CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 1 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Charles Vincent | Head | 70 | — | Widower | — | 9 | 9 | Dairyman | Dairy Farming | Employer | At Home | Parish of Corfe Castle Dorset | British | — | |
2 | ||||||||||||||||
3 | Arthur Albert Vincent | Son | 37 | Single | Dairyman | 〃 | Employed | At Home | Parish of Wareham Dorset | British | ||||||
4 | Lily Vincent | Daughter | 29 | Single | Dairymaid | 〃 | 〃 | 〃 | Kimmeridge Worth | |||||||
5 | Louisa Vincent | Daughter | 43 | Single | Dairymaid | 〃 | 〃 | 〃 | Wareham | |||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature C Vincent Postal Address Kimmeridge |
4 | 4 | 8 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 2 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Henry Vincent | Head | 48 | Single | Dairyman | Farming | Employer | Dorset Corfe Castle | ||||||||
2 | Henry Whiterow | Servant | 42 | Married | Cowman | 〃 | Worker | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||
3 | Mary Whiterow | Servant | 45 | Married | 7 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Dairymaid | 〃 | Worker | Dorset Wareham | ||||
4 | Ivy Whiterow | BoarderDaughter | 7 | 7 | Dorset Wareham | |||||||||||
5 | Violet Whiterow | BoarderDaughter | 4 | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||||
6 | Daisy Whiterow | BoarderDaughter | 2 | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||||
7 | Arthur Yeates | Servant | 19 | Single | Cowman | Dairy Farming | Employed | Wilts Warminster | ||||||||
8 | Charles Thompson | Servant | 24 | Single | Cowman | 〃 | Employed | London | ||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Henry Vincent Postal Address Little Kimmeridge |
4 | 4 | 8 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 3 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | William Short | Head | 29 | Married | Gardener Domestic | Worker | Urchester Northampton | |||||||||
2 | Emma Short | Wife | 39 | Married | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Sussex West Grinstead | |||||||
3 | Michael Short | Son | 8 months | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature William Short Postal Address The Gardens Smedmore Corfe Castle |
2 | 1 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 4 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | William John Bates Van de Weyer | Head | 40 | Married | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Private Means | London Marylebone | ||||||
2 | Myrtle Clare Van de Weyer | Daughter | 1 | London St George Hanover Square | ||||||||||||
3 | Annie Eager | Servant | 43 | Widow | Nurse (Domestic) | Yorkshire | ||||||||||
4 | Margaret Braires | Servant | 20 | Single | Parlourmaid (Domestic) | Kingston Dorset | ||||||||||
5 | Eva Hunter | Servant | 19 | Single | Kitchenmaid (Domestic) | Tunbridge Wells | ||||||||||
6 | Ethel Lunn | Servant | 19 | Single | Housemaid (Domestic) | Fulham London | ||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
29 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature William J Bates Van der Weyer Postal Address Smedmore Corfe Castle Dorset |
1 | 5 | 6 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 5 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | James Andrews | Head | 53 | Married | 32 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Labourer (Farm) | Farming | Worker | Galton Dorset | British | |||
2 | Bessie Andrews | Head | 52 | 52 | Married | 32 | 4 | 2 | 2 | Ridge Dorset | British | |||||
3 | William Andrews | Son | 26 | Single | Carter (Farm) | Farming | Worker | Highwood Dorset | British | |||||||
4 | Annie Squires | Daughter | 29 | Married | 2 | 1 | 1 | — | Brianspuddle Dorset | British | ||||||
5 | Daniel Squires | Son in Law | 31 | Married | Labourer (Farm) | Farming | Worker | Loughborough Leicestershire | British | |||||||
6 | William Squires | Grandson | 2 months | 2 months | Single | Dishworth Leics | British | |||||||||
7 | Henry Hibbs | Boarder | 30 | Single | Dairyman (Farm) | Dairy Farm | Worker | Dorset Corfe Castle | British | |||||||
8 | Lawerence Fry | Boarder | 24 | Single | Labourer (Farm) | Farming | Worker | Furzebrook Dorset | British | |||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature James Andrews Postal Address Swalland Kimmeridge Dorset |
6 | 2 | 8 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 6 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | William Snook | Head | 40 | Married | 10 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Stockman (Farm) | Farming | Worker | Netherbury Dorset | British | |||
2 | Gladys Snook | Wife | 38 | 38 | Married | 10 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Exeter Devon | British | |||||
3 | Gladys Snook | Daughter | 9 | School | Swanage Dorset | British | ||||||||||
4 | Willie Snook | Son | 8 | 8 | School | Kimmeridge Dorset | British | |||||||||
5 | Dorothy Snook | Daughter | 7 | School | Kimmeridge Dorset | British | ||||||||||
6 | Ivy Snook | Daughter | 5 | School | Kimmeridge Dorset | British | ||||||||||
7 | Amelia Lewis | Visitor | 21 | Single | Domestic Servant | Worker | Shoeburyness Essex | |||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature William Snook Postal Address Swalland Kimmeridge Dorset |
2 | 5 | 7 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 7 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Charles Crossley | Head | 69 | Married | 35 | Clergyman (Established Church) | Yorkshire Bradford | British Subject | ||||||||
2 | Mary Louisa Crossley | Wife | 61 | Married | 35 | 4 | 4 | — | Yorkshire Leeds | British Subject | ||||||
3 | Margaret Crossley | Daughter | 26 | Single | Yorkshire Batley | British Subject | ||||||||||
4 | Charlotte Ellen Ridout | Servant | 25 | Single | General Servant Domestic | Hampshire Southampton | British Subject | |||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
10 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Charles Crossley Postal Address Kimmeridge Wareham Dorset |
1 | 43 | 4 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 8 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Edwin Lane | Head | 54 | Single | Farmer (Diary and Sheep) | Employer | At Home | Chew Magna Somerset | ||||||||
2 | Florence Bonsell | 33 | 33 | Single | Housekeeper | Worker | Comberton Cambridgeshire | |||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
10 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Edwin Lane Postal Address Kimmeridge Wareham |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 9 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Elizabeth Ellis | MarriedHead | 76 | Widow | — | 8 | 0 | 2 | Formerly a Laundress | Dorset Cirne Abbas | ||||||
2 | ||||||||||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
2 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Elizabeth Ellis Postal Address Kimmeridge |
1 | 1 | |||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 10 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | David Whiterow | Head | 76 | — | Married | Formerly a Farm Labourer | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||||||
2 | Emily Maria Whiterow | Wife | — | 75 | Married | 49 | 10 | 7 | 3 | Af Dorset Affpuddle | ||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
3 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature David Whiterow Postal Address Wareham Dorset |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 11 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Charles Whiterow | Head | 47 | Married | 4 | 3 | 1 | Cow Man on Farm | Worker | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||
2 | Mary Whiterow | Wife | 47 | Married | 25 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||||
3 | Albert Whiterow | Son | 21 | Single | Soldier | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||
4 | Lily Whiterow | Daughter | 23 | Single | Housemaid Domestic | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
3 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Charles Whiterow Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle |
2 | 2 | 4 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 12 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Lydia Lamb | Wife | 34 | Married | 14 | 2 | 1 | 1 | School Mistress (Elementary School) | County Council | Bristol | |||||
2 | Eric Lamb | Son | 9 | School | Handley Dorset | |||||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Lydia Lamb Postal Address Kimmeridge Wareham Dorset |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 13 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | James White | Head | 33 | Single | — | — | — | — | Farm Labourer | — | Worker | — | Dorset Church Knowle | — | — | |
2 | Emma White | Mother | — | 66 | Widow | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | Dorset Wool | — | — |
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
3 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature James White Kimmeridge Postal Address Wareham Dorset |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 14 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Walter Edwin Whiterow | Head | 45 | Married | None | Boot Repairer | Own Account | At Home | Dorsetshire Kimmeridge | |||||||
2 | Ellen Drusilla Whiterow | Wife | 53 | Married | 26 | None | Dorsetshire Kimmeridge | |||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
3 2 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Walter Edwin Whiterow Postal Address Kimmeridge Wareham Dorset |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 15 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Lucy Jane Cooper | Head | 60 | Married | 36 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Sub Postmistress | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||
2 | Thomas George Whiterow | Father | 83 | 83 | Widower | Formerly A Fisherman | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||||||
3 | Elizabeth Lock | Sister in Law | 66 | Widow | Private Means | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Lucy Jane Cooper Postal Address Kimmeridge Wareham Dorset |
1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 16 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Elizabeth Charlotte Boyd | Head | 65 | Widow | 5 | 3 | 2 | Private Means | Kimmeridge | |||||||
2 | Charlotte Lucy H J Boyd | Daughter | 39 | Single | At Sea | |||||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Elizabeth Charlotte Boyd Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle |
2 | 2 | |||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 17 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | John Braisby | Head | 67 | Married | 38 | 6 | 5 | 1 | Farm Baileff at Farm | At Home | Woolsthorpe Lincolnshire | |||||
2 | Susan Braisby | Wife | 66 | Married | 38 | 6 | 5 | 1 | Home Duties | At Home | Plymouth Devon | |||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
Nine Rooms |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature John Braisby Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle Dorset |
One1 | One1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 18 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Percival Stickland | Head | 35 | Married | Farm Laiber | Worker | Born Church Knowle | |||||||||
2 | Edith Stickland | Wife | 24 | Married | 4 | 2 | 2 | Born Morden | ||||||||
3 | David Stickland | Son Age | 3 | Born Church Knowle | ||||||||||||
4 | Edmen Stickland | Son Age | 1 | Born Kimmeridge | ||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Percival Stickland Kimmeridge Postal Address KimmeridgeCorfe Castle Dorset |
3 | 1 | 4 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 19 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | William Lishman | Head | 42 | Married | 21 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Naval Pensioner Chauffeur (Domestic) | Devonport Devon | British SubjectBy Parentage | — | ||||
2 | Annie Lishman | Wife | 40 | Married | 21 | 4 | 3 | 1 | Devonport Devon | British SubjectBy Parentage | — | |||||
3 | Alec Lishman | Son | 20 | Single | — | — | — | — | Gardener Domestic | Stoke Devonport Devon | British SubjectBy Parentage | — | ||||
4 | Willie Lishman | Son | 9 | Single | School | Polhawn Cove Cawsand Cornwall | British SubjectBy Parentage | — | ||||||||
5 | Cecil Lishman | Son | 3 | Single | Kimmeridge CGS Dorset | British SubjectBy Parentage | — | |||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Richard Alexander Lishman Postal Address Kimmeridge Wareham Dorset |
4 | 1 | 5 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 20 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Edwin Ashford | Head | 48 | Married | 8 | 1 | 1 | 0 | Farmer (Stock Farm) | Own Account | Pilsdon Somerset | |||||
2 | Susan Ashford | Wife | 33 | Married | 8 | Kimmeridge Dorset | ||||||||||
3 | Roland Edward Ashford | Son | 8 | Welford Northamptonshire | ||||||||||||
4 | Dorothy Victoria Short | Neice | 14 | Bournemouth Hants | ||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Edwin Ashford Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle |
2 | 2 | 4 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 21 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | George Whiterow | Head | 35 | Married | 1 | 0 | Farmer (Small Holder) | Own Account | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||||
2 | Emily Whiterow | Wife | 33 | Married | 1 | None | Hereford Froome | |||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature George Whitehead Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle Dorset |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 22 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | William Sansom | Head | 58 | Married | Shepherd | Worker | Tingleton Dorset | |||||||||
2 | Adeline Sansom | Wife | 58 | Married | 32 | 9 | 7 | 2 | Bloxworth Dorset | |||||||
3 | Hilda Sansom | Daughter | 24 | Single | Kimmeridge | |||||||||||
4 | Albert Sansom | Son | 22 | Single | Groom (Domestic) | Worker | Kimmeridge | |||||||||
5 | Nellie Sansom | Daughter | 4 | Kimmeridge | ||||||||||||
6 | Cyril Sanson | Grandson | 9 | London | ||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature William Sansom Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle |
3 | 3 | 6 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 23 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Arthur Curtis | Head | 44 | Married | Estate Labourer | Worker | Dorset Church Knowle | |||||||||
2 | Elizabeth Curtis | Wife | 46 | Married | 22 | 10 | 9 | 1 | Dorset Charminster | |||||||
3 | Edward Curtis | Son | 19 | Single | Farm Labourer | Worker | Dorset Kingston | |||||||||
4 | Gerald Curtis | Son | 14 | General Helper on Farm | Worker | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||
5 | Kathleen Curtis | Daughter | 12 | 12 | School | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||
6 | William Curtis | Son | 10 | School | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||||||||
7 | Maud Curtis | Daughter | 8 | 8 | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||||||||
8 | Frank Curtis | Son | 5 | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||||
9 | Charles Curtis | Son | 3 | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Arthur Curtis Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle |
6 | 3 | 9 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 24 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Emily Stickland | Head | 51 | Single | Private Means | Dorset Kimmeridge | ||||||||||
2 | Frances Graham | Sister | 64 | Widow | Domestic Servant | Dorset Tyneham | ||||||||||
3 | Emma Elizabeth House | Sister | 59 | Married | 30 | None | Dorset Tyneham | |||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
Five |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Emily Stickland Postal Address Kimmeridge Corfe Castle Dorset |
3 | 3 | |||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 25 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | George Cooper | Head | 64 | Married | 36 | 5 | 4 | 1 | Fisherman | Own Account | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||
2 | Frederick Henry Cooper | Son | 27 | Single | Gardener Domestic | Worker | Dorset Kimmeridge | |||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
3 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Lucy Jane Cooper Postal Address Kimmeridge Wareham Dorset |
2 | 2 | |||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 26 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | William Redwood | Head | 51 | Married | 22 | Coast Guard | Admiralty | Exeter Devon | British | |||||||
2 | Annie Redwood | Wife | 51 | Married | 22 | 6 | 5 | 1 | Homerton Devon | British | ||||||
3 | Robert Redwood | Son | 18 | Single | Seaman (H M Navy) | Port Isaac Cornwall | British | |||||||||
4 | Annie Redwood | Daughter | 14 | School | Port Isaac Cornwall | British | ||||||||||
5 | Margaret Redwood | Daughter | 12 | School | Wexford Ireland (Resident( | British | ||||||||||
6 | William Redwood | Son | 6 | Wexford Ireland Dọ | British | |||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
5 Rooms |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature William Redwood Postal Address C.G. Station Kimmeridge Dorset |
3 | 3 | 6 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 27 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Edwin Dyble | HeadHusband | 37 | Married | 7 | 1 | Yes | No | Coast Guard Service | Admiralty | Exmouth Devon | Nil | ||||
2 | Maud Dyble | Wife | 33 | Married | 7 | 1 | 1 | Dawlish Devon | ||||||||
3 | Ivy Dyble | ChildGirl} | 5 yrs | Teignmouth Devon | ||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 Rooms |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Edwin Dyble Postal Address Coast Guard Station Kimmeridge |
1 | 2 | 3 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 28 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | John B Dyer | Head | 38 | Married | 9 | Coast Guard Service | Government | Golant Cornwall | ||||||||
2 | Alice F E Dyer | Wife | 34 | Married | 9 | 3 | 3 | 0 | Lanlivery Cornwall | |||||||
3 | Charles E Dyer | Son | 8 | Southbourne Hampshire | ||||||||||||
4 | Gwendolyne A Dyer | Daughter | 6 | Southbourne Hampshire | ||||||||||||
5 | Dorothy M Dyer | Daughter | 2 | Southbourne Hampshire | ||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 Rooms |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature John B Dyer Postal Address Coast Guard Station Kimmeridge Wareham |
2 | 3 | 5 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 29 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Francis Constant | Head | 35 | Married | 5 | Nil | Nil | Nil | Coast Guard Service | Government | Worker | Surrey London | ||||
2 | Laura Constant | Wife | 33 | Married | 5 | Brixham Devon | ||||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 Rooms |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature Francis Constant Postal Address C.G. Station Kimmeridge Dorset |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 30 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | James Uriah England | Head | 35 | Married | 9 | Coast Guard | Government | Alderbury Wiltshire | ||||||||
2 | Emma Jane England | Wife | 34 | Married | 9 | None | South Cheriton Somerset | |||||||||
3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | ||||||||||||||||
8 | ||||||||||||||||
9 | ||||||||||||||||
10 | ||||||||||||||||
To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature James Uriah England Postal Address Coastguard Stn Kimmeridge Dorset |
1 | 1 | 2 | ||||||||||||||
CENSUS OF ENGLAND AND WALES, 1911. Before writing on this Schedule please read the Examples and Instructions given on the other side of this paper., as well as the headings of the Columns. The entries should be written in Ink. The contents of the Schedule will be treated as confidential. Strict care will be taken that no information is disclosed with regard to individual persons. The returns are not to be used for proof of age, as in connection with Old Age Pensions, or for any other purpose than the preparation of Statistical Tables. |
Number of Schedule 31 (To be filled up by the Enumeratorafter collection.) |
RELATIONSHIPto Head ofFamily,or position inInstitution |
AGE(last Birthday)and SEX. |
PROFESSION OR OCCUPATIONof Persons aged ten years and upwards. |
BIRTHPLACEof every person. |
NATIONALITYof every personborn in aForeign Country. |
of every Person, whether Member ofFamily, Visitor, Boarder or Servantwho
No one else must be included. (For order of entering names see Examples onback of Schedule.) |
State whether“Head” or“Wife,” “Son,”“Daughter,” or other Relative,“Visitor,”“Boarder,” or“Servant,” |
For Infantsunder one yearstate the agein months as“under one month,”“one month,”etc. |
Write“Single,”“Married,”“Widower,”or “Widow,”opposite thenames ofall personsaged 15 yearsand upwards. |
State, for each Married Womanentered on this Schedule, thenumber of:– |
Personal Occupation. |
Industry or Service withwhich worker is connected. |
Whether Employer,Worker,or Working onOwn Account. |
WhetherWorking atHome. |
NOTE.—In the case of personsborn elsewhere than in England orWales- state whether “Resident” or“Visitor” in this Country. |
State whether:—
If any personincluded in thisSchedule is:—
state the infirmityopposite that per-son's name, andthe age at whichhe or she becameafflicted. |
Com-pletedyears thepresentMarriagehaslasted.If less thanone yearwrite“underone” |
Children born alive topresent Marriage.(If no children bornalive write“None” in Column 7). |
The reply should show the precise branch ofProfession, Trade, Manufacture, &c. If engaged in any Trade or Manufacture, theparticular kind of work done, and the Articlemade or Material worked or dealt in shouldbe clearly indicated. (See Instructions 1 to 8 and examples on backof Schedule. |
This question should gener-ally be answered by statingthe business carried on bythe employer. If this isclearly shown in Col. 10the question need not beanswered here.No entry needed for Domestic Ser-vants in private employment.If employed by a public body(Government, Municipal, etc.)state what body. (See Instruction 9 and Exam-ples on back of Schedule.) |
Write opposite the name of each personengaged in anyTrade or Industry,(1) “Employer”(That is employingpersons other thanDomestic Servants),(2) “Worker” (thatis working for anemployer)- or(3) “Own Account”(that is neitheremploying othersnor working for atrade employer). |
Write thewords“At Home”opposite thename of eachpersoncarrying onTrade orIndustry athome. | |||||||||||
AgesofMales |
AgesofFemales |
TotalChildrenBornAlive. |
ChildrenStillLiving. |
ChildrenwhohaveDied. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
1 | Dennis Kinsella | Head | 38 | Married | 10 | None | Coast Guard | Government | Ireland Wexford Co Blackwater | Resident | ||||||
2 | Marie Adeline Kinsella | Wife | 32 | Married | 10 | None | Stratton Cornwall | |||||||||
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To be filled by the enumerator | To be filled up by, or on behalf of, the Head of Family or other person in charge or occupation of this dwelling) | |||||||||||||||
I certify that:—
Initials of Enumerator G.E.B |
TOTAL. | |||||||||||||||
Males. |
Females. | Persons. | Write
below the number of rooms in thisDwelling (House, Tenement or
Apartment.Count the Kitchen as a room but do not countscullery, landing, lobby, closet,
bathroom;nor warehouse, office, shop.
4 |
I declare that this schedule is correctly filled up to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature C Vincent C. G. Station, Kimmeridge. Wareham. |
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©Antony Lambert