire Alt Hill | ||||||||||
Hannah | Winterbottom | Daughter | 16 | Back Speed Tenter | Cotton Mill | Worker | Lancashire Alt Hill | |||||||||||
Matthew | Winterbottom | Son | 15 | 15 | Labourer | Wood Park Colliery | Worker | Lancashire Alt Hill | ||||||||||
Elizabeth | Winterbottom | Daughter | 12 | Part School Time Nurse Girl | Hobson Plumber | Worker | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||
Lottie | Winterbottom | Daughter | 9 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Mary | Winterbottom | Daughter | 7 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Harry | Winterbottom | Son | 6 | 6 | Lancashire Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Violet | Winterbottom | Daughter | 4 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Lena | Winterbottom | Daughter | 2 | Lancashire Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
238 | 33 Keb Lane | William | Ogden | Head | 32 | Married | None | Night Watchman | Manfg Chemists | Worker | Lancs Ashton U Lyne | |||||||
Emma | Ogden | Wife | 36 | Married | 5 | Cotton Tenter | Cotton Industry | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||
Lena | Taylor | Sister in Law | 28 | Single | Warehouse Assistant | Manfg Chemists | Worker | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||
239 | 35 Keb Lane | George | Hough | Head | 34 | Married | 8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Roller Coupler | Plain and Fluted Iron Roller Manufacturers | Worker | Lancs Houghton | ||||
Sarah Elizabeth | Hough | Wife | 35 | Married | Lancs Bardsley | |||||||||||||
Emma | Hough | Daughter | 2 | Lancs Bardsley | ||||||||||||||
Abraham | Hough | Brother | 26 | Single | Cotton Spinner | Worker | Lancs Houghton | |||||||||||
Roller Iron Works | J & A Dobb | |||||||||||||||||
240 | 37 Keb Lane | Lees | Taylor | Head | 30 | Married | 2 | Bricksetters Labourer | Worker | Ashton Bardsley | ||||||||
Mary Alice | Taylor | Wife | 22 | 22 | Married | 2 | Cotton Velvet Weaver | Worker | Oldham Lancashire | |||||||||
241 | 39 Keb Lane | Henry | Ivell | Head | 57 | 56 | Married | 37 | None | Miner | Worker | Oldham | ||||||
Mary | Ivell | Wife | 56 | Married | 37 | None | At Home | Dukinfield | ||||||||||
242 | Knott Lanes | Master Thomas | Horrobin | Head | 50 | Married | 27 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Coal Miner | Worker | Chadderton | |||||
Eliza Jane | Horrobin | Wife | 46 | Married | 27 | House Keeper | Home | Knott Lanes | ||||||||||
James | Horrobin | Son | 27 | Single | Iron Trade | Worker | Knott Lanes | |||||||||||
Alice | Horrobin | Daughter | 13 | Single | Card Room Hand | Worker | Knott Lanes | |||||||||||
Annie | Horrobin | Daughter | Dead | 10 Months Old | Knott Lanes | |||||||||||||
243 | Knott Lanes | Mr Albert | Withnall | Head | 41 | Married | 15 | 6 5 | 6 5 | 0 | Coal Miner | Worker | Knott Lanes | |||||
Mary Elizabeth | Withnall | Wife | 39 | Married | At Home | Bradford Lancashire | ||||||||||||
Albert | Withnall | Son | 11 | School | Knott Lanes | |||||||||||||
Jane | Withnall | Daughter | 17 | Single | Card Room Hand | Worker | Oldham | |||||||||||
Ann | Withnall | Daughter | 15 | Single | Card Room Hand | Worker | Keb Lane | |||||||||||
Lena | Withnall | Daughter | 13 | Card Room Hand | Worker | Knott Lanes | ||||||||||||
Clara | Withnall | Daughter | 8 | School | Knott Lanes | |||||||||||||
Lucy | Withnall | Daughter | 8 monthsold | Knott Lanes | ||||||||||||||
©Antony Lambert