[This description is to be written by the Enumerator from the Copy supplied to him by the Registrar. Any explanatory notes or observations calculated to the make the description cleareror more complete may be made by the Enumerator].
Col. 1.Col. 2.And all that other part of the Parish of Ashton Under Line
in the Mossley Local Board District commencing
at Stansfields Back Lane and taking all the Houses
on the Easterly side of the road to Mossley
Cross, then take all the Houses on the Turnpike
Road leading to Mossley on the Easterly side and
then Walker Fold and the Houses in x\ Back Lane
adjoining Walker Fold, the two Houses occupied
by Robert Heys and another at the Dingle, then
both sides of Stamford Street to Brookbottom
and Lurden ending with a Public House
called the Church Inn;
x\ Should be Little Lane,
called the Church Inn then all the Houses
in Waterton Lane, Smeath Meadows, Bank
Cottages, x \ off Waterton Lane, Arundel Street, both
sides thereof, Lancaster Street and the
Houses in Dysons Yard out of Arundel
Street and all the Houses on the Easterly side
of Stamford Road to the Railway Station.
x\ Limefield House and Cottages and cottages.
©Antony Lambert